Page 157 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 157


                          The Ministry  of  Transport  and Communications   for future 5G use. Finally, 1200MHz  of spectrum
                          (Ministerio de Transportes y  Comunicaciones,  MTC)   in the 5925MHz-7125MHz  (6GHz)  band has been
                          has  modified  its  National  Frequency  Attribution  Plan   identified for unlicensed Wi-Fi 6E access. Discussing
                          with the signing of Ministerial Resolution  373-2021-  the  new  resolutions,  Diego  Carrillo,  Vice  Minister  of
                          MTC/01 and Vice Ministerial Resolution No. 162-2021-  Communications,  commented:  ‘For  TVWS,  we  have
                          MTC/03. The new legislation has earmarked 470MHz-  also been working on the operational guidelines that
                          698MHz  spectrum  in  the  so-called  TV  White  Space   we will approve in May, which will make us the second
                          (TVWS)  band  to  boost  rural  broadband  coverage.   country  in  Latin  America to  enable spectrum  for the
                          In  addition, 1200MHz  of spectrum in the 26GHz   use of such a disruptive technology.’
                          millimeter  wave (mmWave)  band  has been  allocated   (May 5, 2021)

                         The Department of Information and Communications   ‘To address permitting  delays  in ongoing  builds of
                         Technology (DICT) has outlined plans to build common   fiber-optic  networks,  we  are  drafting  a  new  Joint
                         tower infrastructure to speed up the rollout of internet   Memorandum  Circular to streamline the permitting
                         services in commercially unviable areas. The Malaya   process. Fiber networks are critical in operationalizing
        Philippines      Business Insight cites Emmanuel Rey  Caintic, DICT   broadband services.  As  it  stands, data  from  the
                         undersecretary for Digital Philippines,  as  saying that
                                                                        National  Telecommunications  Commission (NTC)
                         that the Department is working with Congress on new   confirms that the Philippines had 22,405 towers as of
                         legislation to allow it to access unused funds raised   November 2020, of which Globe Telecom had 10,270,
                         by  spectrum  fees to  build out the new sites.  ‘DICT   followed by Smart Communications (10,069) and new
                         wishes to invest in common  towers for ‘missionary’   third telco, DITO Telecommunity, with 2,066 towers.
                         sites, complete with radio access network and Internet   (May 7, 2021)
                         Protocol backhaul,’ Caintic is quoted as saying, adding:

                         The National  Communications  Authority (Autoridade   November 2020, when the process commenced with an
                         Nacional de Comunicacoes,  ANACOM) has issued  a   allocation specifically for a new entrant. The phase was
                         draft decision approving the renewal of spectrum in the   completed on 11 January with the first day of bidding
                         900MHz and 1800MHz bands for MEO and Vodafone   in the full auction  coming  three days later.  After  the
        Portugal         Portugal.  The  spectrum  permits  –  which  were  last   59th day of full bidding (7 April) 348 rounds had been
                         renewed in March 2012 – have been extended until 21   completed. ANACOM noted at the current “particularly
                         April 2033. As part of the renewal process, ANACOM   slow” pace it  would last  “much longer  than initially
                         has  imposed  additional coverage obligations  on the   expected”  and, with  the inevitable delay  to the build
                         two cellcos. Between them, MEO and Vodafone must   of the actual networks, it was in danger of hampering
                         extend coverage to 100 parishes with low population   digital transformation and economic benefits from the
                         density, ensuring download speeds of up to 100Mbps.   technology.  In response,  the  regulator  is consulting
                         Of these 100 parishes, MEO will have to cover 56 and   on a number of measures to amend current rules and
                         Vodafone  will  have  to  cover  44.  The  two  operators   streamline the process. These include increasing the
                         must agree on the precise distribution of parishes by   maximum number  of daily  bidding  rounds  from the
                         30 June 2022. The decision is now subject to a public   current six  and  allowing greater increments  in the
                         consultation, which will last 20 working days.  amounts being offered.  The regulator said  delays
                         (May 5, 2021)                  in the completion of the auction could  hamper the
                                                                        “competitiveness of our economy, social and territorial
                         Portuguese  regulator  ANACOM  revealed proposals   cohesion, social innovation and improving the quality
                         to streamline  the country’s ongoing  5G auction  over   of services of public interest”. “It would also impact the
                         fears its slow progress would prove detrimental  to   benefits that can be derived from the strengthening of
                         the  country  achieving  full  economic  benefits  from   existing 3G or 4G networks or the development of new
                         the new network technology. Portugal’s controversial   networks”.
                         spectrum auction has been running in some form since   (April 9, 2021)

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