Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 70


        Egypt Prioritizes ICT Training to Drive Digital Transformation

        President  Abdel  Fattah  El-Sisi  convened   positioning Egypt as a leading destination   destination for digital service investments,
        a  meeting  with  government  officials   for digital service investments, leveraging its   including  software  development,”  stated
        to discuss  initiatives  aimed  at  training   strategic advantages and qualified talent. A   the  report,  emphasizing  Egypt’s  ambition
        professionals  in    communications,  key highlight of the meeting was the “Digital   to become a global tech hub. The “Digital
        information  technology,  and  software   Pioneers” initiative, which aims to provide   Pioneers”  initiative  will  be  accessible  to
        development.  The  meeting  emphasized   young  Egyptians  with  free  scholarships   all  citizens,  regardless  of their  academic
        the  importance  of developing  a  skilled   and  training  in  various  ICT  fields.  This   background, promoting inclusivity  and
        workforce to support  Egypt’s  digital   program will offer comprehensive training   expanding   opportunities   for   those
        transformation and economic growth. The   in technical, practical, and language skills,   interested  in  pursuing  a  career  in  the  ICT
        discussions focused on Egypt’s efforts to   preparing  graduates  for careers  in  high-  sector. President  El-Sisi  also  underscored
        enhance  its  digital  infrastructure, improve   demand  areas  such  as  AI, data  science,   the  importance  of Egypt’s  transition  to
        the  quality  of  communication services,   cybersecurity, and software development.   a fully  integrated  digital  society.  This
        and  attract  investment  in  the  ICT  sector.   “The  meeting  also  addressed  the  goal   includes  fostering  a  skilled  workforce  of
        President El-Sisi stressed the importance of   of positioning  Egypt  as  a  leading  global   independent   professionals,   expanding
                                                                                 training  opportunities,  and enhancing
                                                                                 digital  capabilities  through technology
                                                                                 schools and Egypt Digital Creativity Centers.
                                                                                 “President  Al-Sisi  also  underscored the
                                                                                 importance  of Egypt’s  transition  to a
                                                                                 fully  integrated  digital  society,  focusing
                                                                                 on fostering  independent  professionals,
                                                                                 expanding  training  opportunities,  and
                                                                                 enhancing  digital  capabilities  through
                                                                                 technology  schools  and  Egypt  Digital
                                                                                 Creativity  Centers,”  stated  the  report,
                                                                                 highlighting  the  comprehensive  approach
                                                                                 to digital skills development.

        Bangladesh to Establish First Green Data Centre to Boost Investment and


        Bangladesh is set to establish its first green   to short-term investor confidence. Despite   of two new subsea  cables—SeaMeWe-6
        data centre near the port city of Chattogram,   challenges,  Bangladesh’s mobile network   and the Bangladesh Private Cable System—
        aimed at attracting foreign investment and   operators  (MNOs)  have  seen  significant   set to be operational by 2026, will enhance
        offering cost-effective services. The Asian   growth in mobile data revenues, with mo-  the  country’s  international  bandwidth  ca-
        Development  Bank  (ADB)  has  partnered   bile data contributing significantly to total   pacity, fostering growth in the data centre
        with the Bangladeshi government to set up   sales.  Bangladesh’s  fixed  broadband  con-  sector. Several Asian data-centre firms are
        the centre, which will be developed under   nections have been growing, with 13.7 mil-  already  investing  in  Bangladesh  to build
        a  public-private  partnership  (PPP)  model.   lion connections in Q3 2024. The addition   new facilities.
        The project will use renewable energy and
        be supported  by two new subsea cables.
        Currently, Bangladesh lacks an established
        data  centre  market,  with  most  existing
        facilities in Dhaka being outdated and un-
        able  to  modernize.  Chattogram’s  larger
        land  areas  and power  resources make it
        an  ideal  location  for advanced  data-cen-
        tre  development.  The  country’s  growing
        mobile-connectivity  network  and  favour-
        able  demographic  profile  are  expected  to
        drive  increased  demand  for data  centres.
        However, political  instability  poses  a  risk

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