Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 58


        Saudi Arabia Number 1 among 140 Nations in Digital Competitiveness

        Saudi  Arabia's heavy investments in
        technology allowed it to rank first among
        140 nations in digital competitiveness,
        beating  France, Indonesia,  and China.
        The  findings  were  based  on  a  World
        Economic  Forum report that analyzed
        the progress countries  made in the last
        three years. According to Philip Meissner,
        founder of the European Center for Digital
        Competitiveness,  which  compiled  the
        study, the standouts have clear strategic
        visions that  were swiftly  implemented
        and invested a  lot  in startups, future
        technologies,  and  innovation.  Saudi
        Arabia’s   Vision   2030   blueprint   for
        economic  and social reform  relies on
        technology  as a key driver.  The Kingdom
        is reducing its reliance on the oil industry
        by investing  heavily  in global technology
        companies while encouraging its citizens
        to pursue careers in the sector. The report
        noted  that Saudi Arabia launched  its
        “ICT Strategy 2023” in 2018 to transform
        itself into a digital and technological
        powerhouse  and that  it  allocated $500
        billion for  its  smart  city  project NEOM  to
        highlight  aspirations  toward  the  “Saudi
        Vision  2030.”  Saudi  Arabia  was  the  top   and  Lebanon  dropped  significantly.  The   most in the "ecosystem" dimension, while
        digital riser among G20  countries, with   Middle  East  performed  well with nine   Saudi  Arabia was most improved  in the
        India and Italy felling significantly behind.   out of 14  countries improving  in digital   "mindset" dimension.
        Among  Middle Eastern countries, Iran   competitiveness. Morocco  improved the

        TRA Hosts Local Governments Delegations to Discuss the UN E-Government
        Survey 2020

        The Telecommunications Regulatory  Au-  part  a  series of sessions initiated by  the   discussed  the  role  of local governments
        thority (TRA)  hosted,  in three  webinars,   OSI  Executive  Team  to  exchange  experi-  in enhancing e-government in the country,
        delegations from the Competitiveness Of-  ences  with  local electronic/smart/digital   especially  as  the United Nations focuses
        fice  of  Abu  Dhabi  (COAD),  Dubai  Govern-  governments with the aim of highlighting   on the development of smart cities during
        ment (Smart  Dubai), and Digital  Sharjah   the most prominent  developments  in the   the survey process, in addition to the avail-
        Office, to review the United Nations e-Gov-  indicators included in the survey for 2020,   ability of local smart services, particular-
        ernment Survey 2020, its key results, and   such as  the e-Government  Development   ly in education, health and transportation
        the role of  local  governments  in  enhanc-  Index (EGDI), the digital participation index   sectors. Commenting on these  webinars,
        ing the UAE e-Government in order to im-  and the local services index (smart cities).   H.E. Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Di-
        prove results. These webinars come within   During  the three sessions, the  speakers   rector  General  for  Information  &  E-Gov-
        the  framework  of  TRA’s  supervisory  role   addressed the UN survey, the results of the   ernment  Sector,  said:  “The  UAE  achieve-
        in the achievement of the national Online   main index, the sub-indicators, and the ad-  ments in the United Nations e-Government
        Services Index  (OSI), in accordance  with   vanced results achieved by the UAE, which   Survey are greatly praised, thanks to hard
        the United Nations e-Government Survey,   reflect the great efforts made by all local   work and close cooperation  between  all
        in strategic  partnership  with the relevant   and federal government entities to advance   local and federal government entities. We
        government  entities.  These webinars are   the UAE  rank  in  EGDI.  The sessions also   have been able to develop e-Government

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