Page 6 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 6



        SAMENA Council Represents its Terrestrial & Satellite Operator Community
        in the WRC-23 to Witness Revision of Radio Regulations in View of Global
        IMT and Space Sustainability Requirements

        SAMENA Council,  represented  by CEO  &
        board member, Bocar BA, is participating in
        the WRC-23, hosted by TDRA-UAE in Dubai.
        WRC-23 has brought  together govern-
        ments for negotiations on the allocation of
        radio-frequency spectrum.

        In a message delivered during the WRC-23
        on behalf  of the United Nations  Secre-
        tary-General H.E. António Guterres, it was
        acknowledged  that  “Radio frequencies,
        whether on Earth or in space, form the back-
        bone of advanced communications for all
        of humanity. From education to healthcare,
        from agriculture to climate monitoring,
        expanding  radiocommunication  services
        and bridging  the digital divide  are key to
        reducing  inequalities and advancing  the
        Sustainable Development Goals."

        ITU's  Secretary-General H.E.  Doreen   the expectations and aspirations of our   economy, led  by the Communication  &
        Bogdan-Martin emphasized that “We are at   peoples."                     Space  Technology Commission (CST)  of
        an inflection point in tech history, and radio-                          Saudi  Arabia, further  stated that "We are
        communications are at the top of the global   Bocar BA, representing  SAMENA Council   grateful to policymakers and space industry
        agenda... Equitably managed spectrum and   and its community of Telecom Operators   leaders for highlighting the importance of
        the associated satellite orbits are among   and Tech Providers, stated that: "SAMENA   space sustainability, and for emphasizing
        the best tools in our toolbox to make good   Council  extends congratulations to the   on the requirements for shaping a sustain-
        on our commitment to build a digital future   TDRA-UAE  on hosting and organizing   able and prosperous digital future in this
        that works for everyone and for our planet."  the WRC-23  in Dubai. The  Industry has   age when both  digital and space econo-
                                             confidence  in  this  collaboration  between   mies are integral to global sustainability."
        Director-General  of TDRA-UAE, H.E.  Eng.   the TDRA and ITU  to help  steer consen-
        Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, anticipating the   sus-building  on  radiocommunication  The  WRC is organized  every four  years
        Conferences’  successful  dialogue and   matters that are very important for govern-  by  the International Telecommunication
        consensus on critical matters that concern   ments and Telecom  Operators alike.  As   Union (ITU). WRC-23’s ongoing proceed-
        the digital future, stated: "While today's   negotiations on the allocation of spectrum   ings, scheduled  from  November  20  to
        world is full of challenges, this conference   carry on, building an inclusive, sustainable   December 15, are focused on updating the
        comes to  set  the course  and direct the   digital future requires the right resources   Radio Regulations (the international treaty
        compass toward sustainable human devel-  and timely enablement for all stakeholders.   governing the use of spectrum and geosta-
        opment by updating the Radio Regulations   Through the efforts of the ITU and TDRA,   tionary  and non-geostationary  satellite
        and establishing  international  consensus   and with the support of the Member States,   orbits). The Radio Regulations ensure that
        on the frequencies necessary  for the   particularly the  regulatory authorities,  we   the use of the radio-frequency  spectrum
        coming  era.  With the broad horizons,  it   can hope for great  outcomes  from the   is rational, equitable, efficient, economical,
        brings in the fields of smart cities, digital   WRC-23."                 and signal-interference  free.  Therefore,
        economy, knowledge  society, space  and                                  the ongoing  review and revision of the
        others, we are confident that this confer-  Bocar BA, who also participated earlier in   Regulations  at the WRC-23, is critical for
        ence  will achieve the results that meet   a session focused on the future of space   supporting the introduction of new radio-

                                                                                             6   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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