Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 80


        TRA UAE to Launch Innovative Projects at GITEX Technology Week 2019

        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory
        Authority, TRA, is set to launch 10 innovative
        projects  during  the  GITEX  Technology
        Week 2019,  representing  a  new set  of
        contributions  from  the TRA to  enhance
        the smart lifestyle in the UAE, support the
        transition to the future of AI and Smart
        City, and develop a mechanism for dealing
        with  modern  technologies.  The  TRA is
        participating  in  the  GITEX  Technology
        Week as part of the UAE Government, which
        hosts 18  federal  government  entities,
        displaying their major achievements in the
        field of modern technology and harnessing
        them in  facilitating the provision of
        government services, achieving customer
        happiness,  and promoting  the one
        government  principle  and  excellent  on AI and strong ICT infrastructure in the   new phases and developments of the TRA’s
        technology  services. Hamad  Obaid Al   UAE.” Al Mansoori indicated that the TRA’s   current projects, which  are characterized
        Mansoori, the TRA Director-General, said,   participation  in this huge  annual  event   by continuity, as  they contribute  to the
        “The TRA is keen to activate all channels of   contributes  to strengthening  its position   achievement of  the UAE  happiness
        communication with its strategic partners   in  leading the  smart  transformation   strategy.  Visitors to the TRA’s  stand will
        and the public,  to exchange  ideas and   process and enhancing the smart lifestyle   learn about the latest  developments
        views  and develop the services  provided   in the country, in addition  to its  global   related to the 5G experience,  which  was
        by the  TRA,  in line  with the  aspirations   contribution  to  the  ICT  field.  The  TRA   launched  last  year and is considered the
        of the UAE society in all its segments. As   has  been  using  GITEX  in  its  successive   next technological revolution  in mobile
        the  GITEX  Technology  Week  is  a  yearly   sessions  as  an important platform   broadband. Furthermore, in  line with  the
        gathering  of global ICT companies, the   for launching  ideas and innovations,   UAE Vision 2021, the TRA aims to be the
        TRA  is keen  to participate  in this global   exchanging  ideas with various parties to   main driver for the  launch  5G mobile
        event by focusing on future and innovative   launch innovative projects and presenting   business.
        projects that  develop solutions  based   them to the public, in addition to presenting

        Veon Targets Growth in New Services

        Telecoms  group Veon has  increased   strategy  framework  is  built around three   there  are  opportunities that  we  believe
        its  EBITDA  guidance  for  FY  2019  and  is   pillars: connectivity, new digital services   will best serve investor interests over the
        looking  beyond  connectivity  for future   and future assets that  open  up  adjacent   medium-term,”  said Alex Kazbegi,  Group
        growth.  Veon serves  over 200  million   growth opportunities. This essentially   Chief  Strategy  Officer.  “We  are  excited
        subscribers,  mainly  in  central Asia,  and   seems  to be  a version  of the kind of   about the opportunity in our core Russian
        things seems ticking along nicely.  “Veon   5G  strategy most  telecoms  groups are   market, which  we believe can be best
        is performing well in the current financial   advocating. “Our new strategy framework   accessed  through  a short-term increase
        year against our 2019 targets and today we   underscores the  growth opportunities   in network capex to allow us to drive
        are increasing our EBITDA guidance for FY   we see beyond our connectivity business   medium-term service revenue growth. “In
        2019 from low to mid-single digit growth   and aligns Veon’s ambitions with our   Pakistan, there may be the opportunity to
        to at  least mid-single-digit  growth,”  said   industry’s future development,”  said   increase our stake in the business through
        Ursula  Burns,  Group  Chairman  and  CEO.   Burns.  “I  am  confident  that  the  greater   the existing  put option  with Warid. We
        “Previous guidance of Revenue growth and   flexibility in how we allocate capital  will   also believe stepping up our investment in
        Equity Free Cash Flow remain unchanged.”   allow us to execute on these opportunities,   Digital Financial Services in Pakistan is an
        Despite  that,  Burns  reckons  Veon  needs   reinforcing our market-leading positions   exciting first step in Future Assets.”
        to diversify beyond  mere connectivity   and maximizing shareholder  returns over
        in the pursuit of future growth.  A  new   the longer term.” “Over the next 18 months,

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