Page 155 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 155


                         year.  It  will  offer six  lots of 2×5MHz  in the 700MHz   not assigned. Licensees will be required to make use
                         band (2×30MHz  in  total), four blocks  of  80MHz  plus   of all the spectrum allocated to them within 24 months
                         16 lots of 5MHz in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz range (400MHz   of the date of assignment, with services to be made
                         in total) and six blocks of 200MHz in the 26GHz band.   available nationwide. Malta is currently home to three
                         Each bidder  will  be limited to 2×10MHz  at  700MHz,   mobile  network  operators:  Epic  (formerly  Vodafone),
                         100MHz  at  3.5GHz  and 400MHz  at 26GHz, though   GO and Melita.
                         these caps will  be raised if  all  available  spectrum  is   (April 9, 2021)

                         The National Regulatory  Agency  for Electronic   2640MHz, 2×20MHz (FDD)
                         Communications   and   Information  Technology  •  License  D:   2560MHz-2570MHz/2680MHz-
                         (ANRCETI) has launched an auction for spectrum in the   2690MHz, 2×10MHz (FDD)
                         450MHz, e900MHz and 2600MHz bands. The regulator   •  License  E:  2575MHz-2615MHz,  1×40MHz  (TDD/
        Moldova          is planning to auction one concession in the 450MHz   License A will be valid until 28 June 2026, License B
                         band, one concession in the e900MHz band and three
                         licenses in the 2600MHz as follows:            (8 November 2029) and Licenses C, D and E (7 August
                         •  License  A:   454.6MHz-457.1MHz/464.6MHz-   2027). Applications are invited until 1 June 2021, with
                            467.1MHz, 2×1.25MHz (FDD)                   tentative award dates of 28 June 2021 (License A) and
                         •  License  B: 885MHz-890MHz/930MHz-935MHz,    6 July 2021 (Licenses B, C, D and E).
                            2×5MHz (FDD)                                (May 14, 2021)
                         •  License   C:    2500MHz-2520MHz/2620MHz-

                         The Namibia approved new regulations on 15 March   general of the Namibia Central Intelligence Service, and
                         that will require all mobile phone subscribers to register   all affected telecommunications service providers. The
                         their SIM  cards before being  able to access network   enforcement data of the new regulation has yet to be
                         services, reports The Namibian. Minister of Information   announced. Once the new regulation is in force, service
        Namibia          and Communication  Technology  Peya  Mushelenga   providers will be required to store all their customers’
                                                                        information for a period of at least five years from the
                         stressed the regulation  was  partly  necessitated  by
                         Namibia’s increasing  crime  rate. ‘Right  now, anyone   date of telecommunication, while the Namibian Police
                         can go into a shop, buy a SIM card, and commit a crime.   or the Namibia Central  Intelligence  Service  will  need
                         We are moving towards what  is  happening  in South   to obtain authorization from a judge or magistrate to
                         Africa where one cannot just by a SIM card – it must   access the records. MTC, the country’s largest mobile
                         be registered,’ he said, adding the new regulation was   network operator (MNO), notes it already encourages
                         established in consultation with the Communications   clients to register their SIMs on a voluntary basis.
                         Regulatory Authority  of Namibia (CRAN),  the  director   (March 29, 2021)

                         The  Netherlands  Authority  for  Consumers  &  Markets   to cooperate in the installation of a fiber-optic network
                         (“ACM”) has published its updated market study (“FttH   on the basis of a co-investment agreement. As such,
                         report”)  into  the  roll-out  in  the  Netherlands  of  fiber-  the installation  costs can be shared between  the
                         optic broadband networks for households  (Fiber-to-  operators and ACM also has the option to exclude the
        The              the-Home). The ACM  started its  FttH  market  study   resulting network from ex-ante regulations (if one of
                                                                        the operators would be designated as having a market
                         in April 2019  in  response  to  indications  of strategic
        Netherlands      overbuild by operators (e.g. the installation of parallel   position of Significant Market Power ‘SMP’). However,
                         networks)  and market behavior seemingly  aimed at   ACM  concludes  that  in  practice  market  players
                         frustrating the business case of competitors. For more   are reluctant  to cooperate  under  a  co-investment
                         information  on the initial  FttH  report  of 2019, please   agreement  and  no co-investment agreement  has
                         see our earlier blog in Dutch. In its updated FttH report   yet been submitted to ACM for review. An interesting
                         of May  2021,  ACM  maintains  that  co-investment   aspect in the updated FttH report is the suggestion by
                         agreements  remain the most suitable  possibility to   ACM that municipalities, together with the operators,
                         realize  a  rapid  roll-out.  The EU  Telecom  Code offers   may take a coordinating  role  in selecting  the  areas
                         the opportunity for the Dutch legislator to stimulate the   for  optical  fiber  roll-out.  As  part  of  its  updated  FttH
                         roll-out of fiber-optic networks by allowing operators   report, ACM  provides general  guidelines  on how the

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