Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 41


        Marsh argues  that a broadband  speed   Affordable Internet for All (AAIA) Act, calls   of policy recommendations  that  it  made
        definition  built  on  symmetrical  speeds   for $80  billion to  be awarded through  a   last week that included recommendations
        could  dramatically expand  the locations   competitive bidding process and would   about  broadband infrastructure funding.
        deemed “unserved” and could lead to some   require funding recipients to deploy service   The  association,  which  represents  fixed
        areas being unnecessarily overbuilt while   supporting symmetrical gigabit speeds – a   wireless providers,  also argued against
        leaving fewer dollars  to  support  areas  in   target that essentially would require fiber   a symmetrical services  requirement  for
        greater need. Fixed wireless technology   to the  premises.  The  Fiber Broadband   any  broadband  funding  program  and
        can easily deliver 100 Mbps downstream   Association  has argued  that if the AAIA   argued  that  priority should  be  given to
        when  deployed using  C-band spectrum,   proposal  is adopted,  funding  should  only   communities that have no broadband over
        Marsh notes. (AT&T was one of the biggest   go to fixed wireless if no provider bids to   upgrades  to  existing  broadband.  AT&T’s
        winning  bidders  in that auction.) But she   deploy  fiber  broadband.  Marsh  argues,   fixed  wireless  advocacy  underscores  the
        adds that “wireless networks are not built   though,  that requiring  funding  recipients   importance that the technology is gaining
        to deliver symmetrical speeds, so any   to deploy fiber would increase deployment   in  providers’  plans  –  not  just  the  small
        mandate around symmetrical performance   costs and “there is no compelling evidence   rural WISPs but also major broadband
        could  undermine the delivery  of these   that those expenditures are justified over   providers. And  those  major broadband
        efficient and robust technology solutions in   the service quality  of a  50/10  or 100/20   providers have considerable influence over
        hard to serve areas of the country.” One of   Mbps  product.” The Wireless  Internet   federal policymakers.
        the proposals for broadband infrastructure   Service Providers Association (WISPA) took
        funding,  known as  the Accessible,   a position similar to Marsh’s in a broad set

                                             BT To Increase and Accelerate FTTP Build to 25m
                                             Premises by the End Of 2026

        Openreach, the wholly-owned,  indepen-  deliver further shareholder value by fund-  to 25 million homes and businesses to de-
        dent fixed access infrastructure arm of BT,   ing  the  additional 5m premises through   liver further value to our shareholders and
        is building Fiber-to-the-Premises (“FTTP”)   a  joint venture with external parties and   support the Government’s full fiber ambi-
        faster, at lower cost and higher  quality   will  explore joint venture structures over   tions.  “This  has  three  massive  benefits:
        than anyone else in the UK. In the last year   the first half of the current financial year.   it  allows  us  to  go  faster,  beefing  up  our
        Openreach passed a record 2m premises   Commenting on this additional FTTP build,   capacity to build fibre to households and
        with FTTP.  Openreach  now believes that   Philip Jansen,  Chief  Executive, BT Group   businesses; it allows us to go further, get-
        it  has  the capability  to  reach around  4m   said:  “BT  is  already  building  more  full  fi-  ting fiber to more people including in rural
        premises  a  year.  Given  this  build  confi-  ber broadband to homes and businesses   communities, and; it will help fuel UK eco-
        dence, encouraging take-up on the current   than anyone else in the UK. Today we are   nomic  recovery, with better  connectivity
        FTTP footprint, the regulatory clarity pro-  increasing our FTTP target from 20 million   and up to 7,000 new jobs.”
        vided by  OFCOM’s  Wholesale Fixed Tele-
        coms Market Review (“WFTMR”), coupled
        with the Government’s recent cash tax
        super-deduction and the positive outcome
        from the recent 5G spectrum auction, BT
        has decided that the conditions are right to
        increase and accelerate its total FTTP build
        from 20m to 25m premises by December
        2026. Openreach will start its ramp up to
        4m premises a year with immediate effect.
        BT has the capacity to fund this additional
        build entirely from internal resources while
        continuing to stand by its other priorities,
        including investing in 5G and its modern-
        ization program, committing  to a  mini-
        mum credit rating of BBB flat, supporting
        the  BT Pension  Scheme  and reinstating
        its dividend in the current financial year at
        7.7 pence per share. BT believes it could

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