Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         submarine cables must ensure that they – or a member   joint venture of the government of India and the states
                         of the  consortium – hold a valid  international  long   of Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi – issued
                         distance (ILD) license from the DoT. A further direction   a ten-year license for the airwaves via the administrative
                         from the DoT notes: ‘ILD licensees … while applying for   route, at a price based on 50% of the auction-determined
                         security clearances on behalf of any entity for laying/  price based on the August 2022 tender. The watchdog
                         maintaining the submarine cables, shall make sure that   also suggested that the price could be further modified
                         they  have  significant  stake  in  such  entities  on  behalf   to  reflect  the  area  of  the  corridor  relative  to  the  total
                         of whom they are applying  for  security clearances.’   area of the licensing areas covered by the RRTS project.
                         The matter has been referred to sector watchdog the   The  TRAI  also  recommended  that  a  separate  permit
                         Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  of  India  (TRAI).  The   category be established for captive non-public networks
                         licensing  framework  for landing  submarine  cables  in   for  railways  (CNPN-R)  and  that  700MHz  frequencies
                         India is currently under consultation: the TRAI published   be  assigned  to  other  geographically  separated  rail
                         a consultation  paper in  December 2022  and  earlier   networks that  are not likely to cause interference.
                         this month it extended the deadline for comments and   Finally, the TRAI recommended that the Department of
                         counter-comments  to  10  February  and  24  February,   Telecommunications (DoT) oversee a field trial to assess
                         respectively. (January 30, 2023)  the feasibility of assigning 700MHz airwaves to telcos
                                                                        on a non-interference basis. In a related development,
                         The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has   meanwhile, the DoT has reportedly cast doubt on the
                         recommended that 5MHz of spectrum in the 700MHz   potential allocation of mid-band (3300MHz-3700MHz)
                         band  be  allocated  to  the  National  Capital  Region   spectrum for CNPNs, on the basis that doing so would
                         Transport  Corporation  (NCRTC)  for  the  operation  of   result in a potential loss to state coffers. An unnamed
                         mission-critical safety applications related to signaling   official was quoted as saying: ‘We are still in the process
                         and train control operations. The airwaves would be used   to finalize spectrum for private networks but reserving
                         to cover the  company’s under-construction regional   mid-band  airwaves  is  not  likely to happen.  We  will
                         rapid trans system (RRTS) corridors, a series of semi-  explore some more bands, apart from what has been
                         high speed, high capacity rail routes connecting regional   proposed by the regulator.’
                         nodes. TRAI’s recommendation would see NCRTC – a   (January 4, 2023) The Economic Times

                         The  Commission  for  Communications  Regulation   network which is capable of being used to access the
                         (ComReg)  has  launched  a  consultation  related  to  its   vast majority of premises in the country, and the lack
                         analysis  of  the  Physical  Infrastructure  Access  (PIA)   of an effective existing or potential rival PI’, holds SMP
                         market and its proposals to regulate it on the basis that   in the PIA market. As part of its consultation, ComReg
        Ireland          it  is  ‘characterized  by  the  presence  of  market  failure   has  proposed  access  remedies,  non-discrimination
                                                                        remedies and transparency remedies, as well as price
                         in  the  form  of  significant  market  power  (SMP),  and
                         associated  competition  problems  arising  from  [eir’s]   control,  cost  accounting  and  accounting  separation
                         ability  and  incentive  to behave anti-competitively’. In   remedies. With the watchdog seeking feedback on its
                         summary,  ComReg  has  proposed  defining  a  national   plans by a deadline of 3 March 2023, it said that once it
                         market  consisting  of  telecoms-specific  Physical   has analyzed and considered any comments received,
                         Infrastructure  (‘PI’)  –  ducts,  poles  and  associated   will review its proposals and, having considered whether
                         facilities such as chambers – while it has provisionally   to make any amendments, will then seek to adopt a final
                         found that eir, due to its ‘ubiquitous telecom-specific PI   decision. (January 10, 2023)

                         An Italian government Minister has expressed concern   Adolfo  Urso  has  attributed  the  delays  to  ‘an  initial
                         at delays with Open Fiber’s state-subsidized rollouts in   underestimation  of  the  issue  of  permits,  erroneous
                         underserved  rural  areas.  A  series  of  rollout  contracts   industrial  policies  and  political  responsibilities.  He  is
                         were awarded to Open Fiber between 2017 and 2019   quoted by StartMag as saying: ‘To ensure compliance
        Italy            covering  so-called  ‘white’  areas,  where  fiber  network   with  the  timetable,  a  reinforced  monitoring  of  the
                         rollout  was  not  expected  to  take  place  without   activities  has  been  activated  to detect  progress  and
                         government  financial  support.  Open  Fiber  initially   manage anomalies and implementation delays … and
                         suggested  it  would  complete  the  work  by  April  2022,   define  the  corrective  actions  to  be  undertaken.’  Open
                         but  subsequently  pushed  back  the  completion  date   Fiber,  which  is  60%-owned  by  state  investment  fund
                         several  times.  Under  its  latest  schedule,  it  expects   Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), claims to have deployed
                         EU-funded  projects  to  be  finished  by  the  middle  of   fiber infrastructure which passes more than 14.5 million
                         this year, while the remaining rollouts will run on until   premises across Italy.
                         September  2024.  Minister  of  Economic  Development   (January 12, 2023)
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