Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         priority  assistance  to  customers who have  a  life-  a review of the Australian Competition and Consumer
                         threatening  medical  condition,  and  once  identified,   Commission’s  (ACCC’s)  decision  not  to  authorize
                         must have systems in place to provide those customers   proposed regional  mobile network arrangements
                         with  additional  levels  of  service.  However,  an  ACMA   between  the  two operators. Last  month  it  was
                         investigation  found the  operator had  failed  to: send   announced  that  the  ACCC  had  opted  not  to  permit  a
                         priority  assistance  application  forms and/or required   regional network deal between Telstra and TPG on the
                         additional  information  on  more  than  260  occasions   grounds that the proposed arrangements could impact
                         to customers who had made contact to enquire about   competition in the mobile sector. Now, as part of both
                         priority assistance; initiate ‘emergency medical request’   telcos’  applications,  the  pair  have  each  called  on  the
                         procedures  on  five  occasions;  and  follow  processes   Tribunal to set aside the ACCC’s determination and grant
                         for  ‘enhanced  service  reliability’  on  one  occasion.  In   ‘unconditional merger authorization’. In their respective
                         addition  to  the  ACMA’s  investigation  findings,  Telstra   –  and  identical  –  applications,  both  companies  cited
                         also  reported  that  there  were  740  other  instances   grievances  with  the  ACCC’s  ruling,  arguing  that  the
                         where it had been unable to locate records of whether   regulator had ‘incorrectly concluded that authorization
                         priority assistance paperwork was sent. Now, under the   should not be granted on the basis that the Commission
                         court-enforceable  undertaking  Telstra  will  implement   could  not  be  satisfied  that  the  deemed  acquisition
                         new systems to address the deficiencies in its existing   would not have the effect, or would not be likely to have
                         procedures  to ensure  customers  requiring  priority   the  effect,  of  substantially  lessening  competition  in
                         assistance are provided with the required information   relevant markets’. Further, the cellcos have also claimed
                         and  can  easily  register  for  the  service.  Further,  the   that the ACCC incorrectly concluded that it could not be
                         telco has reportedly increased the monitoring of staff   satisfied that the network deal would result in a benefit
                         who handle  priority assistance  communications  to   to the public that would outweigh the detriment to the
                         ensure  the  correct  steps  are  followed.  Should Telstra   public. It is understood that the ACT must now rule on
                         fail  to  comply with  the  conditions  of the  enforceable   the matter within 90 days, though this period for a ruling
                         undertaking,  meanwhile,  the  ACMA  may  consider   can be extended to 120 days should the Tribunal call for
                         commencing Federal Court proceedings.          additional information.
                         (February 8, 2023)         (January 16, 2023)
                         Telstra  and  TPG  have  both  lodged  applications  with
                         the  Australian  Competition  Tribunal  (ACT)  calling  for

                         President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has   individuals will be fined from 300 ($176.4) to 400 manat
                         signed a Law amending the Telecommunications Law,   ($235.2), officials – from 1,000 ($588) to 1,500 manat
                         Trend reports. Following the amendments, the mobile   ($882),  legal  entities  –  from  3,000  ($1,764)  to  4,000
                         device registration should be carried out in the manner   manat ($2,352) if the above requirement is violated. If
        Azerbaijan       prescribed by the relevant executive authority. In order   a person who has been given an administrative penalty
                         to  prevent  avoiding  mobile  device  registration,  it's   commits the  repeated  offense  within  one  year  from
                         prohibited to change or copy the device's IMEI number   the date of the relevant decision's entering into force,
                         (International  Mobile  Equipment  Identity),  as  well  as   individuals will be fined from 600 ($352.8) to 800 manat
                         provide  telecommunications  services  to  the  devices,   ($470.4), officials – from 2,000 ($1,176) to 2,500 manat
                         IMEI  numbers  of  which  are  blacklisted.  In  addition,   ($1,470),  and  legal  entities  –  from  9,000  ($5,292)  to
                         President Ilham Aliyev has signed a Law amending the   12,000 manat ($7,056). The law will enter into force on
                         Administrative  Offenses  Code.  According  to  the  law,   April 1, 2023. (January 29, 2023)

                         A  number  of  unnamed  international  operators  have   newcomer appears set to fill the void left when debt-
                         applied for operating licenses in Barbados, a government   wracked  Ozone  Wireless  shut  down  in  August  2019,
                         official  has  confirmed.  Clifford  Bostic,  Director  of  the   barely two years after its launch. (February 8, 2023) Loop News
                         Digital  Infrastructure  Unit  at  the  Ministry  of  Industry,
        Barbados         Innovation, Science and Technology (MIST), told: ‘There   Mobile  number  portability  (MNP)  and  fixed  number
                         are several requests for both mobile services and fixed   portability  (FNP)  have  gone  live  in  Barbados,
                         services, as well as VSAT.’ Mr. Bostic added that would-  government  officials  have  confirmed.  The  1  February
                         be  market  entrant  KW  Telecommunications  –  which   launch  event  was  presided  over  by  David  Ishmael,
                         received  a  license  in  early  2022  –  is  still  planning  to   the  country’s  Minister  of  Industry,  Innovation,
                         launch  commercial  services. While  little  is  known   Science  and  Technology  (MIST),  while  the  audience
                         about KW Telecommunications – or its backers – the   comprised  senior  officials  from  Digicel  Barbados

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