Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 55


        TRA UAE Publishes List of Approved Telecom Devices on Its Website

        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory  standards.  The list  will  help customers   approved  by  TRA.  Saif  Bin  Ghelaita,
        Authority, TRA, has announced the launch   about the devices that have been approved   Director of Technology  Development
        of a  special page on its  website that   and tested with the networks of service   Affairs, said, "TRA strives to ensure that the
        includes all the approved telecom devices   providers in the country.  It  also helps   telecom devices in the UAE are compatible
        in the UAE, allowing customers  to  check   public  and private  entities to  ensure that   with the approved technical standards of
        their compatibility  with  the technical   the suppliers' offers contain  devices   TRA’s Type Approval System, with the aim
                                                                                 of ensuring access to the best services
                                                                                 and full compatibility with the networks
                                                                                 operating  in  the UAE.  "Due to  the large
                                                                                 number  and diversity of these devices,
                                                                                 TRA launched a special page that includes
                                                                                 all  TRA approved devices, which allows
                                                                                 consumers  to ensure that the telecom
                                                                                 devices have been approved by TRA before
                                                                                 purchasing  them, through  checking  on
                                                                                 TRA approved devices webpage, and
                                                                                 making sure that the devices they want to
                                                                                 buy are enlisted among approved devices."
                                                                                 The TRA  page includes  more than
                                                                                 15,000  devices, including  mobile  phones,
                                                                                 computers  and their  accessories, tablets,
                                                                                 transmitters and other  devices  that  are
                                                                                 used in the field of ICT.

        Bahrain Has Potential to Become Mideast ICT Hub

        Bahrain  has  the  adequate  infrastructure,   increasing demand locally and regionally   ties to establish an incubator or business
        advanced  legislation  and  financial  re-  for these  technologies and we  anticipate   accelerator  in  Bahrain  dedicated  to  ad-
        sources to  become  the region's  leading   high  expectations for their revenues  to   vanced information technologies such as
        ICT hub, according to an expert. There is   grow  significantly,"  he  added.  As  Bahrain   artificial intelligence and robotics, as these
        increasing demand locally and  regional-  moves towards digital transformation and   new technologies provide entrepreneurs
        ly  for these technologies  and we  antici-  building a knowledge economy, advanced   with innovative ways to add value to their
        pate high expectations for their revenues   information systems appear as one of the   activities and open a new era for emerging
        to  grow  significantly,  stated  Yaqoob  Al   most essential features of the 4th industri-  companies. He also urged Bahraini youth
        Awadhi, the CEO of NGN International, a   al revolution, said the ICT expert. "We can   to take up robotics as career. Downplaying
        full-fledged  systems integrator and IT   reproduce  advanced  technologies  in  AI,   the fear of linking the expansion of using
        consultant  based  in  Bahrain.  He  pointed   robotics, big data, blockchain, biotechnol-  robots  and the high  level of unemploy-
        out that the kingdom had enough potential   ogy,  nanotechnology,  three-dimensional   ment,  Al  Awadhi  said:  "Robotics  industry
        to become an advanced center in the field   printing, and the Internet of things and uti-  will  provide qualitative job opportunities
        of  industry,  development,  programming,   lize them in diverse sectors," observed Al   for Bahrainis in the fields of programming,
        and application of information systems in   Awadhi. He pointed out that the kingdom   AI, and other systems." "Modern technolo-
        the region, depending on its national cad-  had at  one  point been  able to embrace   gies will impose themselves into our busi-
        res that has the ability to learn and inno-  the  financial  banking  industry  and  devel-  ness either we approve it or not, and it is
        vate.  "Bahrain  have  the  adequate  ICT  in-  op it until it became a pioneer in the field.   more proper for us to be proactive in bene-
        frastructure, advanced legislation, and the   "Similarly, it can be the leader in the field   fiting from them and integrating them into
        presence of financial resources to ensure   of robotics industry whose market size is   our lives and encourage our youth to deal
        its dominance in regional and even global   estimated at billions of dollars around the   with," he added.
        competition,"  noted  Al Awadhi. "There is   world," he added. He called upon authori-

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