Page 156 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 156


                          roll-out  of  fiber-optic  networks  could  potentially  be   perspective of infrastructure competition, in the long
                          coordinated within the applicable telecommunication   run, undesirable to only have one exclusive fiber-optic
                          and competition laws. In essence, ACM suggests that   network installed. In the annex to the report, the ACM
                          municipalities  may request  operators  to start their   provides guidelines on how the roll-out of fiber-optic
                          roll-out of fiber-optic networks in different geographic   networks could  be coordinated within the applicable
                          areas instead of installing parallel networks at the same   telecommunications  and  competition  laws.  ACM
                          locations. However, ACM  emphasizes that  operators   intends to use these guidelines as a ‘living document’
                          cannot be prohibited in the end, after a limited break   which may be amended on the basis of future market
                          of excavation works  during  which duplication  of   and legal developments. ACM invites market players to
                          networks can be prevented,  from installing a second   continue providing their input on the guidelines.
                          fiber-optic network. According to ACM, it is from the   (May 18, 2021)

                         The Nigerian Communications  Commission  (NCC)   while the remaining  680MHz  (3.52GHz-4.2GHz)  of
                         has  announced  the signing of  a  memorandum  of   the band is  used by  NigComSat (NG-1R) satellites,’
                         understanding  (MoU)  with  Nigerian Communications   commented Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC Umar
        Nigeria          Satellite (NigComSat) to  enable  the rollout of 5G   Garba Danbatta, adding: ‘The two agencies have been
                                                                        in discussions on how to relocate the operations of NG-
                         services in the West African  country.  The  agreement
                         will lead to the freeing up of spectrum in the 3.5GHz-  1R to the standard C-band 300MHz (3.9GHz-4.2GHz)
                         3.9GHz  range which is  currently used by  NigComSat   potion of the band, which is more suitable in terms of
                         satellites, but will be  reallocated  to mobile  operators   satellite service offering because end user terminal are
                         for the deployment of 5G networks. ‘For optimal   cheaper there, while leaving the non-standard C-band
                         5G service  performance,  an average  of contiguous   400MHz (3.5GHz-3.9GHz) portion of the band for 5G
                         100MHz of spectrum in the C-band is required by an   use. The cost of relocating the NG-1R is expected to
                         operator. However in Nigeria, only 120MHz of the band   be offset from the proceeds of the auction of the 5G
                         (3.4GHz-3.52GHz)  is  available  for mobile  services   spectrum.’ (May 6, 2021)

                         The telecoms regulator the National Communications   cover the vast  majority  of frequency  bands currently
                         Authority  (Nasjonal  kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  being used for mobile services today, as well as those
                         NKOM) has successfully  negotiated  a new  spectrum   that are planned to be used in the future. Specifically,
                         coordination  agreement  with neighbors  Finland and   the agreement covers the following spectrum bands:
        Norway           Sweden, which it says is designed to facilitate the easy   700MHz,  800MHz,  900MHz,  1500MHz,  1800MHz,
                         use of 5G technology in border areas. In releasing the
                                                                        2100MHz,  2300MHz,  2600MHz  and 3600MHz.  Of
                         proposed agreement for consultation, and having set a   note, however, the agreement states that it ‘does not
                         deadline of 23 April 2021 for feedback from interested   concern use of GSM technology and preferential GSM-
                         parties, the NKOM noted that it had proposed merging   frequency  assignments’,  which  ‘can continue  to be
                         all  existing  agreements  on relevant  frequency  bands   operated according to existing agreements. According
                         in the  border  areas between the three  countries   to the NKOM, authorities in its neighboring countries
                         into a  single document. Currently,  there  are several   agreed  that  it  would be easier to maintain a  single
                         coordination agreements  between  the countries   document,  rather than several separate frequency
                         related to different frequency bands, and the Norwegian   agreements, and it suggested that the new coordination
                         regulator suggests these are partly outdated and not fit   agreement  will  become  a  ‘living document’  that  is
                         for purpose. As such, the new expanded agreement will   updated regularly. (March 26, 2021)

                         The Agency  for the Promotion of Private  Investment   2300MHz  range, at 2300MHz-2330MHz.  The  winner
                         (Agencia  de Promocion  de la  Inversion Privada,   of AWS frequencies will be required to provide network
                         ProInversion)  has announced  a special  public  tender   coverage  of 1,171  rural towns, including  at  least
                         for two lots of 4G spectrum, with the winning bidders   118  in  the  Valley  of  the  Apurimac,  Ene  and  Mantaro
        Peru             required to deploy mobile coverage to a combined total   Rivers  (Valle  de  los  rios  Apurimac,  Ene  y  Mantaro,
                                                                        VRAEM) region and in the jungle areas of the country.
                         of 1,561 rural and remote towns, comprising more than
                         300,000 inhabitants. The two lots of spectrum comprise   The  successful  2300MHz  bidder, meanwhile,  will be
                         2×30MHz in the 1700MHz band (AWS-3) at 1750MHz-  required to roll out mobile networks to 390 rural towns
                         1780MHz/2150MHz-2180MHz  and 1×30MHz  in the   across the country. (May 18, 2021)

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