Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 44


                                             Cisco and BT Join Forces to Help Small Businesses

                                             in the UK Bounce Back Stronger

        BT is strengthening  its support for UK   enabling  employees to  make and receive   solution  forms part  of BT’s  IP  product
        small businesses by working with Cisco to   calls with the same number, regardless of   portfolio, replacing the legacy  analogue
        introduce  new collaboration  tools aimed   location or device. With the launch of Cloud   phone  systems that will be  withdrawn
        at helping firms to bounce back stronger   Voice  with  Webex,  BT’s  small  business   by 2025 as part of the digital switchover.
        following the Covid-19  pandemic.  With   customers  can  significantly  enhance   Firms  which  adopt  BT  Cloud  Voice  now
        hybrid working  models  becoming the   their productivity  with  advanced video   will  benefit  from  the  next  generation  of
        norm  and 87% of employees  in the  UK   conferencing services and online meetings,   digital voice services, allowing businesses
        hoping  for a  choice in  working  location   instant  messaging, screen  sharing and   to use the latest technology ahead of the
        as  restrictions  ease, BT is making hybrid   other  business collaboration  tools. The   switchover.  “Small  businesses  are at  the
        working easier and more productive for   blend of services available through Cloud   core of our communities and it is integral
        small businesses by adding Cisco Webex   Voice  with  Webex  allows  businesses  to   to  address  their  specific  challenges  and
        to its Cloud Voice solution. This makes BT   adopt  a hybrid  working model,  helping   needs, which is the core focus for both Cisco
        one of the first major service providers in   employees to  work  just  as  effectively  at   and BT”, said Vaughan Klein, EMEAR Senior
        Europe to  offer this  advanced integrated   home, or another remote location, as they   Director, Cisco Collaboration. “Webex helps
        Webex Collaboration  experience  to  small   do in the office. As well as equipping staff   enable productivity and recovery as we all
        business  customers, and enhances  BT’s   with the tools they need to stay productive   consider  an imminent  safe return  to the
        portfolio of Cisco-based solutions for UK   when  working remotely, the solution  can   office, especially due to its scalable nature
        small businesses, which already includes   also  support  wider company  ambitions   and flexibility. It means a small business
        BTnet - the UK’s leading dedicated internet   such as  reducing carbon  emissions by   can truly benefit from an enterprise-grade
        leased  line  service.  BT  Cloud  Voice  is  a   enabling  employees to  maintain  reduced   collaboration  system at  an  competitive
        cloud  based digital phone  system that   levels of  travel or supporting their wider   price, while maintaining their relationship
        works over the internet or a private network,   digital transformation ambitions. The new   with BT as their trusted Service Provider.”

        Cisco CEO Addresses World’s Largest Cybersecurity Conference

        Cisco,  the  leader in enterprise security,   intelligence,”  said Cisco  Chairman and   reduce  customers’  time to detection and
        unveiled innovations to further its journey   CEO Chuck  Robbins,  addressing  the   response. Cisco today announced:
        to radically simplify and deliver end-to-end   virtual  RSA Conference  audience.  “There   •  Industry-leading   Vulnerability
        security, across  users, devices, networks,   is really no perimeter in the enterprise to   Management  with Kenna  Security:
        applications  and data.  Announcements   defend anymore. We need visibility across   Cisco  will combine  threat and risk-
        improve Extended Detection and Response   endpoints, users and applications as well   based vulnerability  management as
        (XDR) with greater visibility across network,   as  securing  critical control points  with   part  of the SecureX platform with its
        endpoint  and cloud.  New innovations   continuous passwordless authentication.”  announcement  of intent to  acquire
        expand  Cisco’s  vision for Secure Access   Improving   Visibility   and   Simplifying   Kenna  Security.  This integration  will
        Service Edge (SASE) with  enhanced   Extended Detection and Response (XDR)  help customers prioritize vulnerabilities,
        threat detection in the cloud and redefine   The erosion of the network perimeter and   speed  and  automate decision  making
        and simplify  network security.  Cisco   transition to  work-from-anywhere  have   with tailored information, and accelerate
        continues to simplify customers’ security,   conspired to  expose endpoint  devices,   response time for cyber readiness.
        network and IT operations  -  empowering   users and applications to threats more so   •  SecureX  Device Insights:  Customers
        organizations to embark securely on digital   than ever before.  Organizations continue   can quickly consolidate  their  device
        transformation.  The  world  has shifted   to struggle  with extending  visibility and   inventory  from  multiple  sources
        towards a more distributed workforce, and   protection to endpoints, with more than 40   within  the  SecureX  platform  to
        with recent  global events,  hybrid work is   percent globally reporting a major security   provide unsurpassed visibility  and
        here to stay. Users now expect to connect   incident in the last two years, according to   context  for IT operations  (ITOps) and
        from anywhere and on any  device, while   the new Cisco  Security  Outcomes Study:   security operations  (SecOps) as  well
        security  teams have the  same complex,   Endpoint  Edition. Organizations that do   as  automated threat  enrichment  and
        piecemeal and time-consuming solutions.   not prioritize  integrated  solutions were   response.
        It  is time to rethink security. “Security   almost twice as likely to have suffered a   •  Simplified Transition to XDR from EDR:
        has to be at the heart of everything in the   major security  event. In response, Cisco   As the  only endpoint  security  solution
        new world we live in. We believe it needs   continues  to expand its XDR capabilities,   with a built-in platform,  SecureX
        to be done with a platform approach that   integrating multiple security control points   continues  to help customers  simplify
        is  simple, comprehensive and based on   and applying analytics and automation to   the move  from  Endpoint Detection

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