Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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Global Cybersecurity Forum 2023
SAMENA Council Highlights Future Network Deployment and Cybersecurity
Priorities at Global Cybersecurity Forum 2023
The third Global Cybersecurity Forum of skilled cyber experts are now a major
(GCF) in Riyadh brought together world threat to business and societies, espe- SAMENA Council’s Views on Cybersecurity
leaders and businesses to discuss and cially given the dependence on digital
take action in the fight against cyber- technologies by other sectors. Speak- Our inter-dependence, inter-networking,
crime. Under the theme “Charting ing at GCF 2023 in Riyadh, SAMENA information exchange rests on the need
Shared Priorities in Cyberspace”, GCF Council, represented by CEO & Board and ability to be able to sustainably use
2023 called for action to unite against Member, Bocar BA, stated: “Technology exchange and protect these assets. Given
impending cyber threats, to prioritize advancements such as 5.5G and gear- that the Internet or the "cyberspace" or
making cyberspace secure, and to build ing up toward 6G on the Mobile front the “information space” is central to the
new collaborations among a diverse and Net5.5G on the fixed network front existence of digital economy and to new
array of stakeholders and leaders. are truly calling for greater inclusion, digital capabilities, experiences ,and
Cybercrime is already ranking among greater integration of technologies and possibilities, we have no choice but to
the top growing threats around the industries, and a lot more collaboration protect cyber assets. Hence the need for
world. Earlier this year, the World Eco- on multiple fronts. Cybersecurity is one "cybersecurity". The Information Space is
nomic Forum had highlighted that such front, since the complexity of the unique as it exists with the participation
investments are greatly being influ- ecosystem, access to the network, and of ALL and thus requires a collective
enced by cybersecurity, with 93% of numerous uses of the communication responsibility from all sectors of society
cybersecurity experts and 86% of busi- infrastructure, inherently make network to ensure the respect of laws, rights and
ness leaders considering likelihood of and data security a daunting challenge. norms for the protection of people.
global geopolitical instability and con- Therefore, we truly need to chart new
sequential impact on socio-economic priorities to ensure a safer, securer, and The security of cyberspace is essential for
activities. Moreover, and this is in align- sustainable cyberspace.” In the GCF a stable global system, of which Africa is a
ment with what was discussed in panel, Bocar BA highlighted the imper- rising part. Thus, action must be taken to
SAMENA Council's Leaders' Summit ative of elevating cybersecurity to an strengthen this security with approaches
2023 later on, talent shortage and lack important business strategic value: that enhance trust, the rights of people and
societal resilience.
Insufficient cybersecurity results in oppor-
tunity costs, system downtime, operational
expenditure, lost efficiency, bad image for
brands, loss of trust among customers
and partners, loss of investment, intellec-
tual property infringement, and damage to
human morale, etc.
ITU’s Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) is
a trusted reference and it covers all es-
sential areas of focus for cybersecurity…
including Technical, Organizational, Legal/
Regulatory, Capacity-building, and Cooper-
ation-building aspects.
To advocate sustainability and protection
of the cyberspace, international cooper-
ation, the political will, collaboration with
industry bodies, such as SAMENA Coun-
cil and the Global Cybersecurity Forum
(GCF) Institute are essential. Expertise