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This year, SAMENA Telecommunications Council’s annual conference “Convergence”, Oman Dec 2013, will vindicate the council’s sensitivity to the importance of the industry convergence, gathering industry experts and market leaders to discuss “The Power of Digitization”.
The domains of technology have diverged into an endless array of directional possibilities. The telecoms & ICT industry has grown through innovation gaining its motivation from the need to continually grow and improve to serve end users. In an extremely competitive industry, it's important to take the lead and collaborate to allow the industry to transcend innovation to the next stage. It is crucial to widen the horizons to look at the collective picture to ensure that all spheres of the industry are analyzed, explored and tapped to identify a road map for progression. The recent trends in the industry are explicating the importance of integration of various technological strands to deliver innovative solutions. The need of the hour is to collaborate to create a knowledge intensive pool to allow the industry to develop a more informed and innovative direction complimenting the competition.
“Convergence” will underpin the Council’s strategic stance on “Dgitization” as an incentive for continuing network infrastructure investments and a key enabler for socio-economic growth in the SAMENA region.
Topics to be discussed at "Convergence to Oman 2013" include:
SAMENA Awards, now in the Fifth year, are a way to recognize leadership and excellence in the telecommunications sectors of the South Asia – Middle East – North Africa (SAMENA) region. The awards are bestowed upon the most deserving telecoms organizations professionals, assessed after meticulous performance-based evaluation. Both the SAMENA Awards Evaluation Committee (AEC) and the general public have the power to decide the winners. There are four categories of awards: Telecom Operator Awards ( 9 Awards) , Vendors/Manufacturer Awards (1 Award) , Regulator Awards (1 Award), Satellite Providers Awards ( 1 Award) and Individual Awards (3 Awards), SAMENA Council created the Awards Committee by inviting a group of leading professionals drawn from across the telecommunications industry to serve as members of the committee.
The Awards Committee is tasked with providing guidance and facilitating the process for the selection of the award winners, with the close involvement and participation of the membership of SAMENA.
Purpose of the Award
Emergence of Cloud Services
Digital Eco-System Creating a Sense of Urgency
Internet Governance
Nick Horton
Managing Director, Middle East and North Africa
Thank you for the opportunity to attend SAMENA Convergence to Oman 2013. The calibre of attendees, networking opportunities and the spirited discussions through the panel sessions really mark this gathering out. I look forward to participating in future events.
Mr. Greg Young
SAMENA recognises the benefit and importance of maintaining dialogue between the regulators and key industry players. Such dialogue shapes policy, which in turn enables the industry to deliver competitive and innovative services to the market, in a timely and efficient manner.
Dr. Hamad Salim Al Rawahi
Executive President
TRA Oman
SAMENA’s digitization sessions consisting of the panel discussions were both contextual and timely that is hoped to prime the operators and regulators (including policy makers) to work together to enhance the competitiveness’ of their respective businesses and consumer satisfaction levels. It is recommended that SAMENA works further to promote regional collaboration platforms to derive the benefits of digitization efforts and measures to enhance them
Rayyan Al Hashmi
VP Regulatory affairs Corporate Affairs
My sincere thanks to all panel members and our host in addition to SAMENA for this opportunity.
Rashid AL Ahmedi
Director - External Affairs - Corporate Affairs
Thanks for giving me the opportunity and for the good hospitality
Nabil Baccouche
Vice President & Managing Director
MEA Syniverse
Thanks again for the interesting discussion during the panelist session and to Bocar and the Samena Council Team for the invitation and giving us the opportunity to speak during the event.