Page 159 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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                          The Slovenian government’s  auction  of 5G spectrum   Frequencies  in the 700MHz,  1500MHz,  3.5GHz  and
                          has  raised a  total  of  EUR164.2  million (USD195.7   26GHz bands are available to operators immediately,
                          million). The sale included frequencies in the 700MHz,   while the 2100MHz  spectrum  will  be released on
                          1500MHz, 2100MHz, 2.3GHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands,   22 September  and the 2.3GHz frequencies  will  be
                          and spectrum  was  acquired by  the four incumbent   available from 1 January 2022. Licenses are valid for
        Slovenia          mobile network operators  (MNOs).  Telekom Slovenia   15 years, but could be extended to 20-year terms under
                          was  the highest bidder  with  bids totaling EUR52.1   a proposed  amendment  to the country’s Electronic
                          million for licenses in five of the six available bands,   Communications Act. Winning bidders are obliged to
                          followed closely by Telemach, which offered EUR51.6   be using spectrum  from each frequency  band in at
                          million for frequencies in all bands. A1 Slovenia paid   least one city within one year and all major cities within
                          EUR42.4 million for spectrum in the 700MHz, 1500MHz,   five years, while the 700MHz licenses carry additional
                          2100MHz,  3.5GHz  and 26GHz  ranges,  while T-2  bid   coverage  requirements  for major national highways
                          EUR18.2  million for 2100MHz  and 2.3GHz  licenses.   and rail routes. (April 19, 2021)

                         South  Africa’s telecoms  regulator  Independent   CommsUpdate, in late December 2020 Telkom filed an
                         Communications  Authority of South  Africa (ICASA)   application with the High Court in Pretoria seeking an
                         has extended the temporary allocation of emergency   interdict to halt  ICASA’s  spectrum  licensing  process,
                         spectrum  under South Africa’s disaster management   claiming  that ICASA’s Invitations To Apply  (ITAs)  for
        South Africa     regulations by  two  months (from  1  April to  31  May   spectrum  and the Wireless Open Access  Network
                         2021),  following  the  delay in the  planned  multi-band
                                                                        (WOAN) have fundamental  flaws  that could  entrench
                         spectrum auction due to a legal challenge. ICASA said   the ‘dominance’ of market leaders Vodacom and MTN.
                         in a statement: ‘Following the expiry of the temporary   Earlier  this  month, the High  Court  in  Pretoria issued
                         spectrum  extension on 31 May 2021, the authority   an interdict preventing  ICASA from proceeding  with
                         will  embark on a  comprehensive review  of the ICT   the auction for high demand spectrum in the 700MHz,
                         COVID-19 national disaster regulations, which include   800MHz, 2600MHz and 3500MHz bands, pending the
                         the  radio frequency  spectrum  extensions,  as well as   final  determination  of  Telkom’s  application  to  review
                         the relaxation of compliance requirements in respect   ICASA’s decision to publish the two ITAs.
                         of local  content  for broadcasters,  and type-approval   (March 29, 2021)
                         obligations.’ As previously reported by TeleGeography’s

                         The Post and Telecom Agency (Post & Telestyrelsen,   Sweden.’ (May 13, 2021)
                         PTS) has opened a public consultation regarding the
                         award  of  local 5G  licenses for  industrial and public   Sweden’s  telecoms  regulator,  the Post  and Telecom
                         sector  use  in  fields  such  as  industry,  mining,  ports,   Agency  (Post  &  Telestyrelsen,  PTS),  is  preparing  to
        Sweden           warehousing and hospitals. The proposed concessions   offer SEK1.6 billion (USD188 million) of funding for fiber
                         will  utilize spectrum  in the 3720MHz-3800MHz  and   network expansion  in  underserved localities in  three
                         24.25GHz-25.1GHz  ranges,  with  the  first  licensing   regions. The watchdog says subsidies will be available
                         expected  to take place  this year.  In a  statement the   in Norrland, Svealand and Gotaland, but only for areas
                         regulator  said: ‘The conditions  aim  to enable  local   where there are no plans by telcos for a commercial
                         applications  in a purposeful  and robust  manner  and   broadband  network rollout. Applications  for funding
                         thereby provide space for innovation and development,   will be invited in May, with payments to be made by the
                         as well as contribute to the further rollout of 5G uses in   end of the year. (April 16, 2021)

                         Taiwan’s  five  dominant  telecom  services  providers   Assessment  for Telecommunication’ by the National
                         –  Chunghwa  Telecom,  Taiwan  Mobile,  Far  EasTone   Communications  Commission  (NCC) next  month.
                         (FET), Asia Pacific Telecom and Taiwan Star – will be   According to the local press outlet, the service items
                         required to disclose important service information on   and formats to be used by telecoms for self-evaluating
                         their websites,  including  mobile broadband  speeds   their mobile communication  services were approved
        Taiwan           and coverage  levels, by  January  2022, the Taipei   at a weekly commissioners’ meeting last week, based
                         Times reports.  The new requirement is  expected  to   on Article 18 of the Telecommunications Management
                         be introduced  following the pending  announcement   Act. The NCC has said that operators with an annual
                         of the ‘Service Items  and Formats  of Service Quality   sales revenue of more than TWD100 million (USD3.5

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