Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 65
UAE Hosts Panel Discussion on AI and Innovation to Celebrate Safer Internet
A panel discussion hosted by the Emirates
News Agency (WAM) in collaboration with
the Khalifa Empowerment Programme
(Aqdar) highlighted the UAE’s leadership
in artificial intelligence (AI) and innovation.
The event, part of the UAE Innovates
2025 initiative, took place during Safer
Internet Day and Innovation Month
celebrations. The discussion, titled
“Artificial Intelligence and Innovation: How
AI Pushes the Boundaries of Innovation,”
featured prominent speakers including
Mohammed Ismail Al Harmoudi, CEO of
Aqdar; Mohamed Al Hammadi, Director- transportation. He also highlighted behavior. Student Humaid Al Balushi
General of WAM; and several officials AI’s economic impact and the need for shared his perspective on balancing
from both organizations. Additionally, legal frameworks to ensure its safe use. technological advancements with cultural
female students from UAE University and Engineer Cesar Moukarzel, CEO of SIA identity, stressing that while AI is a driver of
female interns from WAM participated in Middle East, underscored the importance innovation, human intelligence and values
the event. Ahmed Majan, Chairman of the of AI investment across sectors to support must remain at the core of true innovation.
Emirates Inventors Association, discussed societal development, particularly in urban The panel concluded by agreeing that AI is
the importance of supporting innovation development. Samer Chidiac, Executive a powerful tool for progress but requires
among young inventors and emphasized Advisor at the New Economy Academy, appropriate regulations to harness its
AI’s role in transforming various sectors pointed out AI’s potential to analyze data, potential while maintaining the importance
such as healthcare, education, and predict future needs, and anticipate societal of human creativity and values.
Oman Signs US$10 Million in Tech Agreements at LEAP 2025 in Riyadh
At LEAP 2025 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Among the agreements, Global Semicon- zeera Falcons for AI, software develop-
Oman’s participation saw the signing of nine ductor & Microelectronics (GSME) secured ment, and electronic product production
cooperation agreements between Omani a $10 million deal with Saudi’s e-Photonics aimed at the Saudi market. The success of
tech startups and international firms, total- to collaborate on semiconductors, elec- these agreements reflects the growing in-
ing over $10 million. The agreements were tronics, and 3D computer vision solutions. fluence of Omani tech startups in the inter-
signed at the Oman Pavilion, attended by DataMining, an Omani software company, national arena. Mubasher, a digital adver-
key Omani officials and business leaders. signed a $1 million agreement with AlJa- tising screen solutions company, signed a
$1 million agreement with Saudi’s OOMCO,
while Osos, part of the Oman Information
and Communications Technology Group
(ITHCA), signed six agreements across
software, AI, cloud computing, and tech
support. These agreements mark a signif-
icant milestone in strengthening Oman’s
tech sector and expanding its reach within
the global market, particularly in Saudi Ara-
bia, as the country continues to prioritize
innovation and technological growth.
65 JAN-FEB 2025