Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 56


        Saudi Arabia Launches National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

        Saudi  Arabia on Wednesday launched   jobs  for  Saudis  under  its  “Vision  2030”   10 years, SDAIA head Abdullah bin Sharaf
        a  national  artificial  intelligence  strategy   plan. The kingdom aims  to train 2,000   Alghamdi told Reuters.
        aimed at making it a global leader in the   Saudi data and AI specialists over the next
        field as it seeks to diversify its oil-based
        economy.  The National  Strategy for  Data
        and Artificial Intelligence (NSDAI) will seek
        to attract $20  billion in foreign  and local
        investments by 2030, a NSDAI statement
        said.  Speaking at  the opening of the
        kingdom’s Global AI Summit, the head of
        the  Saudi  Data  and  Artificial  Intelligence
        Authority (SDAIA) -  which will  spearhead
        the NSDAI  strategy -  said  Riyadh would
        announce several AI partnerships. “Saudi
        Arabia will implement a multi-phase, multi-
        faceted  plan that includes  skills, policy
        and regulation, investment, research and
        innovation, and ecosystem development,”
        the statement said. Saudi Arabia is pushing
        to diversify  its  economy  away from oil,
        boost the private sector and create more

        Government to Issue Licenses for Smartphone Manufacturing in Pakistan

        The Senate standing on Information Technology  and     ordinary telephones at the local level. Rubina Khalid also proposed
        Telecommunication  was  informed on Friday that Pakistan   that  banks  should be allowed to  provide mobile handsets on
        Telecommunication Authority (PTA) will soon issue licenses for   installments. All electronics items including vehicles are available
        manufacturing Smartphones in the country. The committee met   in installments. Not everyone  can buy a  mobile phone  in cash,
        under the chairmanship of Rubina Khalid on Friday who observed   said Rubina Khalid. The  committee  proposed  that PTA may
        that  easy  access  to smartphones is  essential for achieving   block mobile handsets if the customer defaults and does not pay
        the Digital  Pakistan  agenda. Committee  members  proposed   installments. Chairperson stated that withholding tax is levied on
        PTA to bind mobile companies for providing mobile handset to   mobile packages. Why do students come into the tax net and ask
        the general  public  on installments. Member PTA said that  the   them for holding tax?, she said, adding that the committee had
        Authority will provide licenses and companies can manufacture 4G   proposed for tax exemption on net packages for students but it was
        supporting phones by themselves. “PTA will soon launch license   rejected by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). The committee
        for local mobile manufacturing”, said the official. The committee   also discussed  the matter pertaining to the non-payment of
        recommended that PTA should discourage the manufacturing of   PTCL retired employees’ pension. Rehman Malik got angry with
                                                               Pakistan  Telecommunication  Trust  officials  while  saying  that
                                                               elderly pensioners are being humiliated. The committee has been
                                                               giving instructions for two years, but PTCL management is silent,
                                                               said Malik, adding that the report of the sub-committee has been
                                                               presented in the House. “I have the evidence of how the buildings
                                                               were rented”, said Malik, adding that Parliament will issue arrest
                                                               warrants for two of the officers. The committee summoned the
                                                               board members of PTCL in its next meeting. The committee also
                                                               raised the matter  of non-provision of internet  facility  in  former
                                                               FATA. Closing anything is not the solution, said the chairperson,
                                                               adding that PUBG should not be banned, but parents should guide

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