Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 37


        AT&T Makes Case Against Keeping Copper

        AT&T network chief Chris Sambar outlined   regime  that  was  founded  back  when  the   of energy as a server. AT&T could replace
        the operator’s case for retiring copper lines   government  was  subsidizing  and  helping   the switches with two servers in a central
        in some US states and replacing them with   us build these networks,” he explained. “But   office, which would cut down on the energy
        fiber during a forum the company hosted in   those old regulatory rules aren’t serving the   cost,  but  the  servers  will  need  software,
        Washington DC. Sambar, head of network   public good anymore”. Sambar noted some   installation  and  rewriting  all  the  systems
        for AT&T, stated the regulatory framework   of the copper lines are 100 years old. Each   that were written in the 1960s or 1970s. All
        for  retiring  copper  lines  varies  across   copper line sheathed in paper is susceptible   of  which  will  cost  more  than  keeping  the
        the US. The operator applied for a waiver   to moisture issues. Whereas it takes AT&T   switches.  “The  payback  period  is  15,  16,
        in  February  that  would  allow  it  to  stop   six to eight hours to fix a fibre-related issue,   18 years long so it’s not economical to do
        servicing copper-based POTS in California,   it  can  take  several  weeks  to  dry  out  the   it,”  Sambar  said.  The  executive  explained
        resulting in opposition from residents. AT&T   copper lines. In addition to paper, some of   AT&T has tried to incentivize POTS users by
        is a carrier of last resort (COLR) in states   the  copper  lines  are  encased  in  lead.  He   offering them free iPhones and a free year
        such  as  California,  which  means  it  must   stated it can cost just below $10 billion a   of service, but to no avail. “It’s amazing that
        get  permission  to  retire  its  copper-based   year  to  maintain  the  copper  lines.  While   people want to hold on to the old stuff,” he
        landline service. On 10 May, the California   copper lines account for just 5 per cent of   stated. He noted Apple wasn’t required to
        Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued   networks in the US, Sambar noted a single   keep building the first computer it launched
        a  proposal  rejecting  AT&T’s  request  to   copper line must be maintained all the way   in  1984  and  Amazon  was  allowed  to
        withdraw as the COLR. That proposal will   out  to  a  customer’s  location. There  could   shutter its brick-and-mortar stores in favor
        be  voted  on  by  the  commission  at  its  20   be thousands of copper lines sheathed at a   of putting books online. “We spend billions
        June meeting. AT&T, Verizon and additional   central office, which need to be maintained   of  dollars  on  an  old  copper  network.  We
        operators have retired copper lines across   to serve the customer who is miles away   would  love  to  take  that  billions  of  dollars
        several  states,  but  Sambar  noted  there   with the single line. The copper lines also   and  allocate  it  over  to  fiber  to  build  even
        is  a  web  of  regulatory  challenges  that   require massive switches in central offices   more fiber than we’re building,” he stated.
        providers are dealing with. “In the telecom   to  provide  voice  services,  which  Sambar
        space,  you’ve  got  a  really  old  regulatory   explained use eight to ten times the amount

        AT&T’s  Dynamic  Defense  Supports  Omnicom  in Effective  Cyber Threat

        In the fast-paced world of digital business,   forward-thinking  solutions  can  not  only   put  AT&T’s  Dynamic  Defense  to  the
        staying head of cyber threats is a constant   anticipate  but  also  neutralize  potential   ultimate  test.  Not  long  ago,  Omnicom,
        challenge  for  businesses  big  and  small.   threats  before  they  materialize.  This  is   with its proactive stance on cybersecurity,
        The  collaboration  between  AT&T  and  its   the  story  of  how  one  such  partnership   employed  AT&T’s  Dynamic  Defense,  a
        business  customers  showcases  how   at  Omnicom,  a  leading  marketing  firm,   pioneering  solution  available  with  AT&T
                                                                                 Dedicated Internet and embedded directly
                                                                                 into our network. Rather than a story of a
                                                                                 threat  that  was,  this  is  a  celebration  of  a
                                                                                 potential  crisis  averted  –  showcasing  the
                                                                                 importance of readiness and the value of
                                                                                 innovative cyber solutions. AT&T Dynamic
                                                                                 Defense is designed to function as a digital
                                                                                 shield, adding an extra layer of protection
                                                                                 for businesses. When the malicious actor
                                                                                 targeted Omnicom, Dynamic Defense was
                                                                                 there to stop it dead in its tracks. This was
                                                                                 not  just  a  win  for  Omnicom,  it  was  proof
                                                                                 of Dynamic Defense’s capability to protect
                                                                                 businesses  against  emerging  threats.  So,
                                                                                 what  makes  Dynamic  Dense  stand  out?
                                                                                 It is not just another security tool. It is an
                                                                                 integrated solution that operates within the
                                                                                 AT&T  network,  providing  a  robust  barrier
                                                                                 against  potential  threats.  Its  efficiency  is

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