Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 130


                         of 2×5MHz and CTE Telecom Personal (Claro) walking   in  the  1700MHz/2100MHz  (AWS  and  Extended
                         away with four, while SIGET has retained the remaining   AWS)  band.  Divided  into  twelve  lots  of  2×5MHz,  the
                         three  blocks  for  future  allocation.  Each  block  of   frequencies on offer include 90MHz in the 1710MHz-
                         2×5MHz had a reserve price of USD6.25 million. SIGET   1755MHz/2110MHz-2155MHz  (AWS)  range  and  a
                         is also set to auction off 20MHz of mobile spectrum   further  30MHz  in  the  1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-
                         in  the  1900MHz  (PCS)  band  later  this  week.  Divided   2170MHz (Extended AWS) band. Each block of 2×5MHz
                         into  two  lots  of  2×5MHz,  the  frequencies  on  offer   has a reserve price of USD6.25 million. The regulator
                         include 10MHz in the 1850MHz-1855MHz/1930MHz-  has invited interested parties to submit applications by
                         1935MHz range, and a further 10MHz in the 1855MHz-  the end of 27 November, with the auction set to take
                         1860MHz/1935MHz-1940MHz  band.  Each  block  of   place on 5 December. Previously, SIGET had earmarked
                         2×5MHz has a reserve price of USD6.25 million.  a  further  20MHz  of  spectrum  in  the  1850MHz-
                         (December 9, 2019)             1860MHz/1930MHz-1940MHz  band  for  allocation
                                                                        alongside the AWS frequencies, but no announcement
                         The     Electricity   and   Telecommunications   has  been  made  on  when  this  might  now  take  place.
                         Superintendency (SIGET) has announced it will hold the   (November 8, 2019)
                         long-delayed auction of 120MHz of mobile spectrum

                         Safaricom of Kenya has confirmed that it will register   telecoms licenses to international telecoms operators
                         a bid for one of the two new licenses being tendered   by April 2020. According to Brook Taye, senior advisor
                         by the Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA). The   to the Ministry of Finance, a total of 22 companies have
                         Kenyan market leader will be supported in its bid by its   shown an interest in the new concessions to date. Mr.
        Ethiopia         indirect shareholder, Vodacom Group of South Africa.   Taye  told  the  Addis  Fortune:  ‘We’ll  shortlist  eight  to
                         Reuters  quotes  Safaricom’s  interim  CEO  Michael   nine companies and will send a request for proposals
                         Joseph  as  suggesting  that  the  cost  of  the  license   for these companies in one month.’ This aspect of the
                         could reach as much as USD1 billion, when the cost   process is expected to take place before 30 November.
                         of spectrum is factored in. Ethiopia plans to award two   (November 4, 2019)

                         The  French  government  has  launched  a  procedure   Minister indicates that the country’s 5G spectrum is up
                         for  the  assignment  of  5G  frequency  authorizations,   for sale, with a massive floor price. The initial price will
                         following  approval  of  the  specifications  proposed  by   be 2.17 billion euros, which is around $2.4 billion. The
                         telecoms regulator Arcep and the financial conditions   amount comes as quite a surprise since earlier reports
        France           for the concessions. The government has set the price   from  the  country’s  telecoms  regulator  priced  5G
                                                                        significantly below this amount. The regulator, known
                         of  the  50MHz  blocks  of  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  spectrum  at
                         EUR350 million (USD386 million), while the additional   as Arcep, previously decided that the spectrum’s initial
                         blocks  of  10MHz  will  cost  EUR70  million.  Junior   price  should  be  at  around  EUR  1.5  billion.  However,
                         Economy Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said that   according to Arcep’s President, Sebastien Soriano, the
                         the government and Arcep have designed a mechanism   country’s Economy Ministry has the final word on the
                         to sell 50MHz basic blocks at a fixed price to telecom   5G spectrum’s floor price. According to Agnès Pannier-
                         operators,  though  the  concessions  come  with  strict   Runacher, the Junior Economy Minister, the proposed
                         obligations to deploy 5G networks across the French   price seems more than reasonable. The ministry has
                         territory: ‘These 5G coverage commitments are much   provided  its  recommendation,  and  now  it  is  up  to
                         more  ambitious  than  in  other  European  countries   the  government  to  ‘assume  its  responsibilities  and
                         and  will  in  future  constitute  a  strong  element  of  our   decide. The sale of the 5G spectrum was expected for
                         country’s  competitiveness.’  Arcep  meanwhile  said  in   a long time, and the announcement finally came last
                         a separate statement that it plans to sell 310MHz of   Thursday.  The  announcement  comes  after  months
                         spectrum; operators will be given 15 years to pay for   of  negotiations  between  France’s  authorities  and  its
                         the  four  50MHz  blocks  on  offer,  while  the  additional   four  major  telecoms  (Orange,  Altice  Europe’s  SFR,
                         10MHz ranges will be payable over four years.  Iliad, and Bouygues Telecoms) regarding the methods
                         (December 18, 2019)            of  5G’s  deployment.  Telecoms  and  the  government
                                                                        also  had  trouble  reaching  an  agreement  regarding
                         According  to  France’s  Minister,  the  country’s  5G   the auction and the minimum price for the spectrum,
                         spectrum will be sold for a massive floor price of $2.4   according to unnamed sources. The authorities were
                         billion (2.17 billion euros). A recent statement by France’s   seemingly  focusing  on  finding  the  balance  between

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