Page 154 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 154


                          is likely to increase in the  future. It  was  our  duty to   of the SPRK survey of regulators from 18 countries on
                          assess how far the joint cooperation between the two   practices in other countries.’ According to the SPRK,
                          operators can be. To this end, the SPRK analyzed the   Bite  and Tele2 submitted  their request  in August
                          benefits of joint cooperation through a counterfactual   2020 and in the subsequent months the regulator has
                          analysis that is also used by other European countries.   requested and received additional information from the
                          We have based our decision on both EU and national   pair.  Further, other  interested  parties were given  the
                          legislation. The  case also takes into account  the   opportunity to comment on the potential effects of the
                          documents  of the Body of European  Regulators  for   cooperation on competition.
                          Electronic Communications  (BEREC) and the results   (March 31, 2021)

                          Sector  watchdog  the Luxembourg Institute of   from 1 April 2021. Following a consultation, the ceiling
                          Regulation  (Institut  Luxembourgeois de Regulation,   charge for unbundling of the local loop has been set
                          ILR) has published  a  decision  on the monthly rental   at EUR8.60 per month (USD10.09) and the sub-loop at
                          payable by alternative operators for unbundled access   EUR5.44 per month, both unchanged from 2020.
        Luxembourg        to the local loop and local sub-loop (market 3a/2014)   (March 31, 2021)

                          The  Malawi  Communications  Regulatory Authority   MACRA says it has been engaging with operators to
                          (MACRA) has released a statement saying that following   further revise the standard volume bundles offered to
                          complaints from consumers, it has engaged with the   consumers to align to the cost of providing services
                          country’s  mobile operators with  a  view  to  lowering   in the country. As such, cellcos have agreed to reduce
        Malawi            the cost of  data  services.  In  August 2020  operators   the price of 1GB data bundles by 30%, while the cost
                          including Airtel Malawi and Telekom Networks Malawi   of tariffs up  to 4GB will be  lowered  by between  10%
                          (TNM) reduced their pre-paid or ‘out of bundle’ rates   and  31%.  The price changes  became effective  on 22
                          from an average of MWK20 (USD0.02) to MWK5 per MB   April. The MACRA concluded that it ‘is committed to
                          following intervention from the Ministry of Information   ensuring that services delivered are affordable and of
                          and Communications  Technology.  Since  then,  the   good quality.’ (April 23, 2021)

                         Plans to construct new telecommunication towers at   confirmed  that  a  total  of  1,283  transmitting  stations
                         742 locations on the outskirts of towns and rural areas   had been upgraded  with 4G during  the  course  of
                         in the state of Sarawak this year have been unveiled   2020, while a  further 1,606 stations are currently in
                         by  the Malaysian  Communications and Multimedia   the process  of being  uprated.  Under the JENDELA
        Malaysia         Commission (MCMC). In announcing the development,   initiative, the MCMC has also  developed  plans to
                         the regulator noted that the infrastructure work is to
                                                                        provide broadband connectivity via satellite, and in this
                         be carried out under the government’s Jalinan Digital   area the watchdog said that 523 locations have been
                         Negara Plan (JENDELA), as part of efforts to upgrade   identified in Sarawak for the provision of such services,
                         and improve  internet coverage.  According to  the   with  a  tender  evaluation stage  now in  progress.  In
                         MCMC, work on 106 towers commenced  this month,   terms of fixed broadband connectivity, meanwhile, the
                         and construction at the other 636 locations is expected   MCMC aims to reach 43,013 premises in Sarawak with
                         to begin in Q3 2021, with all towers – which will offer   access based on fiber-optic technology, the regulator
                         4G  connectivity  –  scheduled  to  be  completed  in  the   noted in a press release regarding its plans.
                         fourth quarter of 2022.  Meanwhile,  the  MCMC also   (May 1, 2021)

                         The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has issued   spectrum. The MCA now wants responses to ascertain
                         a  call  for expressions of interest  (EoI) in  spectrum   the demand for spectrum in that band. Only companies
                         in the  3.5GHz  band  (3.4GHz-3.8GHz).  The  regulator   which submit an EoI will be eligible to participate in a
                         says that following its public consultation in February   future Call for Applications. (April 21, 2021)
        Malta            concerning  the award  of 5G-capable frequencies  in   The Malta  Communications  Authority (MCA) has
                         the 700MHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz ranges, an unnamed
                         holder of an electronic communication services (ECS)   published  more  details relating to its  auction  of
                         license  has requested  an assignment  of 3.5GHz   5G-capable spectrum,  which is  expected  later  this

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