Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 78


        MoCI and ITA to Bring Latest e-Commerce Tech to Oman

        Oman’s  Ministry  of Commerce and    the  first  Omani  electronic  platform  that   included  a presentation  of a number  of
        Industry (MoCI) and the  Information   brings together  a  number  of  local and   working papers, including Oman 2040, the
        Technology  Authority (ITA) will  together   international brands and stores.” “The   transformation  of business,  the growth
        ensure that  Oman keeps  track of the   consumer can choose and order products   of electronic payment in Oman as  well
        latest  e-commerce developments  in  the   electronically through  the platform and   as  a  working paper on the best policies
        market, to ensure that  the country  can   will be  delivered within 48 hours across   for  innovation  in  the  field  of  electronic
        adapt to such  changes  accordingly.  The   the Sultanate. The platform is witnessing   services and how  to  expand the scope
        announcement  was  made at  the Oman   a large turnout of brands and stores that   of start-up through  e-commerce  in the
        e-commerce conference,  which saw  the   want to show their  products  through  the   world.  Additionally,  working papers on
        participation of more than 40  local and   platform and there are about 60  brands   how to benefit from technology to digitally
        international  companies,  as  well as  50   and  shops  in  the platform.  The Oman   enhance  society,  improve  customer
        speakers  from  different  countries.  Bader   e-commerce conference is an opportunity   experience, business management, future
        Al  Lawati,  an  academic researcher in   to meet and communicate with local and   trade regulatory approaches, convert data
        digital technologies, said: “The conference   international  companies  and exchange   into actionable  visions, shape  business
        comes  at  an important  time with the   experiences,”  he added.  Majid  Al Ameri,   practices,  and the role of e-commerce
        government’s  orientation and the efforts   the founder of the Thawani platform, said:   in  empowering women and youth, were
        of  the  MoCI  and  ITA  to  keep pace with   “Thawani platform for electronic payments   presented.  The conference  also  included
        the global technological developments. It   using a mobile phone is a free application   a  number  of discussions  where the
        comes parallel to the vision of Oman 2040,   on Android and iOS, and the platform can be   revolution of electronic commerce and the
        especially after Royal Decrees were issued   used by traders and consumers. Payments   factors leading to change and the impact
        over investment laws such as the foreign   by phone are available round-the-clock   of electronic  commerce on the  economy
        capital investment law and the commercial   and our  platform  allows  consumers to   and how  it  would impact the future
        companies’  law.  The   e-commerce   pay for their purchases via mobile phone   were discussed, while another session
        department has also been  established   without the direct use of bank card or PIN.”   discussed block chain technology.
        at  the ministry  to deal with and develop   The second and final day of the conference
        e-commerce.”  He added:  “E-commerce
        started 25 years ago as an idea of selling
        from a  seller to a  buyer only.  Today, the
        term e-commerce  refers to everything
        that happens online, such as exchanging
        information  or providing  services and
        benefit  from  remittances  and  electronic
        payment, as well as the process of buying
        and selling. Every service provided by the
        government  or  the private  sector  via  the
        internet falls under electronic commerce.”
        Adnan Al Lawati,  who participated in
        the exhibition that  accompanied the
        conference,  said: “During  the conference,
        we  launched  our electronic platforms
        which  called ‘Jabali Online’ which  was

        Egypt Has Most Online Financial Transactions in Arab World

        Egypt’s  Managing Director of  German   transformation  around  the world and are   should be strongly taken into consideration
        software giant SAP Hoda Mansour said   accounting for e-commerce in their work,   when undergoing digital transformation in
        that  Egypt  has  the  most  online  financial   Mansour said  during  her participation   the Egyptian market.
        transactions  in the  Arab world. There   in E-commerce  Summit held in Egypt.
        are  152,000  firms  undergoing  digital   Mansour said  that  consumer  experience

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