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        in  the  electromagnetic  fields  sector,  including  the  importance   The World Health Organization (WHO) international database on
        of  evaluating  and  measuring  levels  of  electromagnetic  fields,   electromagnetic  fields,  ITU  recommendations,  and  the  need  to
        which brings together experts to delve deeper into the necessity   harmonize EMF standards and activities of the Global System for
        of  developing  guidelines  and  protocols  for  evaluating  levels  of   Mobile Association (GSMA). The workshop also includes a session
        electromagnetic  fields,  where  participants  will  gain  ideas  about   reviewing the impact of urban planning on the telecommunications
        the challenges and opportunities associated with measuring levels   sector,  the  process  of  organizing  telecommunications  towers,
        of  electromagnetic  fields.  One  of  the  sessions  also  addresses   a  number  of  legal  regulations  related  to  the  establishment  of
        electromagnetic  fields,  health  research,  and  future  needs,  as   telecommunications  towers,  and  addressing  challenges  and
        it  reviews  the  limits  of  exposure  to  electromagnetic  fields  and   difficulties.  While  no  health  effects  are  expected  from  exposure
        compliance assessment standards that include the International   to  radiofrequency  (RF)  fields  from  base  stations  and  wireless
        Commission  on  Non-Ionizing  Radiation  Protection  (ICNIRP)  and   networks, research is still being promoted by WHO to determine
        the  International  Committee  on  Electromagnetic  Safety  (ICES)   whether  there  are  any  health  consequences  from  the  higher  RF
        of  the  Institute  of  Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers  (IEEE).   exposures from mobile phones. (May 15, 2024)


        The  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  announced  6   with  an  inaugural  event  attended  by  industry  and  government
        Gigahertz (GHz) spectrum band for unlicensed operation for RLAN   stakeholders. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT, in
        in Pakistan. With unlocking of this band, Pakistan has become the   his welcome address, urged the delegates to actively engage in
        10th country in Asia Pacific to embrace 6 GHz for Wi-Fi. Currently,   insightful  discussions  and  commended  the  PTA  for  organizing
        only 60 Countries worldwide have unlocked 6 GHZ (full or partial) for   the  workshop.  Chairman  PTA  Maj  General  Hafeezur  Rehman
        RLAN (Wi-Fi) services. This announcement was made in an event   in  his  inaugural  note,  underscored  the  importance  of  regional
        titled “Unlocking Pakistan's Connectivity: Enablement of Next-Gen   collaboration  in  addressing  common  ICT  challenges  through
        Wi-Fi in 6 GHz Band”. Speaking on the occasion, Chairman PTA   dialogue and knowledge sharing, and highlighted the importance
        Major General (R) Hafeez Ur Rehman, said that this development   of learning from each other's experiences to effectively introduce
        has  positioned  Pakistan  as  a  regional  frontrunner  in  embracing   new  technologies  and  services  while  safeguarding  consumer
        next-generation  RLAN  (Wi-Fi)  technology,  joining  a  select  group   rights  and  nurturing  industry  growth.  Shaza  Fatima,  Minister  of
        of forward-thinking nations in Asia to unlock the transformative   State for IT and Telecom, who was the chief guest at the inaugural
        potential of Wi-Fi 6E. In the event, Speakers from META, Dynamic   ceremony,  outlined  Pakistan’s  visionary  initiative  of  a  digitally
        Spectrum Alliance (DSA), Jazz, Nayatel and Huawei shed light on   empowered  country  with  the  aim  of  providing  access  to  every
        the benefits of embracing Wi-Fi 6E in Pakistan. It is pertinent to   citizen across Pakistan. She emphasized Pakistan’s vast potential
        mention that, currently, Wi-Fi in Pakistan operates in two bands:   as  a  nation  of  250  million,  predominantly  youth,  and  how  their
        2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, with available bandwidths of 100 MHz and   useful participation can boost growth. She stressed on boarding
        150  MHz,  respectively.  However,  these  Industrial,  Scientific  &   the  50  percent  of  the  total  population,  which  is  female,  and
        Medical  (ISM)  bands  are  accommodating  multiple  applications,   reiterated the prime minister’s and the Ministry of IT and Telecom’s
        including everyday technologies like Microwave Oven, Bluetooth,   commitment to gender inclusion. She lauded the chairman PTA's
        and Cordless Phones, co-exist with Wi-Fi, resulting in congestion.   leadership  in  bridging  the  digital  gender  gap,  acknowledging
        WI FI 6e will overcome the congestion and latency issues. PTA,   significant strides in this area. The STARC meeting serves as a
        under the government’s vision of “Digital Pakistan,” aims to ignite   vital  platform  for  comprehending  the  dynamic  ICT  landscape,
        a wave of digital innovation to empower businesses and bridge the   initiating research analysis, and setting agendas for the next two
        digital divide by providing more reliable and high-speed internet   years. Over the next two days, the meeting will feature 10 sessions,
        access, ultimately fostering a more inclusive digital economy in   each dedicated to crucial contemporary topics and trends in the
        Pakistan. (May 16, 2024)                regional  telecommunication  sector.  The  workshop’s  first  day
                                                               featured  four  sessions.  The  initial  session  highlighted  insights
        Pakistan  underscored  the  importance  of  regional  collaboration   from  APT’s  GA-16  and  MC-47,  focusing  on  SATRC  and  beyond.
        in  addressing  common  ICT  challenges  through  dialogue  and   The second session addressed the regulatory challenges of new
        knowledge  sharing.  The  first  meeting  of  the  South  Asian   technologies and smart solutions for broadband. The third session
        Telecommunication  Regulators’  Council  (SATRC)  on  Policy   explored  maximizing  the  Universal  Service  Obligation  Fund  for
        Regulation  and  Services  commenced  recently  in  Islamabad.   digital  inclusion.  Lastly,  the  workshop  discussed  enhancing  ICT
        Organized by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) and hosted   E-Waste Management Regulations for Sustainable Development,
        by  the  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA),  the  three-  emphasizing the need for effective regulations and strategies to
        day  international  meeting  convenes  regulatory  experts  and   ensure a greener future.
        policymakers  from  Afghanistan,  Bangladesh,  Bhutan,  Iran,  India,    (May 15, 2024)
        Maldives,  Nepal,  Pakistan,  and  Sri  Lanka.  The  meeting  started

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