Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 136


                         The President  Felix Tshisekedi has announced  plans   identify priority areas. Local news portal
                         to directly manage the development  of Democratic   notes that it remains to be seen how the new powers
                         Republic of Congo’s (DRC’s) digital economy himself,   will interact with the National Digital Council (Conseil
                         via a new instrument referred to as ‘Presidential Digital   National du Numerique,  CNN),  the creation of which
        Congo            Coordination’.  The  president  informed  the  Council  of   was announced by President Tshisekedi in September
                         Ministers that due to the importance of the country’s   last  year to serve a  similar  function. At  the time of
                         transformation into a  digital economy  he intends  to   that announcement, the president stated that the CNN
                         establish the new system ‘in the coming days’. Through   would combine sector regulators as well as government
                         the new President-led structure, he would collaborate   ministers and the Prime Minister, would fall under the
                         with other government agencies to prepare and define   authority of the President and would be responsible for
                         strategy with regards to the management of information   implementing the national digital strategy.
                         and the development of the digital economy, and would   (October 20, 2020)

                         The telecom  regulator Hakom  has  launched  a  public   have been harmonized at the European level and the
                         consultation  on  the  allocation  plans  for  the  800   public  consultation  is necessary to fully implement
                         MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz   the decisions of the European Commission and enable
                         frequency bands. According to Hakom, the frequency   the introduction of 5G in the frequency bands already
        Croatia          bands currently used for 2G, 3G  and 4G  technology   allocated. (September 20, 2020)

                         The  telecoms  regulator  Czech Telecommunication   GlobalComms  Database, in August  this year the
                         Office  (CTU)  has  announced  that  it  has  received   CTU  launched  a  tender  to  award  radio frequencies
                         applications from seven groups seeking to participate   in  the  700MHz  and  3400MHz–3600MHz  bands  and
                         in the upcoming auction of 5G spectrum in the 700MHz   confirmed its intention to boost competition in a market
        Czech            and 3400MHz-3600MHz  bands. In  a  press  release   that  has  long faced vocal criticism from politicians
                         dated  1  October  2020,  the  CTU  confirmed  that  in
                                                                        and consumers for the high cost of  mobile services.
        Republic         accordance  with  the Electronic  Communications  Act   Following its public consultation on its proposals, the
                         and the conditions of the  tender, it ‘will not  publish   regulator highlighted a specific proposed measure to
                         the  names  of  specific  candidates  at  this  stage’.  It   reserve a  comprehensive section of 2×10MHz  in the
                         also  noted that,  in  respect of  the legal  challenges   700MHz  band  for  new  applicants  for  entry  into  the
                         brought  by  the three incumbents  (O2,  Vodafone  and   mobile market. Reuters speculates that Czech groups
                         T-Mobile), the Prague courts had rejected attempts to   Nordic Telecom and Sazka (which operates the Czech
                         stop the auction. ‘The Office informs that all requests   MVNO SAZKAmobil), may be looking to participate –
                         for  the  issuance  of  interim  measures  filed  with  the   having expressed interest in the past in the auction –
                         court in order  to stop the selection  process  have   while another potential bidder, central Europe’s largest
                         already been rejected, and none of the operators has   listed utility CEZ, has apparently ruled itself out.
                         succeeded in its application at the Municipal Court in   (October 2, 2020)
                         Prague,’  it  confirmed.  According  to  TeleGeography’s

                         President Luis Abinader has instructed the Dominican   future of our country.’ While details of spectrum and
                         Telecommunications  Institute (Instituto Dominicano   licensing  have  not  been  disclosed,  the  regulator’s
                         de las Telecomunicaciones, INDOTEL) to initiate a 5G   website  asserts that ‘the  implementation  of 5G …
                         tender,  as  the country  seeks  to  steal  a  march on its   technology is estimated to come into effect in January
        Dominican        regional rivals. Speaking at a press conference at the   2021.’ Running in parallel, the president issued Decree
                                                                        539-20,  declaring  the right to  universal  access to
                         Presidential Palace, the head of state commented: ‘We
        Republic         want to develop a deployment plan for 5G technology   broadband  technology.  This measure is  a  response
                         and broadband unprecedented  in  our history,  a  level   to connectivity challenges faced during the COVID-19
                         leap towards hyperconnectivity  that will change  the   pandemic. (October 9, 2020)

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