Page 137 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 137


                         The  Ethiopian Communications Authority  (ECA) has   initial expressions of interest to acquire one of the two
                         launched a further round of stakeholder consultations   new mobile licenses. Contenders include MTN, Orange,
                         as it prepares for the  planned liberalization  of the   Saudi Telecom  Company,  Etisalat  and  a  consortium
                         country’s  telecom  markets.  The  regulator  confirmed   comprising  Vodafone Group and its  Africa-focused
        Ethiopia         the  publication  of  four  documents,  specifically:   affiliates. (September 25, 2020) Ethiopian News Agency
                         two  draft  directives, one related to  mobile number
                         portability (MNP) and one related to wholesale national   Ethiopia has reportedly set a new deadline of February
                         roaming; a draft framework for universal access and   2021 to complete the sale of two new mobile network
                         service;  and one  piece  of draft  regulation  relating   operator (MNO) licenses that will open up the country’s
                         to the universal access fund (UAF).  As previously   telecoms  sector.  Bloomberg  reports  that  with  the
                         reported by  CommsUpdate, in August 2020 the ECA   original timeline for the introduction  of competition
                         published  a  number  of telecom  directive proposals,   having been pushed back as a result of the COVID-19
                         covering matters ranging from interconnection to SIM   pandemic,  regulatory  complexities  and a  delayed
                         registration and SMP determinations. In releasing the   general  election,  the  new  timetable  was  confirmed
                         most recent publications, the regulator said that it was   by Eyob Tekalign, Ethiopia’s state minister of finance.
                         grateful  for  the  ‘helpful  feedback’  it  had  received  to   Commenting  on  the plans to license  new players,
                         date on previously-issued directives and noted that it   as  well  as  the plan  to  divest  a  stake  in  state-owned
                         is in the process of preparing its response. Meanwhile,   incumbent Ethio Telecom, the minister said: ‘We have
                         with  regards to the new consultations, the ECA has   a February, January timeline for both processes … The
                         requested submissions be made by a 30 October 2020   reform is fully on track.’ Meanwhile, the report suggests
                         deadline. (October 13, 2020)   that  France’s  Orange  Group  is  a  strong  candidate
                                                                        to secure one  of the new concessions  that  will  be
                         Ethiopia’s  authorities  outlined  plans  to  kick-off  the   offered, according to ‘people familiar with the matter’.
                         process for the  sale  of a  40  per cent stake in  Ethio   A spokesperson for Orange reiterated the company’s
                         Telecom  next month and conclude  it  in  early  2021,   interest in the license, and said it was working on its
                         alongside issuing two new licenses. Citing comments   proposal in this regard. With MTN Group highlighted as
                         made by the country’s Ministry of Finance, the news   another  notable  potential  bidder, a spokesperson  for
                         agency said the 40 per cent stake would likely be sold   the South Africa-based company said: ‘The Ethiopian
                         to international investors. A further 5 per cent is set to   authorities  have said that twelve directives will be
                         be offered to Ethiopian nationals at a later date. The   issued that will enable us to put together a business
                         state will retain the rest. It plans to issue an investment   case and an investment case …  This is  still  work  in
                         prospectus  and  invitation to  bid next month with   progress and we have not yet made any decision on the
                         the process expected  to  conclude  in  February  2021,   opportunity.’ Finally, with regards to the sale of a stake
                         matching the timeline for allocating two highly sought-  in Ethio Telecom,  this process  is reportedly proving
                         after new mobile  operator  licenses.  Privatization of   harder for the authorities, in part related to the size of
                         Ethiopia’s telecommunications market has been in the   the stake – 40% – that is to be offered to international
                         works  since  2018  and  had  been  slated  for  this  year,   investors. Deloitte LLP, which is advising the Ethiopian
                         before the process  was  delayed by  issues related to   government  on the partial  privatization, had not
                         the Covid-19  (coronavirus) pandemic. The Ethiopian   responded to Bloomberg’s request for comment on this
                         Communications  Authority announced  it  received 12   matter, however. (September 11, 2020)

                         ARCEP  has  launched  a  public  consultation  on the   Further, Arcep  highlighted  that  parts  of the 3.4GHz-
                         terms and conditions for the allocation of 5G spectrum   3.8GHz  band  are  currently  used  in  the  overseas
                         in  the  700MHz  and  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  frequency  bands   territories for the provision of fixed broadband access:
                         in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy,   Guadeloupe and Martinique (Canal+ Telecom [expiring
        France           Saint-Martin  and Saint  Pierre and Miquelon. The   in December 2020] and Outremer Telecom [December
                         regulator highlighted that it has identified the following
                                                                        2021]); French  Guiana (Guyacom [July 2026]  and
                         ranges for 5G use:                             Canal+  Telecom  [December  2020]);  St  Barthelemy
                         • 703MHz-733MHz/758MHz/788MHz (FDD mode)       (Collectivite  de  Saint  Barthelemy  [December  2020]);
                         • 3.4GHz-3.8GHz (TDD mode)                     Saint-Martin (Dauphin Telecom [December 2021] and
                         • 24.25GHz-27.50GHz (TDD mode)                 Orange Caraibe [December  2021]);  and Saint-Pierre
                         Regarding  the  700MHz  band,  Arcep  disclosed  that   and Miquelon (Orange [February 2026]). All interested
                         it  could  award  only  20MHz  in  the  700MHz  band   parties are invited to send their contributions before 18
                         (703MHz-723MHz/758MHz-778MHz)  in  Saint-Martin   December 2020.
                         and  Saint  Barthelemy  due  to  interference  issues.   (October 7, 2020)

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