Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        Türkiye's  first  domestic  telecommunications  satellite,  Turksat   degrees east, after which the coverage area of Turkish satellites
        6A, will be sent from the country's capital to the Cape Canaveral   will have extended over India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia,
        Spaceport in the US state of Florida, from where it will be launched   a population of 5 billion in total. Several different agencies and
        into space. Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir   companies  are  involved  in  the  Turksat  6A  project  including  the
        Uraloglu  and  Industry  and  Technology  Minister  Mehmet  Fatih   Transport  and  Infrastructure  Ministry,  satellite  technology  firm
        Kacir will be at the Murted Airfield in Ankara province, attending   Turksat, defense industry companies Aselsan, Turkish Aerospace
        the ceremony at midday. Turksat 6A will be sent to the US on an   Industries, and the Space Technologies Research Institute of the
        Antonov AN-124 cargo plane after the ceremony. The journey will   Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK)
        take roughly a day, with launch procedures to be initiated at the   Türkiye is among the few countries capable of producing its own
        facilities of private space company SpaceX upon arrival as launch   communications satellites, and upon the success of Turksat 6A, it
        is scheduled for July 8-15. Turksat 6A will be positioned at an orbit   now aims to become a satellite exporter.
        about  35,800  kilometers  (22,245  miles)  from  the  ground  at  42   (June 4, 2024)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory   as  a  regulator  and  enabler  of  telecommunications  and  digital
        Authority  (TDRA)  has  achieved  the  ISO  certification  for  the  Use   transformation in the UAE. (June 4, 2024)
        of  Social  Media  in  Emergencies.  This  certification,  developed
        by  the  International  Organization  for  Standardization  (ISO),   On  the  sidelines  of  the  Digital  Readiness  Retreat  2024,  the
        acknowledges  TDRA's  adherence  to  a  comprehensive  set  of   Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
        standards.  These  standards  evaluate  an  organization's  agility,   (TDRA) launched the UAE Design System 2.0 (DLS 2.0) for Federal
        security,  and  business  continuity,  all  supported  by  an  effective   Government  Websites  (  with  the
        and  impactful  communication  strategy  across  various  social   support  of  the  Higher  Committee  for  Government  Digital
        media  platforms.  This  standard  offers  extensive  guidelines  for   Transformation. The system aims to enhance customer access to
        organizations to follow on social media before, during, and after   information  and  services  by  offering  user-friendly  designs  that
        emergencies. It helps ensure the provision of essential services   align  with  customer  preferences  and  incorporate  the  latest
        during  crises,  maintain  open  communication  channels  with   advancements in the field. TDRA conducted a workshop engaging
        customers  and  stakeholders,  and  support  business  continuity   various government entities to explain the principles, foundations,
        under all circumstances. H.E. Mohammad Al Kitbi, TDRA Deputy   and implementation methods of the new system. The workshop
        Director General for Support Services, highlighted the importance   shed light on the fundamental visual design elements and requisite
        of  this  achievement.  He  said:  “We  live  in  an  era  of  rapid  and   guidelines to enhance usability and user experience (UX) across
        continuous  change,  where  quickly  reaching  customers  and  the   federal  government  websites.  The  workshop  catered  to  two
        broader  community  is  essential  under  all  circumstances.  This   primary categories of participants. The first category comprised
        highlights the importance of social media channels as a means   directors  of  corporate  communications  and  IT  departments  in
        of  interaction  during  exceptional  situations.  At  TDRA,  we  have   federal  entities  overseeing  digital  identity,  design,  and  digital
        implemented  a  comprehensive  digital  communication  strategy   assets.  The  second  category  included  IT  project  managers  in
        that identifies audience segments, the channels each group uses,   federal  entities  focusing  on  website  development,  digital
        and the appropriate messages for them. This strategy aligns with   applications, and related front-end tasks. (May 16, 2024)
        TDRA’s  goals  and  "We  the  UAE  2031"  vision,  reflecting  our  role

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