Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        SI Global CEO. He further explained that the rationalization plan   regulations on tariffs. Under the proposed guidelines – ‘Tariff for
        optimized that use to enable all networks to reach audience more   Telecommunication Services Regulations, 2022’ – the PTA would
        efficiently  and  broaden  the  areas  of  their  reach,  expanding  the   have greater authority to regulate pricing for services, requiring
        landscape they could cover as well as increasing access for the   operators  with  significant  market  power  (SMP)  to  submit
        public. It would increase the scope of networks and allow better   proposals for tariff changes in advance. The draft regulations set
        utilization of services, he noted. The spectrum rationalization plan   out a process for amendments to be made to tariffs, including the
        will optimize the use of radio frequency spectrum, avoid and solve   criteria for the PTA to approve or reject the tariff proposals. The
        interference, design short and long-range frequency allocations   regulations allow the PTA to set price ceilings and floors for basic
        and advance the introduction of new wireless technologies. Jazz   telecommunications services. Also covered by the document are
        CEO Aamir Hafeez Ibrahim said that “the rationalization exercise   a number of consumer  protection  measures,  such  as requiring
        makes spectrum allocation in Pakistan more efficient”. “Telecom   operators to: seek permission from customers before renewing
        users, businesses and society as  a  whole stand  to  gain from   subscriptions; inform users when they reach certain thresholds
        improved  options for network  coverage  and quality,”  he  added.   of  usage  (50%,  80%  and  100%  of  their  allowance);  and  publish
        (February 20, 2022)                     detailed information on charges applicable to tariffs. As noted by
                                                               TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database, the PTA published  a
        Sector  regulator  the Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   similar paper in February last year.
        (PTA) has  published a  public  consultation  paper for draft   (February 2, 2022)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The Communications and Information Technology Commission   services. Going forward CITC aims to consolidate its position for
        (CITC) has revealed that it will hold an auction for spectrum in the   releasing large amounts of spectrum in an innovative manner to
        2100MHz band for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) technologies   facilitate multiple use cases. This innovative approach led the Wi-
        such as 5G-non-terrestrial networks (5G-NTN), mobile satellite   Fi Alliance to endorse the Kingdom’s leadership in enabling the
        services (MSS), internet on airplane (A2G), and internet of things   next generation of wireless services which will unleash a wave of
        via  satellite (MSS-IoT)  on 23  August 2022.  The Information   new Wi-Fi 6E products and services to Saudi Arabia’s consumers,
        Memorandum and the Auction Rules will be released beforehand   enterprises,  and economy.  CITC aims to ensure the  regulatory
        on 26 June 2022, the CITC said. The authority is aiming to award   transparency and to enable  the latest  emerging technology
        2×30MHz of paired spectrum at 1980MHz-2010MHz/2170MHz-  applications such as WiGig, virtual and augmented reality (VR /
        2200MHz,  divided  into two  blocks  of 2×15MHz  each. Block  A2   AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Underpinning this ambition
        (1995MHz-2010MHz/2185MHz-2200MHz) will be initially limited   is CITC’s ongoing policy of engaging with industry stakeholders
        to MSS services, with the successful bidder given the option to   and collaborating  with  vendors  and service providers that  has
        apply for an upgrade of the license for terrestrial technologies.   resulted in its establishment of a flexible regulatory framework
        (February 28, 2022)                    that increases capacity and creates the environment to facilitate
                                                               the rapid deployment of a new generation of wireless services.
        The Communications and Information Technology Commission   In addition, CITC has collaborated with vendors in the industry to
        has  published its  “WLAN  Regulations”, which strengthens  the   facilitate importing the new generation of Wi-Fi devices (Wi-Fi 6E)
        Kingdom’s regional and global leadership in the field Wi-Fi and   into the Kingdom. (February 22, 2022)
        license-exempt technologies,  activates  the latest  generation  of
        high-speed  telecommunication technologies  in the Kingdom,   The Communications and Information Technology Commission
        and enables  the use  of emerging  and future technologies.  The   (CITC) has issued the “Fixed Wireless Links Regulations” through
        “WLAN Regulations”  set out regulatory policy  for the  use  of   which  CITC offers Ultra  Wide-band  channels,  adopts new
        WLAN applications in the Kingdom and it makes available new   licensing mechanism for fixed wireless links, and determines the
        spectrum  in the 6 GHz and 60 GHz bands  to stimulate further   guidelines  to enable Fixed Wireless Access  (FWA) applications
        use of WLAN applications. CITC hopes to see these regulations   in  the  Kingdom.  These  Regulations  identify  the  fixed  wireless
        lead to an acceleration in the adoption and deployment of Wi-  links  frequency  bands , their channel  allocation plans, the
        Fi6E  in  the Kingdom. CITC  plays  a  strategic role as  a  digital   licensing mechanism in the Kingdom, in addition to the technical
        regulator  to enable  the  digital transformation  of the  Kingdom   and  regulatory  conditions  for  using  fixed  wireless  links  for
        and maximize its digital economical value. This role is being   bands identified for these services. Following a previous public
        executed through its progressive spectrum policy to implement   consultation  and  the  assessment  of  the  users'  needs  of  fixed
        the National Spectrum Strategy 2025 and the CITC Outlook for   wireless links, CITC has developed this document which aims to
        Commercial and Innovative Use of Spectrum 2023, which has a   optimize current spectrum use for fixed wireless links which will
        main pillar focusing on enabling the new generation of wireless   contribute to increase the spectral usage efficiency, support 5G

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