Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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Initiative (SBTi) emission. Notably, the A-
score that Zain maintained in the latest
‘CDP Score Report–Climate Change 2023’,
positioned the company first in the region
and among leaders globally with respect to
climate action initiatives.
Gender Diversity (WE)
Zain has been actively working on
narrowing the gender divide in leadership
roles at the company. Under its Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion women empowerment
(WE) pillar, Zain Group has been a
pioneering force for women empowerment
regionally since 2017. This gender diversity
initiative was created at a time when only
14.5% of Zain’s leadership comprised of
women, and a target was set to increase
this percentage of women leadership to
25% by 2025. Three Zain operations have
already achieved their WE leadership
targets in 2023, Zain Jordan at 27.3%, UAE
the communities it serves and beyond. The leads to Equitable Systemic Change based ZainTECH at 27.0%, and Zain Kuwait
recognition of these prestigious awards through the UN’s Sustainable Development at 26.9%. For some time now, women
is testament not only to how much Zain Goals. The report demonstrates how the have represented the higher proportion of
believes in its purpose, but how relentless company addresses its social, economic, university graduates in the region, yet this
the company is ensuring its operations are environmental, and human rights related does not translate into positions within
a positive, inclusive force for good, with a impacts and how Zain continues to the workforce, let alone senior positions.
commitment to continuing to instill these execute on its five-year, 2025 corporate Hence, the issue of women’s empowerment
principles at the heart of the organization. sustainability strategy aiming to deliver is an important topic for Zain, which has
SUSTAINABILITY meaningful and sustainable value across embedded this issue into the DNA and
Zain Group’s 2023 Sustainability Report Zain’s operating companies and beyond. heart of the company’s corporate strategy.
(SR), marking its 13th annual sustainability In 2023, Zain joined the United Nations During 2023, women made up over 33% of
report entitled ‘The Pathway to Value (UN) Global Compact initiative, a voluntary Zain’s total recruitment, and the company
Creation’ reflects the company’s progress leadership platform for the development, recently revolutionized its staff-friendly
and efforts to address deficits and implementation, and disclosure of Family Leave Policy clauses, reinforcing its
challenges across its footprint while responsible business practices as well as position as one of the most impactful DEI
providing Meaningful Connectivity that committing to the Science-Based Targets organizations in the region, if not the world.
Accenture Announces Intent to Acquire Fibermind
to Strengthen Fiber and Mobile 5G Network
Accenture has agreed to acquire Fibermind, mind has more than 20 years of experience transformations across key industry sec-
an Italy-based network services company, serving public and private sector clients, a tors in Italy,” said Mauro Macchi, president
specializing in fiber and mobile 5G net- strong partner ecosystem and long-stand- and CEO of Accenture in Italy. “As a result
works deployment, as well as infrastruc- ing relationships with national authorities of the acquisition, we will expand our ca-
ture engineering services. The acquisition and municipalities. Fibermind also has pabilities to offer end-to-end network engi-
will strengthen Accenture’s capabilities in well-established client relationships with neering services, delivering higher quality,
the domain and extend network services to Italy’s major mobile and fiber network op- greater innovation, and more rigorous cost
clients across multiple industries, including erators. “The acquisition of Fibermind re- management to our clients.” Fibermind will
telecommunications, utilities, and transpor- affirms Accenture’s commitment to con- bring more than 400 highly qualified profes-
tation. Headquartered in Rovigo, Italy, with tinuously invest in strategic acquisitions sionals to Accenture Operations, with ex-
operations throughout the country, Fiber- that support and accelerate our clients’ pertise spanning network design, permits
35 MAY-JUNE 2024