Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 134


                         The  French  government  has  launched  a  new support   AI and machine learning. The scheme is part of Pres-
                         scheme for research and development (R&D) projects   ident  Macron’s  France  2030  strategy,  a  EUR30  billion
                         on  advanced  5G,  6G  and  future  network  generations.   (USD32.4 billion) plan unveiled in 2021 aimed at mod-
                         The  government  has  given  all  interested  parties  until   ernizing the economy; the government has earmarked
        France           29 February 2024 to submit applications for solutions   EUR750 million of the budget for the 5G/6G R&D sup-
                                                                        port scheme by 2025.
                         linked to virtualization, open interfaces on access net-
                         works, edge computing, security, and the integration of   (January 13, 2023)

                          The  Federal  Network  Agency  (FNA,  known  locally  as   requirements, while traffic routes are almost completely
                          the Bundesnetzagentur or BNetzA) is reviewing reports   supplied with 100Mbps. Where these targets could not
                          submitted  by  mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  to   be fulfilled, operators have blamed delays on a lack of
                          determine whether they met the coverage requirements   building permits, a need for third parties involvement,
        Germany           of  the  2019  multi-band  spectrum  auction.  These   a lack of public acceptance for new cell phone sites,
                                                                        and nature conservation requirements. The trio largely
                          include an obligation to provide mobile data speeds of
                          at least 100Mbps to 98% of households in each federal   achieved  the  obligation  to  activate  1,000  5G  base
                          state by the end of 2022, as well as supplying all federal   stations,  although  newcomer  1&1  did  not  meet  this
                          motorways, the most important federal roads and the   target  on  time.  The  FNA  is  currently  reviewing  the
                          major rail routes with those speeds. In addition, 1,000   information provided by the operators and will conduct
                          5G base stations were required to be set up by end-2022,   its  own measurements  by the  end  of March.  The
                          plus  500  base  stations  in  underserved  ‘white  spots’   regulator will  then  decide  on whether  each  company
                          areas.  According  to  their  own  information,  Telekom   has fulfilled the coverage requirements of their mobile
                          Deutschland,  Telefonica  Deutschland  and  Vodafone   spectrum licenses.
                          Germany all claim they fulfilled the household coverage   (January 16, 2023)

                          The  National  Communications  Authority  (NCA)  has   Fintech  solutions,”  the  notice  said.  It  said  the  NCA
                          granted  a conditional  approval  for  the  transfer of the   found that the revised proposal provided more clarity
                          70  per  cent  majority  shares  in  Vodafone  Ghana  to   and certainty in terms of the funding required for the
                          Telecel Group. This is subject to concessions made by   acquisition and the commitments from both the Seller
        Ghana             Vodafone and representations made by Telecel to the   and Buyer. In addition, the Buyer had strengthened the
                                                                        overall governance and management team and made
                          NCA. It is still pursuant to the evaluation of the revised
                          proposal from the Telecel Group. A notice posted on the   firm  commitments  towards  meeting  the  regulatory
                          regulator’s website today (January 16), said “it would   requirements  of  the  NCA.  “Based  on  the  above,  the
                          be recalled that in January 2022, the NCA received an   NCA  confirms  that  the  revised  proposal  from  the
                          application  from  Vodafone Ghana  for  the  transfer of   Buyer  now meets  the  regulatory  threshold  and  hence
                          70 per cent of its majority shares held by the Seller to   has granted a conditional approval for the transfer of
                          the Buyer. It said in accordance with due process, the   shares to the Buyer including submission of strategies
                          NCA evaluated the application on various criteria and   for employee retention. “The NCA would like to assure
                          engaged both Vodafone Ghana and Telecel. “The NCA   the  general  public  and  all  stakeholders  that  it  would
                          concluded that the request did not meet the regulatory   continue to work with Vodafone Ghana and the Buyer
                          threshold  for  approval  to be  granted.  “Following the   to complete all  outstanding  regulatory requirements
                          NCA’s  decision,  the  Buyer  resubmitted  a  revised   to ensure a smooth transition as well as continuity of
                          financial  and  technical  proposal  in  December  2022   service delivery  and  improved  choice for consumers
                          which demonstrated the needed capital investment to   and competition within the industry,” it added.
                          extend  the  deployment  of  4G  and  launch  innovative   (January 16, 2023)

                         India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has   Asia Xpress and India Europe Xpress cables (Jio holds
                         reportedly expressed concerns regarding applications   a significant stake in both systems); Airtel has sought
                         for submarine cable landing station authorizations from   permission to land the 2Africa and SeaMeWe-6 cables
                         several telcos, the Hindu writes. According to the paper,   (Bharti Airtel is understood to have no stake in 2Africa,
        India            the DoT noted that some of the applicants – Reliance   but is part of the SeaMeWe-6 consortium); and Sify has
                                                                        submitted an application to land the Raman cable, but is
                         Jio Infocomm (Jio), Bharti Airtel, and Sify Technologies
                         – are not stakeholders in the cable systems that they   understood to not have a stake in the system. Under the
                         land. Jio has applied for authorizations to land the India   current regulations, companies deploying international
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