Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 94


                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority and the   noting that  this  report  sheds light on some of the capabilities
        Digital  Government issued a  report  on the enablers  of digital   of the digital  government  supervised by  the Communications
        transformation in the UAE. The report included the most important   Regulatory Authority and the digital government, and it does not
        stations that the digital transformation process has gone through   cover all possibilities, as some of these possibilities are still under
        in the country since its establishment. The report also presents   development  and  implementation, and the authority will  work
        a brief picture of the role of the Telecommunications Regulatory   in subsequent  versions  to expand  the dissemination  of digital
        Authority and the Digital Government in empowering government   enablers, including achieve inclusivity. (February 14, 2022)
        agencies  and society in the process  of transformation. Digital,
        this role is consistent  with the  authority’s mandate to work   The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory
        on two  parallel  and complementary  tracks  represented  in   Authority issued the UAE Digital Transformation Enablers report,
        regulating  and enabling  both  the  telecommunications  and   highlighting the important milestones of the digital transformation
        information  technology  sector  on the one  hand,  and digital   process through a series of initiatives. The report reviewed the
        transformation on the other hand. On this report, His Excellency   digital  enterprises  undertaken by  TDRA, the most  important  of
        Eng. Mohammed  Al Zarooni,  Deputy  Director  General  of the   which are the Federal Network, UAEPass, the Government Service
        Authority for the Digital  Government Sector, said: “Throughout   Bus and the national customer relationship management system
        the path of the union, and since the establishment of the state   (NCRM), the government agency said. "The UAE was one of the
        in 1971, modernization and development has always taken into   first countries to launch the e-government project at the beginning
        account  the latest  developments  and developments,  especially   of the millennium and then continued its leadership in the next
        electronic  and digital technologies,  which  have become  seen   various stages to reach the digital government we live in today,
        with the beginning of The millennium as a revolutionary way to   which is consistent with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the
        facilitate people's  lives and provide them with  services around   era of data and advanced technologies supported with artificial
        the clock.The United Arab Emirates, based on the future vision   intelligence," said Mohammad Al Zarooni, TDRA deputy director
        of the wise leadership, was one of the first countries to launch   general for the Digital Government Sector. The UAE leads the Arab
        the e-government project at the beginning of the millennium, and   world in digital progress and preparedness  for the future, a
        then continued its leadership in the following various stages to   separate survey issued by the Portulans Institute in collaboration
        reach  the  digital government  in which  we live Today, which  is   with  Google  said.  The Emirates  stood third – with  Singapore
        consistent  with the fourth industrial  revolution  and the era of   claiming the number one  spot  – among 27  emerging  global
        data  and  highly  advanced  technologies  supported  by  artificial   economies, the Future Readiness Index survey said. The UAE was
        intelligence.  He  added:  "The report  monitors an important  part   ranked 23rd out of 123 countries. The UAE has also ranked among
        of the march of our beloved country, a part that begins with the   the world's best countries  in terms of government  digital
        establishment of the General Information Authority in 1982, within   transformation, becoming the only Arab nation in this group, said
        a comprehensive and future vision of our wise leadership, leading   the World Bank's GovTech Maturity Index 2021 that measured the
        to what we are witnessing today from the inauguration of a new   reliance on modern tech in government work in 198 states. The
        phase  represented  in  the  next  fifty  years  and  the  vision  of  the   Emirates also ranked 21st globally in the UN e-Government
        UAE  Centennial  2071."  The Digital  Government  Enablers report   Survey 2020, advancing  eight  positions over 2016, in terms of
        reviewed  the results of the most important global indicators   online  services, telecom  infrastructure and human capital.  The
        that  reflect the country's  leadership in  digital  maturity,  as  the   Gulf country also came ninth globally in the IMD  Digital
        UAE came among the best countries in the world in government   Competitiveness Ranking. The TDRA has a mandate to work on
        digital transformation, to be the only Arab country in this group   two  parallel  and  integrated  tracks, which are to regulate  and
        in the government digital maturity  report issued  by the World   enable  the ICT  sector  and advance the country's  digital
        Bank. The country also ranked 21 globally in the United Nations   transformation. The TDRA's report highlighted the main enablers
        eGovernment Survey 2020, advancing by 8 places over the results   of digital transformation in the UAE, such as the digital signature
        of 2016, and the UAE ranked eighth globally in the smart services   (UAEPass), the digital verification platform (UAE Verify), the digital
        index within the United Nations eGovernment Development Index   trust platform, the digital services marketplace, the Government
        in 2020. The report reviewed the most important digital initiatives   Service Bus (GSB), the UAE Hackathon and the API Marketplace,
        undertaken by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and   among others, to showcase the facts, figures and results related
        the Digital Government by virtue of its central responsibility for   to these enablers. UAEPass, a platform that allows residents and
        digital transformation in the country. The report also highlighted   visitors  to  access  government  services  using  a  unified  digital
        the main enablers of digital transformation in the country, such   identity,  has  2.66  million people registered to  this  service, the
        as  the  digital  signature,  the  digital  verification  platform,  the   TDRA said in its report. The Digital Vault within UAEPass allows
        digital trust platform, the digital services store, the government   users to request their official digital documents and link them to
        services  link, the UAE hackathon  and the  virtual market for   their  digital  identity.  It  has 1.7  million registered  users  and
        software interfaces,  and others, reviewing the most important   facilitated 2.8 million transactions and shared 1.1 million digital
        facts, figures and results related to these capabilities.  It is worth   documents.    (February 6, 2022)
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