Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        UAE Ranked First in GCC in Digital Competitiveness Ranking

        The  UAE  is  ranked  first  in  the  Arab
        region  and 12th globally among highly
        competitive  countries  in  the IMD  World
        Digital  Competitiveness Ranking 2019,
        issued by the IMD World Competitiveness
        Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland, one of the
        highly specialized institutions in this field
        worldwide. According to  the report,  the
        UAE  has  advanced  five  positions  from
        the previous year’s  ranking, to be ranked
        12th globally and first in the Arab Region.
        In  this  year’s  report,  the UAE  has  also
        progressed to achieve the first rank in the
        Arab Region  in all three  main factors  of
        the report, namely the “technology” factor,
        in which the country achieved the second
        rank globally, advancing by five ranks from   main sub-factors: “regulatory framework”,   teams for competitiveness  indicators,
        last  year,  and the 9th  globally in  “Future   “capital” and “technological  framework”.   which consists  of representatives of
        Readiness”  factor, progressing  from the   Moreover, the UAE has achieved advanced   numerous federal and local government
        12th rank last year. The UAE advanced one   positions  globally in these  sub-factors,   entities,  responsible for enhancing  the
        rank in the  “knowledge” factor to be  the   ranking  first,  second  and  fifth  globally.   country’s position in economic and social
        first in the Arab Region and 35th globally.   In terms of indicators:  the  UAE is ranked   indicators  in general,  and the digital
        Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori, TRA Director   first  globally  in  “immigration  laws”   competitiveness index in particular, as this
        General,  praised the UAE  performance   and “wireless  broadband”,  ranked  3rd   indicator reflects the progress in digital and
        in  the 2019  report  and the achievement   globally in “development  and application   electronic transformations represented
        of high ranks  in  this  strategic sector.  Al   of  technology”,  “banking  and  financial   in  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  projects  and
        Mansoori said: “The UAE progress in the   services”,  and “venture capital”,  and 4th   big data  to  support  and develop smart
        Digital Competitiveness  Ranking 2019 is   globally in  “funding  for technological   government  services and build smart
        a new global testimony added to the UAE   solution”. The  third and last factor,   cities.  Al  Mansoori concluded  by  saying:
        record of achievements  and teamwork.   “Future Readiness”, monitors  countries’   “Technology  today is the  cornerstone  of
        I  would like  to  thank  our partners in   readiness for change in different sectors,   the economic  and social development
        government  and  private  sectors for their   and the role  of technology  in handling   strategies and plans adopted by the world’s
        efforts and collaboration  to enhance   changes, by measuring three sub-factors:   advanced  economies. Innovation is  the
        the  competitiveness  of the  country and   “adaptive attitudes”,  “business agility”   key  for success  and cooperation among
        its progress in all global  indicators and   and “IT integration”. In this factor, the   individuals,  federal and local government
        reports.  ”The  analysis  prepared by  the   UAE  is  ranked  first  globally  in  four  sub-  entities in  the development  of  solutions,
        Competitiveness Strategy Team  at  the   indicators:  “Agility  of companies”, “Use   and future foresight plays an accelerating
        Federal  Competitiveness  and Statistics   of big data and analytics”, “Public-private   role  of this innovation and thus improve
        Authority for the factors and sub-   partnership” and “Opportunities  and   the country and society.” The World Digital
        factors of this report showed that the   threats”. The UAE is ranked second globally   Competitiveness Ranking was  added to
        UAE  achieved outstanding  performance   in “Cyber  security” and third globally   the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
        in a  large number  of factors and sub-  in “knowledge  transfer” and “Attitudes   in 2017.  The ranking is  based on 50
        factors. In the “Knowledge” factor, which   toward  globalization”.  Al  Mansoori  indicators  grouped into nine  sub-factors
        tracks the performance of the country by   highlighted the key role of federal and local   that form three  main factors:  knowledge,
        measuring  three sub-factors -  “Talent”,   government entities and the private sector   technology and future readiness. The IMD
        “training  &  education”  and  “scientific   in achieving the vision, aspirations and   World Competitiveness  Yearbook is  an
        concentration”  -  the  UAE  is  ranked  first   goals set by the wise leadership for the   important global reference for many other
        globally in “international expertise” and   continuous development and improvement   international institutions that  rely  on this
        second globally in “management of cities”.   of technological  infrastructure, as  well   report to conduct their studies and publish
        It  is ranked  third globally  in “net flow of   as  supporting training and development   their reports. Additionally, many academic
        international  students”,  fourth globally   initiatives for national capacities in the   institutions consider  it  an  important
        in  “employee  training”  and  fifth  globally   field  of  information  technology,  and   measure to identify  international best
        in “foreign  highly-skilled personnel”.   encouraging  research and development   practices.
        The   “Technology”  factor  monitors  in ICT and advanced science. Al Mansoori
        technological  progress through three   also emphasized on the task of executive

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