Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        Under  the  patronage  of  the  National  Cyber  Security  Center,  the   Kuwait’s cybersecurity market will generate an impressive revenue
        Cyber  First  Kuwait  Conference  explored  Kuwait’s  cybersecurity   of approximately $2.405 million. (June 11, 2024)
        landscape  to  unveil  strategies  for  safeguarding  the  country’s
        digital future, aligning with the New Kuwait Vision 2035 in digital   In  alignment  with  the  directives  issued  by  the  Minister  of
        transformation.  The  conference  gathered  cybersecurity  experts,   Education  and  Minister  of  Higher  Education  and  Scientific
        including  luminaries  in  information  security,  risk,  compliance,   Research, Adel Al-Adwani, emphasizing the importance of staying
        forensics, and cyber law with the aim of fostering collaboration   abreast  of  technological  advancements  and  advancing  towards
        across public and private sectors in a shared goal to stand against   e-government initiatives, the Ministry of Education has unveiled the
        the threats posed by malicious cyber-attacks. During her keynote   latest iteration of its mobile application tailored for smartphones,
        speech, Taiba Al-Qabandi, Vice President for Governance and Risk   tablets,  and  other  mobile  devices.  According  to  an  official
        Management at NCSC, highlighted the critical role of cybersecurity   statement  released  by  the  Ministry,  the  updated  version  of  the
        in  this  era,  as  cyber  threats  haven’t  been  just  targeted  toward   application marks a significant milestone in delivering electronic
        individuals,  but  toward  institutions  and  entire  countries.  She   services  across  multiple  platforms.  Initially  available  on  iOS
        stressed  the  National  Cyber  Security  Center’s  commitment   systems, the application will soon be accessible to Android users.
        to  cooperating  with  local  and  international  stakeholders  in   It boasts a range of distinctive services catering to over 500,000
        cybersecurity so as to create a secure digital environment. This   students, both male and female, approximately 140,000 teachers
        collaboration  aims  to  promote  development,  prosperity,  and   and administrators, along with numerous parents. Among the key
        the  digital  economy  while  maintaining  the  trust  of  operators   features  provided  by  the  application  for  students  are  access  to
        and  investors  in  information  and  communication  technology.   private  academic  data,  viewing  academic  certificates,  checking
        According  to  her,  the  importance  of  this  event  lies  in  providing   attendance  records,  downloading  medical  referral  forms,  and
        a  platform  to  exchange  and  share  best  technological  practices,   receiving seat numbers for twelfth-grade exams, among others.
        keeping abreast of the latest developments to enhance the security   Similarly,  parents  can  utilize  the  app  to  monitor  their  children’s
        and protection of the digital environment against rapidly evolving   academic progress, inquire about attendance records, download
        cyber  threats  and  attacks.  Presenting  panel  discussions  and   medical  transfer  forms,  update  student  account  details  in  the
        keynote  presentations,  the  conference  discussed  various  topics   Teams program, and access various other services. Furthermore,
        ranging  from  aligning  Kuwait’s  National  Cybersecurity  Strategy   the application offers Ministry employees, including teachers and
        with Vision 2035 to navigating cybersecurity in the era of AI and   administrators, the ability to access job-related information, track
        securing critical infrastructure. In recognition of the cybersecurity,   attendance and dismissal records, and avail themselves of other
        leaders,  innovators,  solution  providers,  and  influencers,  the   administrative  services.  This  marks  the  initial  phase  of  service
        Cyber  First  Kuwait  awards  were  granted  to  the  cybersecurity   provision,  with  plans  for  further  expansion  shortly.  In  addition
        heroes.  In  response  to  escalating  cyber  threats,  the  Kuwaiti   to  catering  to  students,  parents,  and  Ministry  personnel,  the
        government  has  instituted  the  National  Cyber  Security  Strategy,   application also extends services to visitors, offering functionalities
        prioritizing cybersecurity at the forefront of its national agenda.   akin  to  those  found  on  the  Ministry’s  website.  Notable  features
        The  collaborative  efforts  between  the  Kuwaiti  government  and   include access to Ministry statistics and the academic calendar.
        the private sector to enhance cybersecurity maturity are yielding   The  launch  of  the  enhanced  mobile  application  underscores
        significant results. The introduction of the National Cybersecurity   the  Ministry’s  commitment  to  leveraging  digital  technologies
        Strategy complements the private sector’s increased investment   to  enhance  accessibility  and  streamline  service  delivery  in  the
        in  cybersecurity  measures.  Projections  for  2024  estimate  that   education sector. (May 15, 2024)


        The  Moroccan  government  wants  to  connect  educational   than  200  campuses  and  1.3  million  students,  educational  and
        establishments  as  part  of  its  digital  transformation  ambitions.   administrative  staff.  The  campuses  are  equipped  with  Wifi  6
        As of 2021, around 1.2 million SIM cards have been distributed to   solutions  from  Cambium  Networks  both  indoors  and  outdoors.
        students for free internet access. The American wireless network   These  solutions  were  designed  and  deployed  with  3GCOM,  a
        provider Cambium Networks announced the deployment of 18,000   service  integrator  partner  of  the  global  operator  designated  for
        WiFi access points to provide high-speed Internet connectivity in   this  project.  Partners  integrated  scheduling  tools,  touchless
        12 large public universities in Morocco. The project covers more   provisioning,  streamlined  installation  and  centralized  cloud

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