Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission   ACCC said it is seeking views on a number of issues
                         (ACCC) has  launched  a  consultation  on industry   related to the presenting of information to consumers
                         guidance related to broadband speed claims made by   about upload  speeds  and factors affecting  speeds
                         operators. According to the watchdog, developments   received on alternative wireless  access networks.
        Australia        in the way  retail  service providers (RSPs) display   Interested parties have until 25 February 2022 to make
                         upload  speeds  and consumers’  interest in upload   submissions to the consultation. Previously, the ACCC
                         speeds  information  has prompted  it to consider   released its  guidance  on broadband speed  claims
                         updating  the ‘Broadband  Speeds  Claims – Industry   in August 2017 to outline good practices for RSPs to
                         Guidance’. Further, the ACCC has suggested  that the   adopt in presenting  the speeds  of their broadband
                         growth  of  fixed  wireless  services  on  alternative  fixed   plans.  Since  then,  the regulator  has committed  to
                         wireless networks ‘also reinforces the need to promote   reviewing the guidance  periodically, and published
                         transparency about the factors that may affect speeds   updates to it in 2019 and 2020 in response to changes
                         on  all  fixed  wireless  access  networks.  As  such,  the   in the market. (February 1, 2022)

                         The  Telekom Control Commission  (TKK) says it has   investigation with  the Federal Competition  Authority
                         decided to conduct an in-depth analysis of competition   (Bundeswettbewerbsbehorde, BWB).
                         in the mobile  communications market, in order  to   (February 24, 2022)
                         continue to enable sufficient competition in the future
        Austria          and to secure it  in the long  term.  According  to the   In order to create planning  security  for market
                         regulator, in 2020 and 2021 complaints  about  non-  participants, Austria’s  Telecom  Control Commission
                         competitive sales prices, cases of denial of access, and   (TKK), together with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture,
                         pressure to change  business  models  were received   Regions  and Tourism, has  drawn up a  Spectrum
                         from  MVNOs  and  other upstream  service providers.   Release Plan for the period 2022 to 2026. The legally
                         As a condition of Hutchison Drei’s acquisition of rival   non-binding plan is intended to reflect the authorities’
                         Orange in 2012, the company  agreed  with the EC to   current assessment of future spectrum  awards.  It
                         provide wholesale  network access  to MVNOs  for ten   envisages  that frequencies  in the 26GHz (totaling
                         years. With this obligation set to expire at the end of   around 1.6GHz, some of which will be used for local
                         2022, the TKK says it must check whether competition   connectivity such as campus networks and industrial
                         in  the wholesale mobile market  and thus ultimately   use)  and 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  bands will  be  allocated  in
                         also  the retail  market can continue to be successful   the  first  half  of  2023,  followed  by  2.6GHz  spectrum
                         in the future, or whether  there are tendencies  that   (as  well as  2.3GHz  and 6GHz  spectrum,  depending
                         can have a  lasting impact on the advantages that   on availability)  during  2025, while frequencies  in the
                         have been  achieved for the entire  market  to  date,   42GHz, 60GHz and 26GHz bands are not expected to
                         particularly with regards to new technologies such as   be awarded until after 2026.
                         5G and new business models. The TKK will conduct its   (February 17, 2022)

                         The  National Telecommunications  Agency  (Anatel)   2100MHz  spectrum;  the  Cozani  assets  encompass
                         has reportedly approved  the transfer of spectrum   the  North, Northeast and Southeast  regions,  notably
                         licences  currently  held by  Oi  Movel  to  its  rivals,  TIM   Minas Gerais and Rio de  Janeiro. While Claro will
                         Brasil, Telefonica Brasil (Vivo) and Claro Brasil. As per   not gain any spectrum via the deal, Jonava is said to
        Brazil           government documentation, the spectrum assets will   include  secondary spectrum  rights and RAN sharing
                                                                        agreements. Oi’s  mobile unit was  sold at  auction  on
                         be transferred via three holding companies: Garliava,
                         Cozani and Jonava.  Vivo will  acquire the Garliava   14 December 2020, generating a final bid of BRL16.5
                         assets,  which include  authorizations for the use of   billion (USD3.25 billion). Anatel approved the deal on
                         the 900MHz,  1800MHz  and 2.5GHz  bands, chiefly in   31 January this year and the Administrative Council for
                         the Northeast. TIM,  meanwhile,  will  assume control   Economic Defence (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa
                         of the  Cozani frequencies,  which  are said to include   Economica,  CADE) green-lit the  deal on 9  February.
                         the 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2.5GHz bands, alongside   (February 15, 2022) TeleTime

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