Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        remarkable, capable of blocking millions of   threat intelligence, not only to protect our   customer-centric  solutions.  As  Dynamic
        threat events in a single day. For Omnicom,   infrastructure, but to protect our customers.   Defense rolls out nationwide, we are not just
        Dynamic  Defense  turned  a  potentially   The Dynamic Defense customer portal helps   offering a product, we are providing peace
        damaging situation into a testament to the   customers analyze and intercept malicious   of mind. Our journey with Omnicom is just
        strength of their defenses. To understand   traffic, ensuring businesses are protected.   the beginning. Whether it is helping a major
        the  impact  of  Dynamic  Defense,  consider   Omnicom’s  experience  with  Dynamic   sports franchise protect their operations, a
        the  scale  of  AT&T’s  network.  We  manage   Defense  goes  beyond  mitigating  a  cyber   hospital keep sensitive patient data secure,
        an  astounding  680  petabytes  of  data  on   threat. It was more about how seamlessly   or a marketing firm safeguard its creative
        average  day  on  AT&T’s  global  network  –   the  solution  integrated  into  their  existing   assets, Dynamic Defense is proving to be
        this  is  equivalent  to  roughly  2.5  million   communications   solution,   enhancing   an  indispensable  ally  in  the  fight  against
        mobile  phones  with  256  GB  of  storage   their  security  without  complicating  their   cyber threats.
        each.  With  this  unprecedented  visibility,   operations. This collaboration underscores
        AT&T  is  able  to  generate  industry  leading   our  commitment  to  innovation  and

        AT&T, AST SpaceMobile Draw Closer to Sat-to-Phone Launch

        US operator AT&T struck a deal with AST
        SpaceMobile  to  provide  what  they  claim
        will be the first full space-based broadband
        service direct to common mobile phones,
        although a launch date was not specified.
        The six-year agreement replaces the pair’s
        previous  memorandum  of  understanding
        (MoU)  signed  in  2020.  AT&T  is  also  a
        strategic  investor  in  the  direct-to-device
        satellite  player  (a  “$20  million  revenue
        commitment”,  according  to  an  AST
        SpaceMobile  investor  presentation  last
        month)  alongside  Google  and  Vodafone
        Group.  The  trio  have  invested  a  total  of
        $110  million  of  ten-year  subordinated
        convertible  notes.  In  addition  to  AT&T,
        AST  SpaceMobile  is  collaborating  with
        Rakuten  Mobile,  Rogers  Communications,
        Orange,  Vodafone  and  American  Tower
        to  address  internet  connectivity  gaps,  but
        the  US  operator  is  the  only  commercial
        agreement  to  date.  A  representative  for
        AT&T  told  Mobile  World  Live  (MWL)  it  is   targeted Q1 2024 for the launch of five of   on  the  broadband  service  across  a  range
        too early to give a specific date for when   its low-earth  orbit  BlueWalker  3  satellites,   of tariffs. “We believe there is a significant
        the service will be available, but now there   but  AST  SpaceMobile  CEO  Abel  Avellan   part  of  the  population  that  will  be  willing
        is  a  formal  agreement  in  place  “we’ll  be   stated  on  the  earnings  call  it  will  move   to pay for the service,” he explained. “They
        working towards commercial launch”. The   those  birds  to  the  launch  site  between   move in and out of connectivity in the US,
        representative  told  MWL  the  service  is   July  and  August,  with  launches  to  occur   so we have a multitude of packages”. Chris
        designed  to  integrate  with  the  operator’s   shortly  thereafter.  It  will  take  several   Sambar, head of network for AT&T, will be
        wireless  network  and  “when  needed,  fill   months  for  the  birds  to  reach  the  correct   appointed to the satellite provider’s board
        coverage  gaps  in  remote  and  otherwise   orbit.  AST  SpaceMobile  expects  to  spend   of directors in the coming months. In 2023,
        off-grid  locations  by  connecting  with  our   $150  million  on  the  first  five  birds,  with   AT&T agreed to lease spectrum to the non-
        customers’  existing  devices”.  In  its  Q1   more  than  95  per  cent  expended  to  date.   terrestrial  network  specialist  to  further
        earnings  report,  released  yesterday  (15   For  the  next  two  quarters,  it  will  spend   its  plan  to  enable  communication  with
        May), AST SpaceMobile stated its first five   approximately $25 million to $40 million on   standard mobile phones. AST SpaceMobile
        satellites  will  enable  a  nationwide,  non-  capex.  While  some  of  AST  SpaceMobile’s   faces  stiff  competition  from  other  direct-
        continuous  service  across  the  US  with   rivals  have  launched  SMS  or  emergency   to-device  service  providers  including  Lynk
        more  than  5,600  cells  in  premium  low-  messaging,  Avellan  stated  the  work  with   Global,  Starlink  and  Amazon’s  Project
        band  spectrum.  The  company  previously   AT&T will enable text, voice and streaming   Kuiper.

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