Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         follows:  Telenet  Group,  3600MHz-3650MHz;  Orange   million  (USD17.62  million)  for  a  15-year  nationwide
                         Belgium,  3650MHz-3700MHz;  Cegeka,  3700MHz-  license comprising 2×15MHz of spectrum (2520MHz-
                         3740MHz; and Proximus, 3750MHz-3800MHz.        2535MHz/2640MHz-2655MHz).   Citymesh,  which
                         (October 19, 2020)             already possesses management rights in the 3.4GHz-
                                                                        3.6GHz band, is mainly active in the B2B sector, some
                         Telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal   industrial areas in Flanders and windfarms in the North
                         Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has awarded   Sea. A spectrum cap of 2×20MHz in the band meant
                         the remaining 4G  frequencies  in the 2.6GHz  band to   Orange Belgium, Proximus and Telenet were excluded
                         Citymesh, which was  the only applicant to  submit a   from the auction.
                         bid. The operator paid the minimum price of EUR15.01   (October 2, 2020)

                         The President Jair Bolsonaro has recreated the Ministry   by as much as 90%, with operators instead having to
                         of  Communications  (Ministerio  das  Comunicacoes,   fulfil  coverage  obligations.  Under  these  conditions,
                         MiniCom)  with  the  signing  of  Law  14,074/20  on   operators will be encouraged to focus on delivering 4G
                         15  October.  The regulatory  switch has  been  on the   access  to settlements  of under  30,000, according  to
        Brazil           cards  since  June,  when  a  ‘provisional  measure’  was   TeleGeography.  Brazil’s  850MHz  concession  holders
                         approved. Communications  has  been  part  of the   include Algar Telecom, Claro Brasil, Oi, Sercomtel and
                         Ministry of Science,  Technology, Innovation,  and   TIM Brasil.
                         Communications  (Ministerio  da  Ciencia,  Tecnologia,   (October 3, 2020)
                         Inovacoes e Comunicacoes, MCTIC) since 2016, when
                         then-President Michel Temer merged the Ministries as   The  National Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia
                         part of an effort to reduce the number of government   Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has reportedly
                         departments, as well as cutting public spending.  authorized cellcos with spectrum in the 850MHz band
                         (October 20, 2020)             (806MHz-902MHz)  to  extend  their  concessions  until
                                                                        29 November 2028. According to TeleTime, around 90%
                         The  regulator  ANATEL  has  cleared  operators  with   of the respective license  fees  will  be  converted into
                         spectrum  holdings  in  the  850MHz  band  to  extend   coverage obligations, with an emphasis on delivering
                         their rights up until 29th November 2028. As reported   4G access to locations  that are home  to fewer  than
                         in TeleTime, the move appears to be geared towards   30,000 inhabitants. The  decision  will  impact Algar
                         expanding  coverage  into less inhabited  regions.   Telecom,  Claro  Brasil,  Oi,  Sercomtel  and  TIM  Brasil.
                         Reportedly, license fees on the spectrum will be slashed   (September 30, 2020)

                         The      Canadian      Radio-television  and   countries via a network of thousands of low-Earth orbit
                         Telecommunications  Commission (CRTC)  issued   (LEO) satellites, with around 770 satellites already in
                         Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX) a Basic   orbit. Starlink is currently testing a 100Mbps-capable
                         International  Telecommunications  Services  (BITS)   internet service  with  selected  users in  several  US
        Canada           license  on 15  October  2020, which the US-based   states, and SpaceX head Elon Musk indicated earlier
                         company had applied for five months earlier. SpaceX’s   this month that a wider Starlink public beta test in the
                         Starlink  project aims  to  offer high speed  internet   US and southern Canada is lined up in the short term.
                         access  across parts of the  US, Canada and other   (October 21, 2020)

                         Chadian telecoms watchdog the Regulatory Authority   not impact service quality. Meanwhile, President Idriss
                         for Electronic Communications and Post (L’Autorite de   Deby has issued a decree ordering the implementation
                         Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des   of number portability (NP). The decree requires ARCEP
                         Postes, ARCEP) has issued a decision to align tariffs   to define the terms and conditions for the portability
        Chad             for off-net and on-net communications. The decision   service, and to work  with  providers to establish a
                         –  the  text  of  which  was  posted  to  the  regulator’s   system for porting numbers. The cost of setting up and
                         Facebook  page – requires providers to set off-net   maintaining the system is to be covered by operators
                         tariffs  to  match  their on-net tariffs.  Providers were   via licenses for numbering resources.
                         also  instructed  to take all  measures to ensure that   (October 21, 2020)
                         any  increase  in  traffic  resulting  from  the  order  does

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