Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        wireless backhaul and improve 5G rollout and enhance the quality   in  the  Kingdom.  These  Regulations  identify  the  fixed  wireless
        level of internet service in the Kingdom. (February 14, 2022)  links  frequency  bands, their channel  allocation plans, the
                                                               licensing mechanism in the Kingdom, in addition to the technical
        Saudi  Arabia’s Ministry of Communications  and Information   and  regulatory  conditions  for  using  fixed  wireless  links  for
        Technology  (MCIT) and SAP, the global technology  company,   bands identified for these services. Following a previous public
        signed an  agreement  to  explore  collaboration  areas  regarding   consultation  and  the  assessment  of  the  users'  needs  of  fixed
        SAP’s cloud services and software solutions. The collaboration   wireless links, CITC has developed this document which aims to
        will see  both  MCIT and SAP working  in various areas of joint   optimize current spectrum use for fixed wireless links which will
        cooperation  that  will  take advantage of SAP’s  cloud  and on-  contribute to increase the spectral usage efficiency, support 5G
        premise software solutions,  as  well as  training and knowledge   wireless backhaul and improve 5G rollout and enhance the quality
        transfer initiatives, reported Saudi Press Agency (SPA). MCIT and   level of internet service in the Kingdom. (February 8, 2022)
        SAP will establish a specialized SAP training program to develop
        the skills  of  young Saudi professionals in  core  and emerging   The Communications  and Information Technology  Commission
        technologies. In addition, the areas of joint cooperation start with   (CITC), Saudi Arabia’s digital regulator, has announced the launch
        boosting  Riyadh’s  position  as  a  technology  hub to accelerate   of two  new Mobile Virtual  Network Operators (MVNOs).  The
        technology  adoption through  an advanced  eco-system. MCIT   licensing of Integrated Telecom Mobile Company (Salam Mobile)
        and SAP’s planned collaboration will also include public sector   and Future Networks Communications (Red Bull Mobile) doubles
        digitization efforts,  with  a  goal to  support  and accelerate  the   the number of MVNOs in the Kingdom’s market to four. Speaking
        Kingdom’s digital  transformation. SAP will  work with MCIT to   on the sidelines  of the global technology  conference  LEAP22
        accelerate  the  diversification  of  investments  in  the  Kingdom   in Riyadh, Deputy Governor  of Regulation  and Competition  at
        through its presence and expertise, while providing cloud services   CITC, Eng.  Omar bin Abdulrahman Al-Rejraje highlighted  the
        and software technology  solutions  in the telecoms  and smart   significance of the development: “Expanding the telecom service
        cities domain. Nawaf Alhoshan, Deputy Minister for Technology at   market is an important step towards transforming the Kingdom
        the MCIT commented: “Our partnership with SAP will accelerate   into a digital society, in line with Saudi Vision 2030. The entry of
        our ambitious goals to accelerate the Kingdom’s role as a global   two new players to the sector will also promote competition and
        technology hub and will enable a more robust digital experiences   ensure the product offering and customer experience continues to
        across various sectors." “The  collaboration  will  also  ensure   improve.” Companies with MVNO licenses rent infrastructure from
        skills development and entrepreneurial enablement by assisting   service providers to offer customers services such as voice calls,
        and helping start-ups scale through,  and optimize the   mobile internet and SMS messaging. The first MVNO licenses in
        Kingdom’s  economic  diversification  strategy  towards  a  digital   the Kingdom were granted in 2014 to Virgin Mobile KSA and Etihad
        economy," added Alhoshan. (February 9, 2022)  Jawraa. The new entrants will compete for business in the largest
                                                               ICT  sector in the Middle East  and North Africa, with  a  market
        The Communications  and Information Technology  Commission   size of SAR144 billion  at the  end  of 2021.  As a 'G5 regulator',
        (CITC) has issued the “Fixed Wireless Links Regulations” through   recognized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU),
        which CITC  offers  Ultra-Wide-band channels,  adopts new   CITC has a long-term objective of enhancing and stimulating the
        licensing mechanism for fixed wireless links, and determines the   investment  environment  of the  telecommunications  sector  - of
        guidelines  to enable  Fixed Wireless Access  (FWA) applications   which the issuing of new licenses is central. (February 7,2022)


        The Ministry  of Communication and Technology  (MoCT) and   regarding Wafa  Telecom  is  limited.  Investors in  the joint stock
        the Syrian Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority   company were reported to include influential businessmen with
        (SyTPRA) have  awarded the nation’s  third  mobile license  to   ties to the government. Iranian investors, meanwhile, were said
        Wafa Telecom. The telco is set to begin operations over the next   not to be amongst the company’s shareholders, but Iranian firms
        nine months, citing a  statement  from  the Telecom  Minister  to   are expected  to be  awarded  tenders  to supply  infrastructure,
        parliament. The company will initially offer services via a two-year   according  to Damascus-based  industry  sources. An Iranian
        national roaming agreement with existing providers SyriaTel and   firm  was  initially  in  the  running  for  Syria’s  third  mobile  license
        MTN Syria whilst it builds out its own network. Wafa Telecom’s   but plans were scrapped  over security  concerns.  Tehran  has
        license  covers the use of 4G and 5G technologies,  but further   reportedly been pressuring  Syria  for business  opportunities  to
        details – such as the price of the license or the spectrum bands that   recoup the investments made in the country over the last decade.
        the operator will use – were not disclosed. Similarly, information   (February 22, 2022)

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