Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 69


        Kuwait and Qatar Discuss Strengthening Cooperation In Communications and


        At the AI Action Summit in Paris, Kuwait’s
        Communications  Minister,  Omar  Al-Omar,
        and  Qatar’s  Minister  of Communications
        and  Information  Technology,  Mohammad
        Al-Mannai,  discussed  ways to enhance
        cooperation in the fields of communications,
        digital technology, and artificial intelligence.
        The meeting focused on supporting digital
        transformation and innovation in the region.
        Al-Omar  expressed  Kuwait’s  commitment
        to  strengthening  both  regional  and  global
        development  in  the  communications
        and  technology  sectors.  He  emphasized
        the  role  of AI technology  in  advancing
        sustainable  development  and  developing
        modern   digital  solutions.  Al-Mannai
        praised  the  strong  bilateral  relationship
        between Kuwait and Qatar, highlighting the   by  over  100  world leaders  and  1,000   discuss  AI’s impact on the  economy  and
        importance  of  exchanging  capabilities  to   representatives  from civil  society  and  the   society, reinforcing the role of international
        achieve future goals. The summit, attended   private sector, brought together experts to   cooperation in this vital field.

        UAE Champions AI Governance, Technology Innovation: KPMG-WGS Report

        A new KPMG report  in  collaboration  with   The  UAE  AI  Charter,  released  in  2024,  re-  ethical  governance.  Joe  Devassy,  Director
        the  World  Governments  Summit  (GMC),   flects this leadership through its 12 guiding   of Strategic Alliance at KPMG Lower Gulf,
        titled  “The  Future  of AI Governance: the   principles, which prioritise inclusivity, trans-  said,  “The UAE  is  rapidly  emerging  as  a
        UAE Charter and Global Perspectives”, un-  parency, innovation,  and  accountability.   global hub for technology, including ethical
        derscored how the UAE’s global leadership   The  WGS 2025  theme  of ‘Shaping  Future   and responsible AI development – both key
        in ethical AI is paving the way for robust AI   Governments’,  makes  this  charter  espe-  themes at this year’s WGS. In this context,
        governance  in  the  region. These  strategic   cially relevant as AI governance becomes   the UAE AI Charter is playing a pivotal role
        initiatives take centre stage at the WGS in   a defining challenge for policymakers. The   in  consolidating  the  nation’s  ambitions
        Dubai,  as  international  leaders  gather  to   principles in the charter are designed to en-  to secure a digital future. He added, “The
        discuss and define the future of AI, govern-  sure that AI technologies enhance human   charter is more than a set of guidelines; it
        ment services, urbanisation, education and   capabilities while safeguarding fundamen-  is a precursor to formalised AI regulations
        smart mobility. The UAE has successfully   tal rights, promote fairness and inclusivity,   that are likely to shape the future of AI gov-
        embedded  technology  into government   reduce bias  and  discrimination,  maintain   ernance  in  the  region.  Organisations  that
        services  and  aligned  its  advancements   trust through transparency and robust data   act now to align with these principles will
        with human well-being and societal values.   privacy measures and drive innovation with   gain a competitive edge, enabling them to
                                                                                 unlock opportunities  for  responsible  in-
                                                                                 novation,  positioning  themselves  as  lead-
                                                                                 ers in  ethical  AI adoption.” Governments
                                                                                 worldwide are  shifting  from voluntary  AI
                                                                                 ethics  frameworks  to enforceable  regula-
                                                                                 tions. Without clear AI oversight, risks like
                                                                                 bias,  misinformation,  and  misuse  could
                                                                                 undermine digital governance efforts. Fur-
                                                                                 thermore, businesses that delay alignment
                                                                                 will face serious consequences. The UAE’s
                                                                                 structured  approach to AI accountability
                                                                                 benefits  businesses  and  its  citizens,  who
                                                                                 stand to gain from more transparent, unbi-
                                                                                 ased, and secure AI-driven systems.
                                                                                                      69  JAN-FEB 2025
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