Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 16


                                   Transforming Global Governance

        Pact for the Future to Transform Global Governance Adopted by the
        United Nations

                                                                                 Overall,  the  agreement  of  the  Pact  is  a
                                                                                 strong statement of countries’ commitment
                                                                                 to  the  United  Nations,  the  international
                                                                                 system  and  international  law.    Leaders
                                                                                 set  out  a  clear  vision  of  an  international
                                                                                 system  that  can  deliver  on  its  promises,
                                                                                 is  more  representative  of  today’s  world,
                                                                                 and draws on the energy and expertise of
                                                                                 governments,  civil  society  and  other  key

                                                                                 “The  Pact  for  the  Future,  the  Global
                                                                                 Digital  Compact,  and  the  Declaration  on
                                                                                 Future Generations open the door to new
                                                                                 opportunities and untapped possibilities,”
                                                                                 said  the  Secretary-General  during  his
        World  leaders  have  now  adopted  a  Pact   international cooperation to the realities of   remarks at the opening of the Summit of
        for the Future that includes a Global Digital   today and the challenges of tomorrow.  The   the Future.  The President of the General
        Compact  and  a  Declaration  on  Future   most wide-ranging international agreement   Assembly  noted  that  the  Pact  would  “lay
        Generations.  This Pact is the culmination   in many years, covering entirely new areas   the foundations for a sustainable, just, and
        of an inclusive, years-long process to adapt   as well as issues on which agreement has   peaceful global order – for all peoples and
                                             not  been  possible  in  decades,  the  Pact   nations.”
           “The Pact for the Future,         aims above all to ensure that international
                                             institutions can deliver in the face of a world
           the  Global Digital  Com-         that has changed dramatically since they   The  Pact  covers  a broad  range  of  issues
                                                                                 including peace and security, sustainable
           pact, and the  Declara-           were  created.    As  the  Secretary-General   development,  climate  change,  digital
                                             has said:  “We cannot create a future fit for
           tion  on  Future  Genera-         our grandchildren with a system built by our   cooperation,   human   rights,   gender,
                                                                                 youth  and  future  generations,  and  the
           tions  open  the  door to         grandparents.”                      transformation of global governance.
           new  opportunities  and
           untapped  possibilities,”
           said  the  Secretary-Gen-

           eral during his remarks at
           the opening of the Sum-
           mit  of  the  Future.    The
           President of the General

           Assembly noted that the
           Pact would “lay the foun-
           dations for a sustainable,
           just, and peaceful global

           order –  for all peoples
           and nations.”

                                                                                                16  JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024
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