Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 131


                         raising  enough  money,  but  they  also  did  not  wish  to   Disagreements  between  France’s  communications
                         put  a  major  financial  burden  on  the  operators.  This   regulator and its Finance Ministry on pricing and other
                         indicates that their goal was and is to launch the new   details  of  the  country’s  5G  spectrum  auction  were
                         technology as quickly as possible. There is no doubt   tipped  to  hold-up  the  process  until  at  least  March
                         that the 5G spectrum is an expensive technology, as   2020, Reuters reported. Citing un-named sources, the
                         proven by Italy and Germany already. These countries   news publication said regulator Arcep and the finance
                         raised around 6.5 billion euros each. The amounts seen   ministry were yet to agree on the amount of spectrum
                         in their auctions were extremely surprising to French   being auctioned and the starting price for lots, delaying
                         telecoms, which caused further concerns.       the start of the legal process leading to the sale. Its
                         (November 27, 2019)        original  aim  was  to  begin  the  auction  in  January,
                                                                        though this will apparently now be March at the earliest.
                         Arcep  has  adopted  its  decision  on  the  terms   Arcep  opened  a  public  consultation  into  the  process
                         and  conditions  for  the  allocation  of  5G-suitable   in July with, at the time, the possibility of an Autumn
                         frequency  authorizations  in  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz   auction being floated. France is already behind other
                         band  in  metropolitan  France  and  forwarded  it  to  the   large European countries when it comes to auctioning
                         government.  The  authority  stated  that  the  adopted   spectrum for 5G services, with the UK, Spain, Germany
                         terms  and  conditions  had  been  adjusted  to  take   and Italy all having completed the process months ago
                         into  account  feedback  from  its  public  consultation   and the first services already live. Operators, however,
                         (July-September  2019),  with  Arcep  now  planning  to   have  been  granted  licenses  for  test  deployments
                         award  blocks  of  50MHz  each  (60MHz  previously)   and  authorities  have  repeatedly  stated  2020  as  the
                         on  the  recommendation  of  the  government.  The   launch  date  for  commercial  services.  The  country’s
                         frequencies will be allocated for a period of 15 years   four operators Orange, SFR, Iliad and Bouygues are all
                         and the duration could be extended by five years. The   expected to compete for licenses.
                         authority said in a press release: ‘It is now up to the   (November 19, 2019)
                         government to set the financial conditions for this call
                         for applications, in particular the reserve price(s), and   French  telecom  authority  Arcep  published  its  latest
                         to  launch  the  frequency  allocation  procedure.  Arcep   dashboard on the transition to IPv6 in France, showing
                         will be extremely vigilant of the level chosen for this   that  industry  players  are  not  moving  fast  enough  to
                         reserve price, which will have to be submitted to it for   deal  with  the  expected  shortage  of  IPv4  addresses.
                         opinion. In this respect, it is necessary to distinguish   The regulator is urging operators and the wider internet
                         between  the  reserve  price  and  estimated  valuation   ecosystem  to  step  up  their  efforts  and  accelerate
                         of  the  band.  Arcep  stands  ready  to  conduct  the   their deployment plans. It has also renewed a call to
                         frequency assignment procedure, so that the first 5G   join a new IPv6 task force, recently created by Arcep
                         commercial services can open during the year 2020.’   in partnership with Internet Society France. Free and
                         The specifications include a set of obligations for all   Orange have remained well ahead of rivals Bouygues
                         winners  of  5G  spectrum,  which  include  the  launch   Telecom and SFR in rolling out IPv6 across their fixed
                         of  5G  services  in  at  least  two  cities  by  the  operator   networks.  At  end-June,  Free  led  with  80  percent  of
                         before the end of 2020, and obligations to support the   customers already active on IPv6, followed by Orange
                         deployment  of  5G  equipment  in  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz   with 68 percent. Bouygues Telecom and SFR continued
                         band as follows: 3,000 sites by 2022, 8,000 (2024) and   to  trail  at  a  distance  with  rates  of  20  percent  and  7
                         10,500  (2025).  Arcep  also  provides  for  a  mechanism   percent respectively. On mobile networks, the roll-out
                         to ensure that non-urban areas will also benefit from   of IPv6 by the main operators has advanced at a much
                         these deployments. Thus, 25% of the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz   slower pace, with the exception of Bouygues Telecom.
                         band sites in 2024 and 2025 will have to be deployed   The proportion of customers active on IPv6 was close
                         in areas outside the main agglomerations. By 2022, at   to zero for Orange, Free Mobile and SFR, as of the end
                         least 75% of the sites must have a bit rate of at least   of June. Bouygues Telecom made significant progress
                         240Mbps, which will be gradually extended to all sites   with  customers  using  Android  devices  (nearly  80
                         by  2030.  Operators  will  also  be  required  to  activate   percent of them already active), but had yet to make
                         network slicing by 2023 at the latest.         a move from IPv6-ready to active use for those with
                         (November 22, 2019)          iPhones. (November 18, 2019)

                          German  operator  1&1  Drillisch  has  announced  the   each in the 2.6GHz band. The agreement is based on a
                          signing of an agreement with Telefonica Deutschland   commitment by Telefonica as part of the EU antitrust
                          to lease spectrum for the rollout of its own 5G mobile   approval  of  its  merger  with  E-Plus  in  2014.  The  two
                          network. Drillisch Online, a wholly owned subsidiary of   frequency blocks will be available to 1&1 Drillisch until
        Germany           1&1 Drillisch, will lease two frequency blocks of 10MHz   31  December  2025.  The  agreement  is  subject  to  the

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