Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 136


                         The  Ministry  of  Internal  Affairs  and  Communications   factors including bid price, technological development
                         (MIC) is looking to introduce spectrum auctions by early   and investment plans. A working group will be set up
                         2026, replacing the current system where operators are   to  discuss  the  plans,  involving  regulatory  authorities,
                         awarded frequencies for free. A report says that rather   operators,  equipment  manufacturers  and  industry
        Japan            than  use  a  simple  auction  format where  the  highest   experts.
                         bidder  wins,  the  regulator  will  base  its  decision  on
                                                                        (January 31, 2023) Nikkei News

                         The  Jersey  Competition  Regulatory  Authority  (JCRA)   to a three-year notice period; subject to accepting that
                         has  launched  a  consultation  on  proposals  to review   revocation, existing historic licensees will receive new
                         the allocation of radio spectrum as part of its program   ‘Limited Service’ spectrum packages, as defined in the
                         to enable  the  introduction of next  generation  mobile   JCRA’s  ‘5G  Spectrum  Award’;  and  new  5G  licensees
        Jersey           technology to the Bailiwick. In it, the JCRA is seeking   will  be  permitted  to  access  any  unused  3.4GHz-3.8
                         views from interested parties on the option of moving
                                                                        GHz  spectrum  during  this  notice  period,  following
                         the  existing  radio  spectrum allocations  of some   agreement with existing historic licensees over sharing
                         telecoms  operators or potentially  recommending the   arrangements necessary to avoid interference between
                         cancellation  of their  radio spectrum  licenses.  With   services. With a closing date of 31 March 2023 having
                         the  regulator  noting  that  it  is  specifically  examining   been  set  for  comments  on  the  consultation,  the
                         plans related to the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band, it noted that   JCRA’s  chief  executive  Tim  Ringsdore  said:  ‘One  of
                         frequencies in this range have previously been licensed   our important duties as Jersey’s telecoms regulator is
                         for  the  provision  of  ‘earlier  wireless  services’,  adding   ensuring Islanders can access and rely on high-quality
                         that  these  existing  historic  allocations  ‘prevent  the   next generation mobile services in the future. Providing
                         creation  of  large  blocks  for  new  5G  services  without   new 5G services that meet this expectation will require
                         changes  in  allocations.  According  to  the  JCRA,  after   additional  radio  spectrum,  some  of  which  has  been
                         examining  the  local  situation  and  considering  the   historically allocated  to existing  licensed  telecoms
                         approach  taken  in  other  comparable  locations,  it  is   operators.  After  carefully  examining  the  situation,  we
                         now consulting  on provisional plans  to defragment   believe it right to consider requesting these operators
                         the  3.4GHz-3.8  GHz  spectrum  band.  In  summarizing   move to an alternative part of the spectrum band, or to
                         its  proposals,  the  authority  has  recommended  to  UK   give up their allocation. Our consultation explains the
                         regulator Ofcom – which is responsible for managing   reasoning  behind  our  provisional  proposals  – we’re
                         the Bailiwick’s radio spectrum – that: the licenses for   looking forward to engaging through this process and
                         spectrum presently held by Clear Mobitel, Newtel and   determining the right approach.’
                         Sure  in  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  band  are  revoked  subject   (February 16, 2023)

                         The  Ministry  of  Digital  Development,  Innovation  &   each  lot  was  set  at  KZT1.76  billion  (USD3.8  million),
                         Aerospace announced the results of the country’s 5G   but local news site reports that as a result of
                         spectrum license auction, with both frequency blocks   competition, the price of Lot No. 1 increased to KZT62.7
                         on offer won by a consortium of mobile operators Kcell   billion, and the bid for Lot No. 2 rose to KZT93.4 billion.
        Kyrgyzstan       and Mobile Telecom Service (Tele2-Altel) – both part of   Representing the winning consortium, Sergey Konkov,
                                                                        General Director of Mobile Telecom Service, noted: ‘By
                         the Kazakhtelecom group. The two 1×100MHz blocks
                         are in the ranges 3600MHz-3700MHz (Lot No. 1) and   the end of 2025 Kcell and Tele2-Altel plan to build over
                         3700MHz-3800MHz  (Lot  No.  2).  The  initial  price  for   7,000 5G base stations.’ (January 3, 2023)

                         Two of Kosovo's mobile operators have been granted 5G   821MHz/852MHz-862MHz)  alongside  a  1×100MHz
                         licenses. Regulatory Authority for Post and Electronic   block  in  the  3.6GHz  band  (3,510MHz-3,610MHz).
                         Communications (Autoriteti Rregullator i Komunikimeve   IPKO  has  picked  up  spectrum  in  the  2×10MHz  in
                         Elektronike dhe Postare, ARKEP) has awarded IPKO and   the   800MHz   band,   (791MHz-801MHz/832MHz-
        Kosovo           Telecom Kosovo the licenses. The regulator published   842MHz)  plus  a  1×100MHz  block  of  the  spectrum  at
                         the decision on February 15, reported Comms Update,
                                                                        3,410MHz-3,510MHz.  Both  licenses  are  valid  for  20
                         with the announcement a boost for Kosovo, where 5G   years  and  are  technology-neutral.  According  to  the
                         is  yet  to  launch.  Telecom  Kosovo  has  been  awarded   regulator,  an  additional  90MHz  block  of  5G  spectrum
                         a  2×10MHz  block  in  the  800MHz  band  (811MHz-  in  the  3,710MHz-3,800MHz  range  has  been  awarded

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