Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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                         Telecom  regulator Anatel unanimously approved   an evaluation of competition in the market. To maintain
                         the sale of Oi’s mobile unit Oi Movel to a consortium   a  healthy  competitive  environment, operators will  be
                         of its former rivals in a vote held on 31st January. In   required to submit Wholesale Product Reference Offers
                         December 2020, Claro Brasil, Telefonica Brasil and Tim   for national roaming. The consortium members must
                         Brasil  lodged  a  joint bid of BRL16.5  billion (USD3.25   also  make voluntary  commitments around  their use
                         billion)  for Oi’s  mobile operations.  CommsUpdate   of Oi’s  spectrum,  which Anatel claims  will  safeguard
                         notes  that  the  offer  was  ratified  by  Brazil’s  Judicial   competition  so  that  new operators  can enter the
                         Reorganization Court, with Oi executing the agreement   market.
                         on 28th January 2021. Anatel granted its approval after   (February 1, 2022)

                         Plans  by  the government  of Cambodia to route  all   on the establishment of the NIG states that the move
                         domestic  and  international  internet  traffic  through  a   is aimed at enhancing  national revenue  collection,
                         National Internet Gateway (NIG) have been postponed,   saving costs and protecting national security, but its
                         an  official  told  Nikkei  Asia.  The  new  gateway  was   critics, which include the Asia Internet Coalition (AIC),
        Cambodia         expected  to  begin operating  this  month but So   say  the  move would undermine citizens’ rights to
                         Visothy, a  spokesman for the Ministry  of Posts and   internet access, and raises concerns about freedom of
                         Telecommunications (MPTC), confirmed that the plans   expression, media censorship and user privacy.
                         have been  delayed ‘due  to the disruption  caused  by   (February 16, 2022)
                         the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic’. A sub-decree

                         Francois-Philippe  Champagne,  Canada’s Minister of   4G LTE  plans).  The statement  claimed that  these
                         Innovation, Science and Industry, announced that the   benchmark  packages continue  to  reflect Canadians’
                         government  has  met its  commitment  to reduce  the   average mobile data usage, quoting an average figure
        Canada           costs of  mid-range mobile packages by  25% three   of 3.8GB  per  user per  month. The  two-year tracking
                                                                        period to reduce prices is due to end in March 2022.
                         months ahead of schedule. Prices for all tracked mid-
                         range plans have decreased by 25% compared to the   The  statement added  that mobile  prices  in general
                         benchmark  prices  observed in early  2020, according   have declined across the board, quoting the Statistics
                         to the newly published  data  for the latest  quarter of   Canada cellular services price index showing a 26.9%
                         pricing,  covering  October  to December  2021.  The   decline  from February  2020  to December  2021.  The
                         benchmark is based on prices advertised on company   government  has  also  observed decreases generally
                         websites of the three largest cellcos Rogers, Bell and   in the  range  of 22% to 26% for mobile  plans with
                         Telus in early  2020  for three mobile plans offering   10GB data volumes and larger, ‘which builds on past
                         2GB, 4GB and 6GB of data respectively (all post-paid,   reductions of 31% for 10GB plans in 2019.’
                         bring your own device [BYOD], unlimited talk and text   (February 1, 2022)

                         The Congolese  government  has  adopted  a  decision   devices with the regulator, which would directly charge
                         to end  the controversial device registration  (Registre   an annual fee. Unregistered devices, or those for which
                         des Appareils Mobiles, RAM) tax from 1 March 2022,   the customer  could  not pay the  fee,  were blocked.
                         following criticism  regarding the collection  of  the   The RAM tax was priced at USD1.00 for 2G devices or
        Congo            fee and  the lack  of  transparency surrounding  the   USD7.00 for 3G and 4G (or better) devices, paid via six
                         use of the funds raised by the levy. The decision will   monthly payments (USD0.17 per month for five months
                         repeal  legislation from March  2020 which  amended   and  a  final  payment  of  USD0.15  or  five  payments  of
                         rules setting the methods  of calculation  and rates   USD1.17 and one of USD1.15). The monthly payments
                         of income  for the  Regulatory Authority  of Post and   represented  a  substantial portion of the average
                         Telecommunications  (Autorite de Regulation  des   consumer’s spending on mobile services  and payment
                         Postes et Telecom, ARPTC). Collection  of the levy   of the RAM fee was reportedly prioritized above other
                         for 2G phones  was  scrapped  in October  last  year.   payments,  such as mobile  money services. Further,
                         The device registration scheme  was  introduced  in   advocacy groups have highlighted that the government
                         September 2020 in an effort to tackle phone theft and   has not made it clear how much  money has been
                         the sale of counterfeit devices. Under  the scheme,   collected  or how  it  is  being  spent, claiming that  the
                         consumers were required to register the International   funds were not accounted for in public records. (February
                         Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)  number  of their   21, 2022)

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