Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 59


        performance and provide hundreds of on-  taining  the  best results. The  measures   in OSI issued by the United Nations within
        line services, which placed the UAE among   taken to limit the effects of COVID-19 will   the overall EGDI. It progressed to the 16th
        the  best countries in the  main index  and   also have a big role in the results, and we   rank after ranking 17th in the previous ses-
        sub-indicators.”  H.E.  Al  Housani  high-  are proud that we are among the leading   sion. In the same survey, the UAE ranked
        lighted that the results achieved motivate   countries  in taking  the  best  measures in   7th the Telecommunication Infrastructure
        all local and federal  government entities   this regard, such as the application of re-  Index (TII). In its current session, the sur-
        to continue their efforts to achieve further   mote work, distance  education,  and pro-  vey focuses on the role of governments in
        progress. He added: “The methods of eval-  viding additional smart services.” The ses-  serving the UN SDGs and slogan “Leaving
        uating e-governments change  constantly   sions included  a  detailed explanation of   no  one  behind”,  in  addition  to  the  role  of
        with the development of technologies and   the results of the main index and sub-indi-  digital transformation programs in bridg-
        work methods. In the next session, the fo-  cators, and the main areas of focus during   ing the divide between segments of soci-
        cus will be greater on local governments,   the evaluation process. The sessions also   ety in various fields. The survey addressed
        smart cities, and the extent of application   addressed  ways  to improve performance   the programs of governments around the
        of emerging technologies in the country's   in  the  field  of  smart  services,  especially   world in engaging the public in developing
        vital sectors such as the education, health   at the local government level. The United   services, policies and programs that serve
        and transportation, which will  make the   Arab Emirates ranked first in the Arab Re-  everyone’s interests.
        role  of local governments  greater in ob-  gion and in Western Asia, and 8th globally

                                                                                                    59    SEP-OCT 2020
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