Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 67
Kuwait Launches “TechEdge” Program to Equip Youth with Cutting-Edge Tech
The Kuwait Foundation for the with advanced skills, it strengthens Kuwait’s innovation and build a knowledge economy
Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) has path toward a resilient, technology-driven by developing youth capacity in digital
introduced the “TechEdge” program, future. Emad Al-Ablani, General Manager and tech skills. “Innovation is a key driver
a strategic initiative developed in and Head of Group Human Resources, of sustainable growth, and through this
collaboration with the National University of emphasized the importance of developing a program, we aim to contribute to Kuwait’s
Singapore, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), highly skilled national workforce capable of digital transformation,” she said. Bourisli
and Zain. The program aims to provide adapting to a rapidly changing labor market also emphasized the importance of public-
young Kuwaiti professionals with advanced driven by technological advancements. private sector collaboration in advancing
expertise in high-demand technological He stated, “By providing the necessary the country’s developmental goals,
fields such as artificial intelligence, data expertise and tools, we empower them focusing on investing in human capital
science, and cybersecurity, ensuring they to lead in advanced technology fields. to drive sustainable economic and social
are well-prepared to thrive in these rapidly This initiative accelerates Kuwait’s digital development. Through its “Innovation
evolving sectors. With a particular focus transformation and aligns with the country’s Nation” initiative, Zain continues to
on cybersecurity and data protection, the broader strategic vision.” Al-Ablani further collaborate with leading entities to
program seeks to address the growing highlighted the significance of the program’s strengthen Kuwait’s innovation ecosystem
digital challenges by equipping participants collaboration with the National University and digital skills development, particularly
with the necessary tools to combat cyber of Singapore, a globally recognized leader in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
threats and bolster digital infrastructure. in technology. He added, “This program and Mathematics) fields. Additionally,
The initiative aims not only to enhance represents a major opportunity for early- last year, NBK introduced the NBK Tech
technical expertise but also to prepare career professionals to enhance their Academy, Kuwait’s first academy dedicated
young professionals to meet the demands expertise, equipping them with the skills to digital technology and data systems.
of an increasingly digital world. The needed to excel in cutting-edge fields. This The academy offers a comprehensive
program aligns with the New Kuwait Vision collaboration underscores our commitment professional training program designed
2035, fostering collaboration between the to fostering talent and driving innovation in to nurture young Kuwaiti talent in areas
Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement Kuwait’s technology sector.” Nawal Bourisli, such as FinTech, Data Analytics, Cyber
of Sciences (KFAS), advancing digital Chief Purpose and HR Officer at Zain Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital
transformation, and driving economic Kuwait, noted that the partnership reflects Innovation.
diversification. By equipping the workforce the company’s ongoing efforts to foster
67 JAN-FEB 2025