Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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management into existing systems to ensure optimal performance. Kurk, CEO of Cambium Networks. (June 20, 2024)
The deployment of WiFi access points in Moroccan universities
is part of the “Connected Campus” program launched in 2021 to During her visit to San Francisco, Moroccan Minister for the Digital
guarantee students free and secure access to digital tools. More Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour, engaged in
than 1.2 million SIM cards have been distributed to students in a pivotal meeting with OpenAI’s leadership. Hosted at OpenAI’s
partnership with telecom operators. This is part of the government's headquarters, the session focused on exploring potential research
efforts to accelerate the transformation of the ecosystem of partnerships and developing AI systems tailored to Morocco’s
higher education, scientific research and innovation. “Flexible unique needs. The Minister emphasized Morocco’s commitment to
learning, online testing and video collaboration with media-rich advancing artificial intelligence, showcasing the nation’s projects
content require stable, reliable and affordable performance. Our and the potential of its youth in technology sectors. Her visit
specific technologies uniquely address the needs for density and underscores Morocco’s intent to position itself as a key player in
scalability while delivering the best possible experience, ensuring global tech innovation, highlighting discussions with top executives
uninterrupted learning while remaining affordable,” said Morgan in startups and AI industries. (May 15, 2024)
Mobile phone subscriptions increased 3% in 2023 to 6.98 million, processed through the government portal, while over 3.3 million
recording a penetration rate of 135 per 100 individuals. According ID/residence card certificates were issued digitally. The national
to Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s biannual report platform for electronic integration facilitated approximately 942
for July to December 2023, there was remarkable growth – 102% million data exchanges from January to October last year. H.E.
to 5,238 – in 5G stations compared to the same period in 2022. Shidhani also highlighted the simplification of 2,199 services and
Fixed telephone subscriptions increased 3% to 579,000, reaching the digitization of 1,545 services from January 2021 to September
82 per 100 households. Fixed broadband subscriptions saw a 5% 2023. Additionally, he added that these efforts mark a significant
increase compared to 2022, totaling 562,000 subscriptions and move towards achieving the goal of digitizing all basic government
achieving a penetration rate of 80 per 100 households. services by 2025, with 61 percent of the target already met. “Oman’s
(June 6, 2024) dedication to digital transformation is evident as it continues to
leverage technology to enhance government efficiency and service
Oman has made strong progress in its government’s digital delivery, which is critical for socio-economic development and
transformation initiative, achieving a 53 percent completion rate innovation across all sectors,” he further stated.
by the end of September 2023, according to a statement by H.E. (June 3, 2024)
Dr. Ali bin Amer al Shidhani, undersecretary for Communications
and Information Technology in Oman’s Ministry of Transport, The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) received
Communications and Information Technology. Al Shidhani 265 requests to build communications or mobile towers, an
added that the government’s average performance in meeting increase of three percent from last year, while 203 stations were
the requirements of its digital transformation initiative was upgraded with 5G services, an increase of seven percent over the
72 percent as of the end of September 2023. Across the 56 same period last year. Also, 44,555 housing units were connected
government institutions involved in measuring progress on to fiber optics through the completion of 23 projects in various
the digital transformation, the governorates averaged a 54 governorates of the Sultanate of Oman, and schools covered by
percent proficiency level for the year 2023. The announcement fixed broadband services reached 96 percent. A regional workshop
was made during the second edition of the Government Digital was recently organized by the Telecommunications Regulatory
Transformation Forum at Oman Convention and Exhibition Authority in cooperation with the International Telecommunication
Centre. The forum was designed to highlight the achievements of recently discussed achieving a balance between tower
various government institutions in adopting digital technologies. connections, their safety, and choosing tower locations in the Arab
It provided a platform for discussing best practices, future trends region. The workshop sought to raise awareness about human
and the integration of innovative technical solutions to enhance exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in line with international
public services and foster skill development within the sultanate. recommendations and standards, discuss the regulatory and legal
Oman’s digital transformation achievements In his address, H.E. requirements for establishing communications towers challenges,
Shidhani detailed Oman’s progress, noting the government’s difficulties, and proposed solutions, and explain the impact of
commitment to advancing digital transformation. He reported urban planning on communications infrastructure, Including
that in the first half of 2023 alone, the country recorded over 30 communications towers. The workshop highlighted national
million electronic transactions using e-authentication and nearly efforts in Arab countries and presented awareness initiatives
one million electronic signature transactions. From January to to present practical ideas for measuring electromagnetic fields.
October 2023, more than 41 million digital transactions were The workshop included several sessions and working papers
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