Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                          Migration Determination to start on 14 December 2020,   Toowoomba and Townsville; 3492.5MHz–3510MHz
                          ‘most’  enhancements  to  the  Complaints  Handling   for Ballarat, Bendigo and Toowoomba; and 3400MHz–
                          Standard and Consumer Information Standard will start   3475MHz  and  3510MHz–3542.5MHz  for  ‘specified
                          on 1 April 2021. (October 20, 2020)  regional  areas’.  Meanwhile,  the  minister  is  said  to
                                                                        be  considering  making the  designation  notice  at the
                          With  spectrum  in  the  3.4GHz  (3400MHz-3575MHz)   conclusion  of  the  ‘restack’  of  regional  apparatus
                          band in Australia currently subject to a mix of spectrum   licenses in the band, as per proposals put forward by
                          and apparatus licensing arrangements, the Department   the  Australian Communications and Media Authority
                          of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional  Development   (ACMA) in  November 2019.  For  its  part,  the ACMA
                          and Communications (DITRDC) has begun consulting   has said that designating  the frequencies  and areas
                          on a plan to optimize and free up spectrum to support   as  proposed  would align with  the approach it  had
                          the rollout of 5G and in the process, improve regional   previously  proposed,  which  it  noted  would  include:
                          access  to broadband  while still  supporting current   the  conversion  of  NBN  Co’s  apparatus  licenses  to
                          uses of the band. In  its  consultation  document   spectrum licenses in metropolitan and defined regional
                          regarding the matter,  the DITRDC noted  that  the   areas to facilitate the defragmenting of Optus and NBN
                          country’s  communications  minister  is  considering   Co’s 3.4GHz spectrum holdings; excising urban areas
                          exercising powers to designate parts of the spectrum   of NBN Co’s 3.4GHz license holdings and investigating
                          in the 3.4GHz  band ‘for allocation by  spectrum   options to make them available for use by other wireless
                          licenses  with  respect  to  specified  areas’.  As  per  the   broadband operators; and allocating more of the band
                          draft designation notice, spectrum licensing has been   for spectrum  licensing  in regional  areas, optimized
                          proposed  as  follows:  the  3400MHz–3425MHz  and   for use by  wide-area  broadband  deployments such
                          3492.5MHz–3542.5MHz  portions of the band  to be   as  those  by  NBN  Co  and  mobile  network  operators.
                          designated  for licensing  in  metropolitan areas  (i.e.   With  the DITRDC now seeking stakeholder  views
                          the regional capitals of Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra,   on its proposed  approach  the licensing  and on the
                          Melbourne,  Perth and Sydney); 3400MHz–3425MHz   designation notice, it has said any feedback received
                          for  the  major  regional  centers  Albury,  Ballarat  and   will ‘inform advice to the Minister on how to proceed’.
                          Bendigo,  Cairns,  Hobart,  Launceston,  Rockhampton,   (September 28, 2020)

                          Austria’s  Regulatory  Authority  for  Broadcasting  &   million for 30MHz  of frequencies in the  1500MHz
                          Telecoms (RTR) has completed its delayed 5G auction   band and 2×25MHz  in the 2100MHz  range. Finally,
                          of spectrum in the 700MHz, 1500MHz and 2100MHz   Hutchison  Drei  Austria  won  2×10MHz  of  700MHz
                          bands, raising a total of EUR201.9 million (USD239.1   spectrum, 30MHz in the 1500MHz band and 2×20MHz
        Austria           million). The  allocation  of licenses  was  originally   of 2100MHz frequencies for a total of EUR49.6 million.
                          expected to take place in April but was postponed in   In  total  1,702  out  of  2,100  underserved  or  unserved
                          March  due  to  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  A  total  of  27   communities will receive mobile broadband coverage
                          blocks were up for sale, including six  blocks in the   by 2027, under commitments attached to the 700MHz
                          700MHz band, twelve in the 2100MHz range and nine   spectrum  licenses.  Hutchison  Drei  will  supply  738
                          in the 1500MHz  band. T-Mobile Austria (Magenta   communities,  followed  by T-Mobile Austria (Magenta
                          Telekom)  was  the highest  bidder, paying a  total  of   Telekom) with 615, and A1 with 349. Through the RTR’s
                          EUR86.7  million  for  2×20MHz  of  700MHz  spectrum,   ‘bonus  system’  –  whereby  operators  were  able  to
                          20MHz in the 1500MHz band (plus 10MHz which was   secure a reduction in the spectrum price if they agreed
                          assigned to the cellco but has ‘restricted usage’) and   to cover additional underserved areas – a further 802
                          2×15MHz of 2100MHz spectrum. A1 Telekom Austria   communities will also be supplied.
                          did not secure 700MHz spectrum, but will pay EUR65.6   (September 14, 2020)

                         Belgian  telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for   band in July to enable operators to proceed with 5G
                         Postal  Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has   deployments following delays to a planned multiband
                         redistributed temporary licences in the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz   spectrum  auction.  Orange  Belgium,  Proximus  and
                         band following Entropia Investments BVBA’s failure to   Telenet Group, which were originally assigned 40MHz
        Belgium          pay for its requested permit. Most of released 40MHz   of frequencies each, will now receive a 50MHz block.
                         block of frequencies  will  now be divided  between   The fourth eligible operator Cegeka did not request an
                         Orange Belgium, Proximus and Telenet. The regulator   increase to its 40MHz allocation. As a result of these
                         granted short-term user rights in the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz   changes,  the  BIPT  has  assigned  the  frequencies  as

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