Page 42 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 42


        BT Labs' End-To-End Network Core Trial Marks Important Milestone for

        Standalone 5G

        BT’s mobile business, EE, was first to launch   rolled into the live network, this technology   within 5G networks. The testbed continues
        5G in the UK and continues to expand its   will  help to realize the full performance   to offer BT and its partners the opportunity
        leading network. It offers customers faster   potential  of 5G technologies, enabling   to explore a number of 5G use cases and
        speeds  and greater  capacity in  the short   numerous  economic  opportunities  for   their application within a  number of key
        term. And as the underlying structures of   business  across vertical industries like   strategic verticals. These include:
        5G continue to evolve, some of the bigger   public  safety, eHealth, manufacturing   •  eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband) –
        impacts of 5G-enabled  technology will   and logistics, transportation, media and   providing high data rate services such
        arrive in the years ahead. In line with BT’s   entertainment, and automotive.  In 2019,   as  HD  video  or  Virtual  Reality  (VR)/
        commitment  to  building  the strongest   BT  officially  launched  its  own  5G-VINNI   Augmented Reality (AR);
        foundations for the UK, our research teams   testbed at  Adastral  Park  and opened  the   •  URLLC  (ultra-reliable,  low-latency
        at the BT Labs, Adastral Park, continue to   project to applications to use the facilities   communications) – further minimizing
        innovate  in  communications  and digital   to demonstrate 5G innovation. And earlier   network  latency for mission critical
        technology,  helping to  unlock 5G’s  future   this  year,  we  made  a  significant  step   services such as autonomous driving or
        potential for customers and partners. One   towards the future of 5G as the testbed’s   remote diagnosis and surgery
        important strand of our 5G research is part   underlying  infrastructure underwent a   •  mMTC  (massive  machine-type
        of the Horizon 2020 program – an EU-led   major  upgrade  –  evolving  its  network   communications)   –   powering
        Research and Innovation program  with   core  to  a  full  5G  stand-alone  (5G  SA)   5G services with high  density  of
        nearly €80bn of funding available over its   architecture.  As opposed  to all  current   connectivity, such as smart city grids or
        lifetime. Through this project, we’ve been   commercial 5G networks, 5G SA provides   massive IoT networks.
        able to accelerate 5G innovation on subjects   a  fully  5G  end-to-end  solution  without   In order to investigate these concepts, BT
        that are still years away from the market,   data traffic being redirected through a 4G   is currently using the 5G-VINNI testbed to
        investigating everything from autonomous   network core, as is currently the case for   engage  in  a  series  of  experiments,  tests
        drones to 360o remote robotic control. One   all  UK  mobile  networks. The  underlying   and trials  of different 5G Innovations.
        of the projects that we have helped build   technology, is  a  proof of concept based   Watch this space for future details as we
        and test is called 5G-VINNI (5G Verticals   on a  Samsung-supplied  commercial 5G   explore  these exciting new technologies
        Innovation Infrastructure), whose aim is to   NR SA solution, offering the possibility of   and continue to develop 5G to its maximum
        create a set of interconnected, open, end-  greater flexibility, improved performance   potential!
        to-end  5G testbeds across Europe. Once   & stability, and a future-proof architecture

                                             China Mobile Revenue Climbs on 5G Handset

        China Mobile warned gains fueled by its 5G business could prove a double-
        edged  sword  in  terms of increased expenses,  as  it  revealed growth in  key
        metrics for the first quarter. In an earnings statement, chairman Yang Jie said
        following  its large-scale  5G network  deployment,  it expects  corresponding
        depreciation and electricity expenses to increase at relatively high rates. The
        operator  ended  March  with 189 million 5G package  customers compared
        with 31.7 million in Q1 2020 and for the first time revealed it had 92.8 million
        customers,  defined  as  those  using  the  next-generation  network  over  the
        course  of a  month.  Surprisingly  its  4G  use base also  grew  during  Q1,  up
        36  million  year-on-year  to  788  million.  Net  profit  increased  2.3  per  cent  to
        CNY24.1 billion ($3.7 billion), with total operating revenue rising 9.5 per cent to
        CNY198.5 billion. The revenue growth was fueled by a 67 per cent increase in
        handset sales to CNY20.8 billion, which the operator credited to a wider range
        of 5G models at more affordable prices. Telecoms service turnover increased
        5.2  per cent  to CNY177.7 billion. Total subscribers  fell by 6 million to 940
        million. ARPU edged up 1.1 per cent to CNY47.40, while average monthly data
        usage increased 34.9 per cent to 11.2GB. The volume of total voice minutes
        increased 8.3 per cent and SMS usage dropped 12.6 per cent.
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