Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 68
The Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) Announces the Signing of an MoU with
USPACE Technology Group
The Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) announced the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with USPACE Technology
Group. The Mou is willing to establish a strategic partnership
focused on advancing satellite technologies to benefit the Middle
East and Africa region. This partnership aims to enhance regional
connectivity and address key socio-economic needs such as
smart transportation, precision agriculture, urban management,
and disaster response through the development of low-earth
orbital satellite constellations. The MoU sets a framework for long-
term cooperation, with a view to advancing satellite technology innovation across member states. USPACE Technology Group is a
and its applications in the region, enhancing socio-economic global leader in satellite manufacturing, aerospace technology, and
development. The Arab Information and Communication satellite services. As the first company in the world to manufacture
Technologies Organization (AICTO) is a regional governmental industrialized satellites based on Industry 5.0 concepts, USPACE
body working under the umbrella of the League of Arab States. combines cutting-edge satellite technology with innovative
Headquartered in Tunis, Tunisia, AICTO is dedicated to advancing production techniques. Their mission is to create affordable, high-
information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Arab quality satellite products to benefit global communities, with a
world, fostering regional cooperation, and promoting technological special focus on the Middle East and Africa.
Qatar Continues to Lead in Global Internet Penetration
Qatar has continued to solidify its position as a global leader rankings. Worldostats noted that countries that top the list for
for Internet penetration, according to data from Worldostats, Internet penetration share common traits, including substantial
underscoring Qatar’s commitment to technological advancement, investments in technology, strong government support, and a
infrastructure development, and digital inclusion, and positioning it commitment to providing widespread access. “In the Middle
as a leader in the Middle East and beyond. According to the ‘Internet East, countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have made
Penetration By Country: Global Comparison 2025’ by Worldostats, internet access a priority, helping to transform their economies
one of the world’s leading compendiums of comprehensive, and societies through digital connectivity. Similarly, European
accurate, and up-to-date statistics and data about countries across countries like Iceland, Luxembourg, and Norway have built robust
the globe, Qatar have a 100 percent Internet penetration, alongside digital ecosystems supported by comprehensive infrastructure
three other GCC countries, making the region the most Internet- and policies that promote universal access,” it said. “The high
penetrated globally. The Internet Penetration Rate corresponds levels of internet penetration in these countries are not just about
to the percentage of the total population of a given country or accessibility; they also focus on digital literacy and creating
region that uses the Internet. In the rankings by Worldostats, only environments where technology is integrated into daily life. “These
four countries—Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain—have nations have recognised the power of the internet to drive innovation,
been able to achieve total and complete Internet penetration. education, and economic development,” Worldostats added.
The four GCC countries are joined by Iceland (99.86%), Kuwait Qatar’s rise to prominence in Internet penetration reflects years
(99.75%), Luxembourg (99.35%), Norway (99%), Brunei (98.97%), of strategic investments in telecommunications infrastructure,
and Denmark (98.78%) to round up the top ten countries in the government-led initiatives, and private sector innovation. The
country’s leadership recognized early on that widespread Internet
access would be critical to achieving its long-term vision of
becoming a knowledge-based economy. This vision aligns with the
goals outlined in *Qatar National Vision 2030, which emphasizes
sustainable development, human capital growth, and economic
diversification. Several factors have contributed to Qatar’s
success in achieving near-universal Internet penetration, including
advanced telecommunications infrastructure, government
initiatives and policies, smart city development, youth engagement
and education, as well as economic diversification efforts. Looking
ahead, the continued expansion of internet penetration promises
to unlock new opportunities and propel Qatar toward a brighter,
more interconnected future.
68 JAN-FEB 2025