Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The  Communications  and  Media  Authority  (ACMA)   in October last year that left nearly half of Australia’s
                         has  begun  legal  action  against  Optus,  the  country’s   population  of  26  million  without  mobile  or  internets
                         second largest telco, over a data breach it suffered in   services  for  over  12  hours.  Bayer  Rosmarin  resigned
                         2022.  The watchdog has filed legal proceedings to the   in November, saying that her resignation “is in the best
        Australia        Federal Court, alleging that Optus “failed to protect the   interest  of  Optus  moving  forward.”    Optus’s  parent
                         confidentiality  of  its  customers’  personal  information   company Singtel said in a statement to investors that
                         from unauthorized interference or unauthorized access,”   it intends to defend the legal challenge from the ACMA,
                         and was therefore in breach of the Telecommunications   adding that “Optus Mobile is not able to determine the
                         (Interception and Access) Act of 1979.  Between 17–20   quantum  of  penalties,  if  any,  that  could  arise.”    The
                         September  2022,  Optus  suffered  a  data  breach  that   company is already battling another lawsuit relating to
                         affected up to 10 million current and former customers,   the cyber-attack. After the event occurred, Optus hired
                         comprising  a  third  of  Australia’s  population.  The   Deloitte  to  conduct  an  assessment  into  the  attack’s
                         breach  resulted  in  the  illegal  acquisition  of  sensitive   causes. Since then, those affected by the attack have
                         information, including names, dates of birth, addresses,   hired law firm Slater and Gordon to initiate legal action,
                         and contact details.  The then CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin   aiming  to  get  the  results  of  Deloitte’s  investigation
                         was widely criticized for her handling of this situation,   published.
                         with the matter made worse by a major network outage   (May 23, 2024)

                         The  Austrian  data  protection  authority  (DSB)   regard to compliance with the General Data Protection
                         announced  that  it  had  initiated  its  investigations   Regulation  (GDPR).  The  checks  begin  with  the
                         into  the  telecommunications  sector.  The  DSB  noted   instruction to submit the list of processing activities and
                         that  the  investigations  are  carried  out  as  part  of  the   submission of a questionnaire in which the companies
        Austria          priority  procedures  in  which  those  responsible  or   are asked to comment on general and sector-specific
                         processors  in  a  specific  sector  are  subjected  to  an   data  protection  issues.  Additionally,  oral  negotiations
                         in-depth  examination.  According  to  the  DSB,  several   and  on-site  examinations  are  possible  in  the  further
                         telecommunication  companies  will  be  examined  with   process. (May 7, 2024)

                         Claro  Chile,  a  subsidiary  of  giant  mobile  network   26GHz concession and a 50:50 Claro/VTR joint venture
                         operator América Móvil, has won the second 5G tender   may suffer if both companies don’t buy one half of the
                         in  Chile,  making  it  the  fourth  operator  permitted  to   JV's convertible notes before 1 August. América Móvil
                         offer 5G services in the country. The BNamericas news   has done so and is now waiting for VTR owner Liberty
        Chile            service  says  Claro  Chile  submitted  a  single  offer  of   to respond. Telecommunications and transport minister
                                                                        Juan Carlos Muñoz has reportedly expressed his hope
                         83.5 billion pesos (about US$90.1 million) for the five
                         10MHz blocks in the 3.5GHz band. Rival operator Entel,   that there will be a third 5G tender.
                         meanwhile,  offered  a  little  over  half  that  sum  for  the   (June 19, 2024)
                         spectrum.  The  previous  auction  in  March  resulted  in
                         a tie between Claro and Entel, the only operators that   The Chilean regulator, Subtel, opened the auction of the
                         put forward proposals. Under the terms of the auction   3.5 GHz band, offering 50 MHz in total. Claro and Entel
                         Claro  is  now  obliged  to  cover  100  new  localities  and   submitted bids. The regulator expects to award up to
                         1,500  kilometers  of  roads.  In  2021  operators  WOM,   five spectrum licenses. The spectrum must be used to
                         Telefónica  Movistar  and  Entel  won  50MHz  each  in   install and operate high-speed 5G networks. Licenses
                         the  3.5GHz  band  for  32  billion  pesos  (UDS$34.2   will be awarded to the bidders that achieve the highest
                         million),  117  billion  pesos  (US$125  million)  and  100   score  in  the  evaluation  of  their  technical  projects.
                         billion pesos (US$106.8 million) respectively. All three   The  score  is  based  on  network  deployment  time,  the
                         operators  are  offering  5G  in  Chile.  Operators  in  Chile   population served, coverage and new infrastructure to
                         also have licenses in the 26GHz band for 5G services,   be  installed. There  will  be  a  tender  process  if  two  or
                         though  it’s  not  all  good  news  for  the  tender  process.   more applications achieve the same score.
                         Financially troubled WOM is planning to relinquish its   (May 24, 2024)

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