Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         selection  process.  The  regulator  notes  that,  in  order   handled efficiently’.
                         to fulfil one of the main objectives of the auction – to   (December 18, 2019)
                         deepen competition on the electronic communications
                         market – it is reserving a 2×10MHz block of spectrum   The Czech Senate has reportedly passed an amendment
                         at 700MHz for a new operator(s). Further, newcomer(s)   to the country’s telecoms law that should – if signed
                         will  be  allowed  to  compete  for  another  5MHz,  but  if   into  law  by  President  Milos  Zeman  –  make  it  easier
                         none  of  the  new  entrants  in  the  first  auction  round   for  people  to  switch  service  provider.  The  proposed
                         show interest in this reserved block, it will open it up   changes,  which  seek  a  reduction  in  the  financial
                         and  offer  it  to  all  auction  participants.  However,  one   penalties  levied  on  users  for  switching  provider  and
                         domestic  operator  –  Nordic  Telecom  –  argued  that   a  cut  in  the  time  allowed  to  switch  their  number,
                         the  amount  of  frequency  for  newcomers  should  be   could  enter  into  law  from  April  2020.  With  Czechia’s
                         higher, and also said the amount of time required for   incumbent operators understood to be anticipating the
                         covering  the  country  should  be  shortened  to  ensure   changes, it is understood the fine for early termination
                         the auction is for serious bidders. Nordic Telecom has   will be slashed to 5% of the outstanding contract cost
                         more  than  100,000  customers,  offering  high  speed   (from 20%), while the target for switching provider will
                         wireless internet through its network and is aiming to   be reduced from ten days to just two. Further, people on
                         use the auction to enter the mobile sector. Operators in   a fixed line contract will no longer have to pay a penalty
                         the 5G auction will have to commit to giving coverage   after three months of signing up, while to support the
                         to  cities  without  high  speed  internet,  reaching  95%   change the government is planning to introduce new
                         within  three  years.  Further,  transportation  corridors   ‘tools’ to make it easier for consumers to decide which
                         and 95% of towns and cities with populations of more   providers are offering the best deals. The amendment to
                         than 50,000 should be covered by 2025. Concurrently,   the law will also usher in sanctions for failure to comply
                         in the 3.5GHz band the CTU aims to set ‘a new spectral   with the European regulation on the price of calls and
                         limit  for  the  new  operator  compared  to  the  existing   text messages abroad within the European Union, the
                         operators’. Additional Ts&Cs include the rule that any   report read, noting that an EC report published in 2018
                         existing  operators  participating  in  the  700MHz  band   lambasted  Czechia  for  having  some  of  the  highest
                         auction will assume a national roaming commitment   mobile  charges  anywhere  in  Europe  –  with  all  tariff
                         (valid  for  six  years),  and  what  the  watchdog  terms   plans being more than the EU average.
                         ‘development criteria that ensure that frequencies are   (November 11, 2019)

                         The Ecuadorian government has announced plans to   to access the internet.
                         make mobile and internet connectivity more affordable   (November 29, 2019)  El Telegrafo
                         in rural areas of the country, after agreeing a deal with
                         Claro,  Movistar  and  CNT.  Speaking  at  a  press  event,   The  Minister  for  Telecommunications  &  Information
        Ecuador          Telecoms  Minister  Andres  Michelena  explained  the   Society,  Andres  Michelena  Ayala,  has  confirmed  that
                         price of internet access will be reduced by around 55%,   the sale of spectrum in the 700MHz, 1700MHz, 2.5GHz
                         to  USD11  a  month  in  December  and  USD9.50  from   and 3.GHz frequency bands will not take place before
                         March  2020.  The  program  aims  to  ensure  internet   2020.  The  government  had  originally  intended  to
                         access is available across 98% of the country’s territory   allocate  700MHz  and  2.5GHz  spectrum  in  November
                         by increasing 4G network coverage and deploying 1,450   2019 in an effort to increase 4G coverage from 50% to
                         free Wi-Fi hotspots. The telcos plan to introduce mobile   80% by 2021, in line with the ‘Ecuador Digital’ strategy
                         phone plans costing as little as USD1 a month and pre-  unveiled in May. The minister highlighted that Ecuador
                         paid  internet  packages  priced  from  USD5  for  a  3MB   is second only to Costa Rica in Latin America in terms
                         data allowance. They will also work together to build   of available spectrum, and that next year’s allocation
                         shared mobile sites in areas with no internet access in   would increase the amount in use from 26% to 68%.
                         order to provide cheaper connectivity. The government   The government hopes the additional frequencies will
                         hopes the plan, which is subject to approval of its draft   enable  5G  services  to  be  launched  commercially  by
                         budget, will enable an additional 127,000 households   2022. (November 19, 2019) TeleSemana

                         The     Electricity   and   Telecommunications   of  2×5MHz,  the  frequencies  on  offer  include  90MHz
                         Superintendency   (Superintendencia   General   de   in   the   1710MHz-1755MHz/2110MHz-2155MHz
                         Electricidad  y  Telecom,  SIGET)  has  announced  the   (AWS)  range  and  a  further  30MHz  in  the  1755MHz-
                         results  of  the  long-delayed  auction  of  120MHz  of   1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz (Extended AWS) band.
        El Salvador      mobile  spectrum  in  the  1700MHz/2100MHz  (AWS   Two incumbent mobile operators secured spectrum in
                                                                        the process, with Telemovil (Tigo) acquiring five blocks
                         and  Extended  AWS)  bands.  Divided  into  twelve  lots
                                                                                                    129  NOVEMBER 2019
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