Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 11


        “Cybersecurity  should be endorsed   carbon emissions. Companies such
        at the board level, owned by the CEO   as Nokia and Huawei, both of which   and resourcefulness of such platforms can be
        while being  driven  by a common   are valued members of SAMENA   leveraged by both governments and the private
        language  of risk and opportunities   Council,  are  making  tremendous   sector.
        rather than by compliance require-  contributions  on future network
        ments and penalties.  This would   development  and  deployment.”  Cybersecurity  policy and regulation  should
        provide the necessary mindset from   SAMENA Council  observes that   be concerned  with  the welfare of society.
        being  reactive to  being  proactive,   future network deployment, includ-  Moreover,    in  the interest  of the society as  a
        and hence impact approaches for   ing 6G, would greatly require atten-  whole,  Policymakers and Regulators  need  to
        deploying future networks”,  he   tion  to  fulfilling  environmental,   view the Private Sector as the enabling engine
        added. SAMENA Council views that   social and economic sustainability   of ICT-driven nation-building  and sustainable
        deploying the future network at   requirements, as well as supporting   development  and not as  a  mere revenue
        scale  is  about  balancing  beneficial   the goals of the Paris Agreement of   contributor to the national treasury. Therefore,
        use-cases, differentiation, moneti-  the United Nations Framework Con-  before taking  any  regulatory  or interventional
        zation,  fulfilment  of  national  and   vention on Climate Change. On the   steps,  sufficient  efforts  should  be  made  to
        global  commitments,  and,  ulti-  latter front, SAMENA Council  is   capture the impact of an intervention  on  the
        mately, unleashing  innovation and   leading  a  panel discussion  during   economic  welfare of all participants  in the
        making collective progress toward   COP28,  being held in  Dubai  in   market, including digital ecosystem  players,
        human development.  In  his  inter-  December.  As the ITU  prepares  to   consumers, and the economy.
        vention at GCF, BA also linked sus-  issue framework (expected  in
        tainability  and future network   December) for developing 6G stan-  Operators need to be enabled and incentivized
        deployment, including 6G. He added:   dards, and as  various technology   to invest in infrastructure development, including
        “If we look at the work being done   companies,  including  some  Mem-  in cyber security infrastructure, to ensure that
        on 6G, we note that one of the key   bers of  SAMENA  Council,  gear  up   everyone  gets connected,  remains connected,
        targets for developing  6G  includes   toward 6G research  and develop-  and  that  adequate  infrastructure  is  available
        cutting  the average  power  con-  ment, technical  requirements,  sub-  for the increasingly bandwidth-hungry  and
        sumption of 6G networks in half as   mission process,  and evaluation   complex  services and content,  especially  in a
        compared to 5G, while still support-  criteria for potential IMT-2030  6G   highly inter-connected and cyber-threat prone
        ing peak  speeds  100  times higher   radio interface technologies  will   environment. Thus, we need to adopt a multi-
        than today’s 5G networks. We are   emerge,  with  final  set  of  6G  stan-  prong collaboration and incentivization strategy
        talking about dramatically reducing   dards expected to be issued later in   among Operators and Governments.
        per-bit  energy consumption  and   2030.

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