Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 8


                                                   ITU RDF-ARB

        Sustainable Investments, Innovation, and New Collaborations are Critical
        for  Arab  States’  Digital Transformation &  Digital Reformation, Says
        SAMENA Council During ITU’s RDF-ARB

        SAMENA Council, earlier this  week,   transformation  is an evolving  reality and   BDT], and I believe we can really accelerate
        participated in the high-level panel at the   the Arab region is committed to it. Moreover,   digital transformation through ITU’s
        ITU Regional Development Forum for Arab   from what SAMENA Council has witnessed   continued engagement in the region.” One
        States (RDF-ARB). RDF-ARB was organized   and advocated throughout October to date   of the aims of the November 2023 RDF-ARB
        by  the International Telecommunication   this  year,  digital  transformation  in  the   was  to report on the progress that was
        Union's  Telecommunication  Development   region  is  in fast  gear.  This view  is  in   made towards the  implementation  of the
        Bureau (BDT) and hosted in Manama by the   alignment with  the Council’s  recent   outcomes of the World Telecommunication
        Ministry  of    Transportation  and  advocacy efforts  with respect to 5G   Development Conference 2022 (WTDC-22)
        Telecommunications  of the Kingdom  of   advancements  and their  role in meeting   held in  Kigali,  Rwanda in June 2022.
        Bahrain.    Represented by  CEO,  Bocar  BA,   global connectivity  needs,  shift  to  5G   Emphasis  was  given  to  the  five  Regional
        SAMENA  Council  described  the state  of   Advanced  to  unearth  new  digital  Initiatives for Arab Region, which include:
        digital transformation in the Arab countries.   possibilities,  the  need  to make regional   Regional  Initiative 1: Sustainable digital
        “Digital transformation in the region is at a   IPv6 transition balanced, implementing the   economy  through digital transformation.
        stage where sustainable  investments,   10Giga society concept, and just last week,   Regional Initiative 2: Enhancing confidence,
        innovation, and greater collaborations will   protecting  the cyberspace  through  new   security  and privacy in the use  of
        play a  critical role in advancing digital   priorities. Digital transformation, however,   telecommunications/information  and
        transformation,  followed  by  continuous   now necessitates  ITU’s  much closer   communication technologies in the era of
        digital  reformation”, stated BA  during  his   engagement in the region, especially on the   new and  emerging digital  technologies.
        intervention  in  the high-level panel,   innovation  and entrepreneurship  fronts.   Regional  Initiative 3: Developing digital
        moderated  by BDT Director, Dr.  Cosmas   Bocar BA also stated:  “The  opportunities   infrastructure for smart sustainable cities
        Luckyson Zavazava. SAMENA Council is of   and the  challenges we  have  discussed   and communities.  Regional  Initiative 4:
        the opinion  that  the current pace of  5G   today [in RDF-ARB] can be seen through the   Building capacities and encouraging digital
        deployments and how 5G is being      lens  of  the  new  Innovation  and  innovation, entrepreneurship  and future
        embedded  as  a  part  of a  national digital   Entrepreneurship  Alliance for  Digital   foresight. And  Regional  Initiative 5:
        systems  processes, show that  digital   Development,  [launched  recently  by  the   Developing means of digital regulation.

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